The Forestry Forum

General Forestry => Forestry and Logging => Topic started by: mike_belben on August 18, 2020, 11:54:16 AM

Title: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: mike_belben on August 18, 2020, 11:54:16 AM
I got a call from a neighbor 1 to call neighbor 2 yesterday. Passed #2s house on the way home. He was on his way out but said he had a tractor hydraulic job he was too busy for and wanted to pass off on me.  Call him today for the details.. Tractor belongs to another neighbor i know. Number 3 who i like.  #2 wants me to swap out a hydraulic main pump in a grown up field, that he describes as very tucked up underneath and hard to get at.

Okay.. I know the tractor.  Whats it doin wrong.

Well the batwing mower wont fold and the loader will barely raise.

Whats the system pressure?

I dont need to check, i know its the pump.  


Because i know who owned it before.  That machine's been abused to death, run dry etc. I know its the pump. You can just feel it and hear it whining when you move the valve.  

Have you checked the relief valve to see if its stuck open or have a bad O-ring, broken spring?

No i dont need to check that, its the pump.  

Well do you want me to deal with him or deal with you?

No you dont need to call him, you can just change it for me.  

Uhh.. Okay.  I dont mean to hurt your feelings but thats not enough proof for me to change a pump.  Who pays me if the pump doesnt fix it?

Well thats fine.  I will just tell him he will have to wait for me or find someone else entirely.

This is the same friend that tried to get me to pay him $400 for the referral of a "logging job" that turned out to be a dozen huge oaks leaning completely over a house and powerline.  Where i was supposed to cut and haul the logs then pay the landowner on shares and then pay him out of my cut.  

Im just venting, but man.  Some people. I thinks its better to just stay home doin dishes and laundry than deal with a lot of em.

Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: moodnacreek on August 18, 2020, 12:21:46 PM
Very well said. I like the logging job also. If it wasn't roadside monsters it would be brush or 20" walnuts measured circumference. The last 2 worn out hyd. pumps I saw had plugged screens. Don't forget to kick back $ to all you friends.
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: mike_belben on August 18, 2020, 03:09:44 PM
Yeah when i saw the tree job i realized they took me for a fool.  First in line for the risk, last in line for pay.  boys where do i sign up?

I told him this was a $10k tree removal job requiring a crane and power company disconnect/rollup.  Go buy some spurs and try it yourself if you think its such a slam dunk job.  Theyre probably full of metal anyhow. 
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: Crusarius on August 18, 2020, 03:14:25 PM
its funny how everyone thinks they are doing you a favor.

I had a guy tell me about this huge pine tree that came down in a storm, asked if I wanted it. He held his arms in a circle to show me how big it was.

I got there and it uprooted, leaning against another bunch of trees, in a swampy area. Oh yea, he also didn't notice the cable that had been on top of the roots when it uprooted and is now exposed.

I got there to find the tree was about 7" diameter and all the hazards above. I walked away. then he took it down and I just picked up the log. Wasn't even worth keeping the log but I already told him I would.
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: WDH on August 18, 2020, 09:52:49 PM
Got an email today from a guy near me asking me if I was interested in some trees on some land that he had just bought.  I asked him if he wanted to sell the trees, give them away, what?

"Oh, I don't want any money for the trees, I just want you to take them down and remove them and remove the stumps on .6 acres that I need cleared in return for you getting the wood."

I guess that I am doing it wrong for not jumping on that :). 
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: mike_belben on August 18, 2020, 10:47:12 PM
Thats called doin 3 jobs for the pay of none.

I am glad the tractor pump discussion went the way it did.  Today was beautiful,  Kids finally in school.  I caught up on dishes, garden, compost, made pickles, worked on taxes, moved some junk around and got the mason body propped up on my old ford.  

The bummer of it is only then did i realize the hoist i have is from some other truck.  I think the right one is up in mass still.  Called it quits early, made a real dinner, sent the wife off to work with food and put the kids to bed early.  

You know id be just getting home covered in ticks and with some new disaster on my hands if i said yes.


Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: BargeMonkey on August 19, 2020, 02:03:43 AM
Mike I admire your outlook on life, dont let it get to you sometimes 😆 
 The last couple years have been a hard lesson about cutting wood, I walk ALOT of wood, some I buy, some I just get back in the truck. Walked one a couple weeks ago, neighbors had been hammered, the people where nice but no clue, I was as honest as I could be, typical hardwood and hemlock, I offered them 1/3 more than I should because I've got a home for the firewood just down the road, looked at me in disgust like i wasn't willing to pay gold weight for their hemlock pulp 😆 

Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: 47sawdust on August 19, 2020, 06:07:04 AM
I'm 73 and still doing carpentry work, been at it for close to 50 years. I'm still getting phone calls for work but am very selective about what I will do.
The word ''NO'' comes up a lot. I find it very handy.
My wife likes it that way too. I don't come home cranky,plus I have more time to cook ,clean house and do the dishes.
I ain't sayin' I look good in a skirt, but I'm not afraid of housework.
Good on you , Mike
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: mudfarmer on August 19, 2020, 07:31:00 AM
Sounds like the hydro pump neighbor didn't want your expertise, just a wrench turner. Too bad really because you obviously have a highly detailed knowledge of hydraulics. Like moodnacreek said probably a plugged up screen.

Just to share in the fun, I did a lot clearing job for someone, got paid by the hr for running equipment and also kept all wood (good wood). It was profitable for me and both sides were very happy in the end. Then they said I should call/stop by their neighbor because they wanted a bunch of nice pine taken down.

The pines were in between/over the power lines and the house and the wind couldn't think of blowing without them flopping into both. They were 6" dbh, full of nails and the lady wanted me to do the job for free-- "You get to keep all that nice wood!"

I took a hard pass and nothing happened with those trees for months. Then someone with a minivan and a chainsaw showed up, cut the two of them that were between the power lines and the road instead of the lines and the house, and let them lay there. Again nothing for months. Finally went by almost a year after the initial call and a local tree service was there with a bucket truck writing her the big bill she deserved 8)
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: moodnacreek on August 19, 2020, 07:58:45 AM
Mike B. Whose children are those in my yard?   Oh sorry, that ford truck is not mine either. it's to new.                                                  I always enjoy your posts.
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: mike_belben on August 19, 2020, 08:18:42 AM
Well not to brag but i do have a pretty nice figure.  Not all skirts are flattering on me though, some give me muffin top and a beer gut.  I made some kinda leftover bacon sausage squash onion chard spaghetti sauce and provolone hodge podge last night.  Wasnt bad.  

Those brats are mine.  The boy is getting real tough to handle, im worried about it.  That flat spot is thankfully mine too.  When i moved here nothing was flat.  I cherish that flat spot.  Weve lost track but im gonna say its 220-240 triaxles of fill, demo, concrete, rebar..  Ive burned 2 houses in the back yard that came by dumptruck. Atleast 20 loads of gasifier char and wood chip that i composted and pushed out where the fruit trees should go eventually.  Being home to receive and push out free dirt has been my identity for a long time. Brough half an acre up about 9 feet.  The kids treehouse has become a deck with a basement!

I hope to setup a small specialty concentration yard here in the future, start buying semi loads of stave.  I think me and wyatt are gonna take a hard look at it maybe this fall.  Ive got the loader and ive had the bigrig in here plenty of times.  The wood is getting cut all around me and hauled a good ways off.  

Talked to one cutter working on my deceased friends 1600 acre tract.  He pays 50/50 shares on hardwood and 5% on pulp.  And boy he hauls a lot of pulp.  Shes given away half a forest.
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: moodnacreek on August 19, 2020, 12:35:24 PM
Mike, not many flat spots here either, had to make the one for the mill. Sawdust,slabs and rocks, sinks all the time, just add more.  I know it's non of my business but that boy should have more common sense that the average adult in today's times so keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: petefrom bearswamp on August 19, 2020, 06:18:21 PM
These posts are precisely why I am getting out of business,albeit on a much smaller scale than you fellows. 
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: sawguy21 on August 19, 2020, 06:58:14 PM
So WDH, you are gonna fell, buck, clean up then mill for his valuable timber and you didn't bite? Geesh!! :D
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: Maine logger88 on August 19, 2020, 08:29:10 PM
 Anymore if there isn't 8 to 10 loads on a job I charge plus keep the wood it's too much riggin to move for small jobs without getting paid on top. Many people don't understand tho they figure just cause we can pay good money for wood on a regular woodlot and then wonder why there 5 pine trees on there lawn aren't worth the going stumpage rate... I've gotten to the point if there's not money in it I don't do it I'm done with the break even/go behind jobs. Not to say I won't do a favor for a friend or family tho just not for the general public
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: mike_belben on August 19, 2020, 09:56:43 PM
Well, i got the call today on the tractor.  Its my job to diagnose tomorrow.  Hopefully good weather and i dont make a fool of myself.
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: Hilltop366 on August 19, 2020, 09:58:56 PM
Suppose they checked to see if there is any hyd oil in the tractor?
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: mike_belben on August 19, 2020, 10:11:07 PM
Quote from: sawguy21 on August 19, 2020, 06:58:14 PM
So WDH, you are gonna fell, buck, clean up then mill for his valuable timber and you didn't bite? Geesh!! :D
While back a fellow had a bunch of yard trees blow over.  Lets them sit a few months, then says he wants them hauled to the mill on 50/50 shares.  Well i was home with the kids from school closing over covid and it was a job i could bring them on, easy one for me.  Any money better than no money when the cupboards get bare.  
Yeah sure ill start tomorrow.
Oh no its gonna take a while, ive gotta cut em all first.  
Nah dont worry about thatyou dont need to do a thing, ill bring the bobcat and saws and get them all on the trailer tomorrow. 
No i dont wanna do it that way.  Im just gonna cut em all to 14 feet and pile em right here.  Probably take a few weeks. 
Uhh.. Well by then white oak will lose grade from the blue ring.. And theyre only gonna pay for 13 feet if u dont leave on trim.  besides they need to be cut for best grade at all different lengths to make any money.
Oh well theres not gonna be much money in this.  
Yeah...   (In my head thinking 'youre making dang sure of that.')  
...think i'll pass. 
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: mike_belben on August 19, 2020, 10:11:43 PM
Quote from: Hilltop366 on August 19, 2020, 09:58:56 PM
Suppose they checked to see if there is any hyd oil in the tractor?
Fixn to find out soon
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: BargeMonkey on August 19, 2020, 10:51:24 PM
Quote from: Maine logger88 on August 19, 2020, 08:29:10 PM
I've gotten to the point if there's not money in it I don't do it I'm done with the break even/go behind jobs.
My father stopped up to my clearcut job, I've got a brush pile that's pushing 20' high, 50' wide and will be 200'+ long, first good snow I'm throwing a match on it. Sit in the stroker and shovel it as high as I can, piles of 4-5" straight pole wood, "we have to save that", I'm like have at it, for yrs I've offered wood to people off the landing, block piles, last job I about begged people for 1 month to come get it, finally took the 850B and pushed it over the bank. I'm done with the small jobs, let someone else over pay and get nickel + dimed to death by the landowners. Yrs ago I avoided bid jobs, foresters, now it's the only way to go, I pay LESS for wood, 1/2 the headaches and if the landowner gets funny I tell him to call the forester.
I'm getting more and more of these jobs that got highgraded 30yrs ago, everything is beat, scarred, I've got a 246 acre job to walk this weekend, as much as these guys love that CTL these landowners want a clean swept woodlot. These private jobs that have been hammered 1x I dont even hide it, I'm going to go in and basically level what's not going to be good. 
I need to come see your chipper, I'm at the point of having to buy a bigger one. After another 648 / newer stroker 😆
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: Old Greenhorn on August 20, 2020, 05:46:52 AM
Quote from: mike_belben on August 19, 2020, 09:56:43 PM
Well, i got the call today on the tractor.  Its my job to diagnose tomorrow.  Hopefully good weather and i dont make a fool of myself.
Mike, just for fun I am going to go out on a limb here and predict that it is something simple, like low oil or a clogged screen. The statistics are in your favor. Now it could be that running a starved pump has killed the pump, but that is a slightly different animal.
 I'll be off cutting all day, so will be interested to see what you found when I get home tonight. Good luck. I hope this guy doesn't stick you.
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: sealark37 on August 20, 2020, 06:58:56 PM
The man at the tip of the spear has to have a good eye, a slow jump, and a good sense of humor.
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: mike_belben on August 20, 2020, 07:15:46 PM
Oh my Lord it turned into a much bigger trainwreck than i imagined was even possible.  Grab a beverage for this one its bound to be long.  You can decide if im the fool or not. Probably am.

Here i was worried about the conflict of interest in working under neighbor 2 at his possibly misdiagnosed command on neighbor 3s equipment.  Naturally the farmer, #3 would want me to do what is in his best interest against #2s direction to just change the pump. When #2 bowed out i became only beholden to #3 directly which is great, we both want the machine fixed as cheap and easy as possible.

Farmer and i arranged for me to troubleshoot today and all started off well. Note that i had a direct appointment with the owner of the machine for a for hire mobile repair job. I have a business license and an invoice book.  He can write me off as a legitimate business expense and hold me to my work.

I load up tools and head over.  My friend, neighbor 4, is there doing some work for the farmer, and charging the dead tractors battery.  4 informs me neighbor 5, a complety useless, lying, con artist knowitall big mouth user who you cant ever trust for anything.. Had fooled with some stuff previously. Great.  He is known for abusing the other neighbors until they complain then threatening to "stomp them."  Numerous instances. We all know each other.  I found out through the grapevine recently that 5 is gonna have me do some dozer work for him.  Boy have i got a surprise.  I dont work free and he never pays anyone that he promises in cash or trades.  Owes everyone something.  

Anyway I get started looking at the layout.  IH 1586 i think.. DT series motor, ambac rotary pump, AC, full cab.  No hyd pump on the motor.  Pump has to be submerged inside the transaxle.  2 spool valve with 3 pipes [pump, tank and power beyond, we have to assume but i cant know which is which at a glance] up in a tight spot with no sign of any relief valving except in the work sections.  Its a sectional valve, not monoblock, could easily have a leak between sections. I can see where the hard pipes go and we must also remember that somewhere in this probably singular pump circuit, is also another valve for the single acting hyd cylinder that works the rockshaft for 3point lift arm.. And that it is either in series or in a power beyond parallel circuit with the loader valve off one single pump. I can only guess without a schematic.

The loader hoses run all the way to the back and they use quick couplers to switch from loader to batwing.   Farmer has never run the lift arms on this machine and he was sick 2 yrs with rocky mountain fever so his former partner was running it as it slowly got worse, farmer just doesnt know much about it.  Partner changed out fluid and filter and added extra.  Fluid looked great. All one fluid for gears and hyd accessory.  I drained clean water out of the throwout housing, probably condensate.  

I can see an access that i assume goes to a wire mesh sump screener.  On the opposite side is a plug that looks like a relief valve port near what i presume is the panel for pump access inside the main case under drivers feet.   And uptop under the cab [tough to get at] is a pair of large plugs in a block that likely also house reliefs or cushion valves or something of the cartridge sort. Look like -16 or so SAE O ring caps to me. Standard fare.

I quickly pencil out these possible hydraulic circuits on my cardboard mat for him, hoping it will jar a memory that gives me more clues.  tell him without a schematic i cant know which part is upstream or downstream so my strategy is to first check for any physical cause of bypassing by temp, sound and then pulling port plugs to inspect parts.  It still wont start so we put my truck on the other battery.  

Enter the drama:

At the time i didnt know that neighbor number 5 was driving by on his way to town to pick up a car part for number 2 who has a shop next door, when he saw the commotion and invited himself over because he loves the attention of a crowd for his baloney stories.  Parks his truck RIGHT in the gate so no one can come or go, thats how important he is.  Theres several others obviously doing hay around that may need to leave at any time but no.  I'll park here out of 220 acres or so.  

He swaggers up like a code inspector with a power fetish and just says stop stop stop.. I know whats wrong with it then starts spewing all the daydream nonsense that all non-mechanics are always well versed in.   Picture elmer fudd and yosemete sam with a real heavy slow southern mountain drawl full of all the bells and whistles. Boooy i say yew cant tell me nuttin about no tractor my daddy this and my papaw that i know everything there is to know about everything on hoof or tars. My daddy and his daddy cut this har field and ive fixed every this that n the other.   those are actual quotes. And theyre contrary to everything i ever hear about him which is basically that he can screw up anything.  

His story is always debunked as soon as he walks away by the crowd he tells it to. Im very tired of him. And i know he wasnt asked to come because he had to introduce himself to the farmer who ive known 4 years. 

We on my road would all roll our eyes and walk off but farmer is a leasor from 2 counties away.  And somehow he seemed  to buy into elmers bamboozling.  He convinced him that the remote lines are all hooked up wrong and that air bubbles are trapped in this open center system. Which anyone ought to know will purge itself pretty easily, enough to work.  I got it started and it will shudder the hoses but this machine has DEAD hydraulics.  Not some air pocket. It wont load the engine even at low idle.  Because its probably making about 15psi, just enough to wag a long hose when u call for pressure. 

Im saying lord please help me ignore him and behave.  Im testing functions out.  #5 is just doing anything he wants without any communication.. I see fluid go flying several times.  Hes covered in it, just plugging and unplugging all sorts of stuff while im in or under a running machine, no warning. It is not safe at all.  He doesnt care if im under the loader, he will just unplug it.  The loader keeps dropping as he is bumping the coupler check valve tips and spraying oil all over.

After a while of just standing in the sun, i privately told #5 that this is my job, if i cant fix it i will walk away and he can have it, and that i work alone.  No response.  Like i never said it.

Goes right back to it.  He and the farmer just crowd me out.  He has the owner convinced that the loader staying up on its own is an indication that the valve is good.  Its not even connected to the valve.  Then when he has fluid spraying in his face its "yup see? Thars your problem ruyt thar, its got back preshurr"    And im in my head saying thats the loader line and its raised, moron.  Ofcoarse its gonna hose you, that fluid is holding up 700 lbs of fork.  

So he is just blowing gallons of brand new oil all over himself, the machine and the grass playing quick coupler hokey pokey.. Atleast a pail so thats $30 or more if its decent oil.  and all he has done is disconnect the batwing and connect the loader which we didnt need to do and with the loader on the ground u cant tow the tractor to my house.  Surprise, the loader wont lift itself either and its not air.  Ive got the stethoscope, temp gun, gauges, tools .. Just waiting for idiot to go home so i can find the ripped oring or jammed poppet and get paid.

Several times i get farmer to look at me and wave him over to talk privately because elmer will not leave and if hes staying im going.  My time isnt free, i have work to do at home and it was perfect out. Farmer wont talk to me.  Hes too nice to shew this fly away and knows thats what im gonna demand.  He is in avoidance.  He had already said 'ill pay you both i just want it running' but i cannot safely do anything with elmer there. So i finally say elmer i need you to move your truck as i start packing my gear.  

Farmer says do i owe you anything i said no but im pretty upset that you let him stand there playing silly games making me wait.  Hes not gonna fix your tractor.  Hes full of baloney and we all know him well, ask neighbor 4 he'll tell you all about it.

I packed up my tools and just got madder and madder and madder.. Figured this needs to be dealt with right here right now before this fool ever comes to my fence with a sob story on a little welding job or whatever. Because thats EXACTLY who he is.  A user.

I walked over to the two of em [both twice the size of me] and said elmer dont you ever come crawling over to my house asking for a favor .. I would NEVER show up to one of your logging jobs (he pretends to be a tree cutter, no one has ever seen him cut a tree) and see if i could steal your work right out from under you.

dont you go smartin off boy!  I said i was gonna fix this!

To who!? You just met him an hour ago! He hired me directly yesterday and now youre blockin me from doin my job, you wanna take my kids shoes too?!

You watch it boy! I'll....

I started screaming.. You'll what!? you gonna stomp me like all your other friends!?  Climb over that mower and get busy then!

Boy im not scared of you!

Im not scared a you either!

I think you better go on home boy

Elmer thats exactly what im gonna do just keep purgin his air bubbles all over your shirt!

And i walked off.  Stopped at #2s and found out that elmer ditched the parts run that #2 waited on all day, to stick his nose in a tractor repair he wasnt asked for, but held up a car repair he was asked for.  So now #2 has to tell his customer the car will not be ready for pickup after all and here i am sitting inside a downpour with nothing to show for the useable part of the day.  

I think elmer knows pretty clearly where he stands with me.  And again im reminded i shoulda just stayed home and fixed my own stuff.  What a day.

Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: Maine logger88 on August 20, 2020, 08:36:21 PM
Wow that sounds like fun... you gotta love nosey dumb  lol. Do neither the 3pt or remotes have pressure?
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: Plankton on August 20, 2020, 08:41:10 PM
Sounds like a big ol runaround. I know nothing about hydraulics compared to you but do run 66 series in tractors on the farm. Loss of hyd. Power to the remotes on the 66 series (no experience with 86 but there pretty close) can be as simple as the 3pt lever in raise. If your trying to run the rear remotes to the loader or any rear mounted farm equiptment  And the 3pt is in lift or drop it doesnt work.

Dont know enough about hydraulics to tell you why but it seems 3pt takes priority.

Ran into that with my 966 a few months ago had the loader off for a while doing hay etc. Put it on to load manure and it wouldnt move. I had bumped my 3pt lever down. Put it right in the middle along with the draft control. Just a thought.

Also theres a mcv on the clutch side of tractors that I think controls the 2 hydraulic pumps inside might have a screen? And adjustments. Again not my expertise I just run them and try to fix them when they break. The getting worse and worse doesnt line up with that theory but just thought I'd put it out there.
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: mike_belben on August 20, 2020, 08:47:38 PM
Thats a good question ML.  

I was in the middle of looking for the 3pt lever when elmer strolled up and it all went to pot from there. I dont know.  

The hoses to the batwing would shudder when you stroke a valve so theyre getting a surge that is insufficient to even tickle the cylinders.. No folding at all.  

This means there is an alternate path back to tank that has dramatically less resistance than the work port.  Moving the valve blocks the return line and simultaneously, reveals the work line.  If nothing happens, you have an upstream "short circuit" in electrical world, or bypass leak in hydraulic world. It could be anything from too much clearance space worn into the pump endplates  on up to stuck reliefs, cracked valve, broken spring, fitting inside the rear end busted or unscrewed. Anything.   process of elimination. 
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: mike_belben on August 20, 2020, 08:50:14 PM
Quote from: Plankton on August 20, 2020, 08:41:10 PM
Sounds like a big ol runaround. I know nothing about hydraulics compared to you but do run 66 series in tractors on the farm. Loss of hyd. Power to the remotes on the 66 series (no experience with 86 but there pretty close) can be as simple as the 3pt lever in raise. If your trying to run the rear remotes to the loader or any rear mounted farm equiptment  And the 3pt is in lift or drop it doesnt work.

Dont know enough about hydraulics to tell you why but it seems 3pt takes priority.

Ran into that with my 966 a few months ago had the loader off for a while doing hay etc. Put it on to load manure and it wouldnt move. I had bumped my 3pt lever down. Put it right in the middle along with the draft control. Just a thought.

Also theres a mcv on the clutch side of tractors that I think controls the 2 hydraulic pumps inside might have a screen? And adjustments. Again not my expertise I just run them and try to fix them when they break. The getting worse and worse doesnt line up with that theory but just thought I'd put it out there.
Thank you for that.. Id have never guessed about the priority without a schematic or such a wonderful tip.  If i am asked to come back i will take a real hard look at that. But honestly i dont care at all.   Whole scene left me a bad taste about even leaving home.  Im happy here ..why go beyond the mailbox? 
What does MCV stand for?
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: Plankton on August 20, 2020, 08:53:24 PM
Honestly I have no idea :) I think multiple control valve but dont quote me on that.
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: Maine logger88 on August 20, 2020, 08:53:39 PM
On a 66 (also not familiar with a 86 but I'm pretty sure they are the same) the pump under the MCV runs brakes steering and t/a. The back pump runs the 3pt and remotes. If I remember right there is a priority valve for the 3pt. If I had to guess it's a blown o ring between your hitch pump and housing if it's both 3pt and remotes weakk
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: Maine logger88 on August 20, 2020, 08:54:17 PM
plankton is right MCV is multiple control valve
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: mike_belben on August 20, 2020, 09:10:27 PM
the 2 spool loader valve has levers to the right and furthest forward when seated.  It is exposed below.  There are more levers further up the fender console slope and those push/pull rods that go to a valve up ontop the 3 point tower but below the cab.  This is very hard to get at and iirc from memory has the two SAE port plugs.  

Which one is the MCV?  

If theres 2 pumps i cant tell.  None are visible anywhere.  I presume it/they are inside the trans, submerged and run off countershafts of the gearbox.  But im guessing entirely. 
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: mike_belben on August 20, 2020, 09:12:46 PM
I think the 2 other levers must have been lift arm and i think it said "draft control" on it.. Thats just a fancy name for variable drop speed on the 3 point right? 
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: Maine logger88 on August 20, 2020, 09:23:12 PM
I can't speak to what the levers do on a 86 cause I've never done more than sit on them but I'm pretty sure the trans and reared are the same. The hitch pump is under the cover under the brakes on the drivers side. The mcv is on the side of the transmission also on the driver side. This is assuming several things the 06 56 and 66 all have similar trans and rear ends and I'm pretty sure the 86 does too but I do know the 1586 is a bigger rear end than the 10 and 1466/86 but knowing IH I bet the design is quite close
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: Plankton on August 20, 2020, 09:26:48 PM
Just shooting in the dark that it is the same but on 66 series the 3pt levers are on the right next and a little behind the drivers seat. The one on the left Is lift/raise the one on the right is draft control. Only thing I've ever used draft control is for plowing otherwise it's in the middle don't know anymore then that.

Mcv is on the clutch ta linkage block which is below the left hand (sitting in seat) battery on 66 series again.
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: Maine logger88 on August 20, 2020, 09:28:09 PM
Also the main and I'm pretty sure only relief is under the seat base where the suspension bolts to the cast. Also assuming the 1586 is the same as the models I worked on
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: mike_belben on August 20, 2020, 09:35:21 PM
Thanks guys, i will keep it all in mind but the layout descriptions arent jiving too much with what i remember.  If he calls me back i will research.  

Until then elmer can work his magic. Im clockin out of that headache.  

I have renamed the thread to one that should have some staying power.  Make it your own boys, lets hear about your worst customer. 
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: Maine logger88 on August 20, 2020, 09:40:07 PM
 Just googled it and took a screenshot of this pic of the hitch pump location and the typical oring that goes
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: mike_belben on August 20, 2020, 09:46:03 PM
You may have hit it.  That cover was cracked and tig welded.  I see the thread you got the pic from.  Also found a few others, looks like after a certain serial # went to piston pump with load sensing.  

but im washing my hands of it for now.  Its his problem until someone pays for me to adopt it. 
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: Maine logger88 on August 20, 2020, 10:10:42 PM
Don't blame you there can't say I would be in a huge hurry to go back at least till Elmer is out of town lol
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: Corley5 on August 21, 2020, 01:42:29 PM
You hung around and held your tongue longer than I could have ;D :)  Good mechanics have patience.  I lack that ;D
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: mike_belben on August 21, 2020, 02:26:17 PM
Well.. Im losing that skill.  13 weeks i wanted to cuss out a drill instructor.  Didnt last 40 minutes with elmer.     ;D

I graded #2s driveway this morning.  Elmer's story is that he got it fixed, and that the farmer ran me off because i wanted to tear the engine apart.  

He's creative.  

Machine sitting exactly where it was.  Reckon it'll be there a while, just waiting for the air to purge out. 
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: Crusarius on August 21, 2020, 03:45:38 PM
If its fixed, why is it still sitting in the field? Thats the last place I would want to leave my equipment.
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: GRANITEstateMP on August 21, 2020, 05:04:05 PM
Mike, I called IH for ya in that 1586. They said they'd send out the regional service rep, his names Elmer  ;D
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: mike_belben on August 21, 2020, 05:30:55 PM
 :D :D :D
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: Haleiwa on August 21, 2020, 05:38:05 PM
IH draft control is the same concept as John Deere's load and depth control.  It senses the load on the 3ph and raises it in response to increased load; it's so your tractor doesn't bog down while pulling a plow.  On a Deere, there is a shaft that goes between the two lower arms and flexes under a load, pushing a valve linkage that raises the hitch arms.  I don't know how IH systems work.  On a Deere, the L and D will rarely cause trouble; it's a fairly simple and reliable system.
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: barbender on August 21, 2020, 07:07:13 PM
Mike, I know you were in a hard spot and could've really used the money. I hope you get to a place where you tell the customer, "the clock started when I got here, and it didn't stop when this guy came and got in the way."
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: Don P on August 21, 2020, 07:21:43 PM
I waited 5 hours on a beautiful afternoon yesterday for the inspector, now I know where he got off to :D
Title: Re: Youre doin it wrong.
Post by: moodnacreek on August 21, 2020, 08:24:02 PM
Quote from: BargeMonkey on August 19, 2020, 10:51:24 PM
Quote from: Maine logger88 on August 19, 2020, 08:29:10 PM
I've gotten to the point if there's not money in it I don't do it I'm done with the break even/go behind jobs.
My father stopped up to my clearcut job, I've got a brush pile that's pushing 20' high, 50' wide and will be 200'+ long, first good snow I'm throwing a match on it. Sit in the stroker and shovel it as high as I can, piles of 4-5" straight pole wood, "we have to save that", I'm like have at it, for yrs I've offered wood to people off the landing, block piles, last job I about begged people for 1 month to come get it, finally took the 850B and pushed it over the bank. I'm done with the small jobs, let someone else over pay and get nickel + dimed to death by the landowners. Yrs ago I avoided bid jobs, foresters, now it's the only way to go, I pay LESS for wood, 1/2 the headaches and if the landowner gets funny I tell him to call the forester.
I'm getting more and more of these jobs that got highgraded 30yrs ago, everything is beat, scarred, I've got a 246 acre job to walk this weekend, as much as these guys love that CTL these landowners want a clean swept woodlot. These private jobs that have been hammered 1x I dont even hide it, I'm going to go in and basically level what's not going to be good.
I need to come see your chipper, I'm at the point of having to buy a bigger one. After another 648 / newer stroker 😆
Kept slabwood cut 14" long in a pile for people to take free.  Guess who cleaned that mess up? No wood goes on the ground anymore, it goes on the truck and gets delivered for $. They made me this way.
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: moodnacreek on August 21, 2020, 08:45:10 PM
If I have to trouble shoot something with a jerk getting anywhere near me it,s over. I used to put up with this even on my own property.  Those days are long gone.
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: mike_belben on August 21, 2020, 11:27:58 PM
Quote from: barbender on August 21, 2020, 07:07:13 PM
Mike, I know you were in a hard spot and could've really used the money. I hope you get to a place where you tell the customer, "the clock started when I got here, and it didn't stop when this guy came and got in the way."
One of the times i was waving farmer over to speak to me that he ignored, my exact words were going to be "i'm $50/hr whether im under that (his tractor) or ontop of this." (His cooler, waiting in the shade for elmer to stop being dangerous.)
It would get the point across but its a bit rude and i try not be.  I like the farmer a lot, hes a good guy and weve helped each other for years like neighbors ought to.  and he really got the shaft in the way elmer steered the whole outcome down the drain.  Im confident i could be narrowing in on it by now.  Messicks has all the schematics by SN.  Theyre a somewhat complicated machine compared to most smaller ag tractors.  Torque amplifier, priority valve, 2 pumps, check valves..  
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: mike_belben on August 21, 2020, 11:34:24 PM
Quote from: moodnacreek on August 21, 2020, 08:45:10 PM
If I have to trouble shoot something with a jerk getting anywhere near me it,s over. I used to put up with this even on my own property.  Those days are long gone.
I made the decision over this event, that from now on,  around here where every neighbor will stop in to 'lend a hand' if they see me under something, i will only work on this stuff when its brought to my place.  The gate is always shut and my pitbull checks em at the door.  Ive got a 7yr old helper thats worth 5 elmers. Better lookin too. 
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: kiko on August 23, 2020, 09:47:28 PM
As a general rule, I hate customers.  The machines can be aggravating sometime, but the customer just exaggerates the issue with no clue what goes into the diagnosis or repair.  Since the customer can tell me how to fix it then why do they  need me.  Trying to resurrect a machine that had a single issue when it was parked five years ago always always cost more than just buying one that is currently in operational order.  I got called out this afternoon, yes on Sunday, 90 miles one way to machine. Removed the fuel pressure regulator on a 3126B and cleaned the debris that had the seat hung open.  Next they are gonna complain about the the $ (3x reg rate) for such a simple repair, but that will not keep me from pencil whipping them. I have been holding back on commenting on this thread cause I could just go on and on.  I get called names that are forbidden on this forum, but I am forced to be this way.
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: mike_belben on August 23, 2020, 10:48:44 PM
Let it out man, just let it out.  :-*
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: Ianab on August 24, 2020, 01:05:32 AM
Quote from: kiko on August 23, 2020, 09:47:28 PMThe machines can be aggravating sometime, but the customer just exaggerates the issue with no clue what goes into the diagnosis or repair

My day job is computer work, desktops and small network stuff, so I can totally relate to that. 

"Stupid computer just doesn't work" IS NOT a fault description... Well sometimes it can be,  like if the power supply is blown. , But otherwise there will be some message, or what were they doing when it crashed or reset. I have most of my regular clients pretty well trained now. "What were you doing?" "What was the message you got?" "Can we make the fault occur again?" 

Some accurate fault description makes my life easier, and their bill smaller. The "good" customers now realise what the common faults are, and what I told them to do last time. Downside of that is when they do call, it's usually a curly one:D
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: quilbilly on August 24, 2020, 08:44:28 AM
Have you tried turning it off and then on again?
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: hacknchop on August 24, 2020, 08:59:26 AM
Try running your business without customers,customer appreciation can be a little hard under some circumstances but my patience goes a long way when it comes to paying customers.
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: Jim_Rogers on August 24, 2020, 12:11:31 PM
Recently, I changed my outgoing message on my answer machine to say, "Sawmill is closed" "not taking any orders, not doing any road/onsite jobs"
If you placed an order, I'm working on it.

A while ago, when I was away on a business trip, selling tools, I got two messages on my machine.
One lady said, she understood that the sawmill was closed and that I wasn't doing any on site milling jobs but could I come over to her house and cut down her tree?

The second guy wanted a piece of wood 2" thick, 24" wide and 4' long out of white oak. And wanted to know if I had anything like that "kicking around."

Some people can't seem to get it that I'm closed to new business.

Jim Rogers

Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: kiko on August 24, 2020, 01:18:51 PM
In my line of work, as time goes by the demand has gone up and up.  I would estimate I turn down 90% of the work that is offered to me.  People tell me that is a good problem to have and that I should just hire more help.  At least around here help that can do this job are not out there . So this job has made me mean and grumpy . 
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: kiko on August 24, 2020, 02:36:14 PM
Ironic.  Between this post and the last one I heard Waylon singing about being lonesome on'ry and mean.
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: mike_belben on August 24, 2020, 02:41:14 PM
My boys middle name is waylon.  First name hank.  And he can actually sing gospel really good if no one is watching.

Fingers crossed he makes it out of the belben rut.
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: Ianab on August 24, 2020, 03:43:59 PM
Quote from: quilbilly on August 24, 2020, 08:44:28 AM
Have you tried turning it off and then on again?
Exactly. If that doesn't work, then they call me...  :D
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: Resonator on August 24, 2020, 05:01:31 PM
QuoteMy boys middle name is waylon.  First name hank.  And he can actually sing gospel really good if no one is watching.

Fingers crossed he makes it out of the belben rut
Don't let 'em pick guitars or drive them old trucks.
Let 'em be doctors and lawyers and such.  smiley_guitarist ;D

Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: Don P on August 24, 2020, 07:14:07 PM
I was complaining to Grandad about my job one time, I hated it but it paid pretty well all things considered. "Son, you've gotten yourself stuck in a fur lined rut."
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: Hilltop366 on August 24, 2020, 08:30:51 PM
I have heard a well paying job that you dislike as "green handcuffs"
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: GullyBog on August 24, 2020, 08:59:33 PM
Are the cuffs greener on the other side of the bars?
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: Hilltop366 on August 24, 2020, 09:16:24 PM
I don't know but it is got to be better than chrome bracelets.
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: moodnacreek on August 24, 2020, 09:23:48 PM
Quote from: mike_belben on August 21, 2020, 11:34:24 PM
Quote from: moodnacreek on August 21, 2020, 08:45:10 PM
If I have to trouble shoot something with a jerk getting anywhere near me it,s over. I used to put up with this even on my own property.  Those days are long gone.
I made the decision over this event, that from now on,  around here where every neighbor will stop in to 'lend a hand' if they see me under something, i will only work on this stuff when its brought to my place.  The gate is always shut and my pitbull checks em at the door.  Ive got a 7yr old helper thats worth 5 elmers. Better lookin too.
I learned alot watching older men work on tractors etc. Early on a man told me not to blank with a man's lively hood. If you sit there or run tools [and shut up] and let him talk if he will you can learn. I had an offer to learn from a real expert on hammering saws but it's just to far from home. You don't get these opertunities by pushing your way around.
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: mike_belben on August 24, 2020, 10:58:17 PM
Larry bertlemann taught me how to shape surfboards in hawaii.  I had no idea who he was.  But he and his homeboys completely changed surfing and skateboarding in the early 1970s.

I just walked into a ratty old glass shop one day and said i wanna learn to shape.  I'll do anything you say.  He said you buy the beer.  

I kept my eyes and ears open and he poured out the knowledge on me just to relive his own glory days.

Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: mike_belben on August 24, 2020, 11:55:39 PM
Quote from: moodnacreek on August 24, 2020, 09:23:48 PM
Quote from: mike_belben on August 21, 2020, 11:34:24 PM
Quote from: moodnacreek on August 21, 2020, 08:45:10 PM
If I have to trouble shoot something with a jerk getting anywhere near me it,s over. I used to put up with this even on my own property.  Those days are long gone.
I made the decision over this event, that from now on,  around here where every neighbor will stop in to 'lend a hand' if they see me under something, i will only work on this stuff when its brought to my place.  The gate is always shut and my pitbull checks em at the door.  Ive got a 7yr old helper thats worth 5 elmers. Better lookin too.
I had an offer to learn from a real expert on hammering saws but it's just to far from home. You don't get these opertunities by pushing your way around.
Coincidentally, ebay just suggested an auction to me called saw mill circular blade repair kit in the antique saws category.  It looks like a lifetime collection of specialized antique saw specific tools to me.  I wouldnt know what half of em are but figured someone on here might be tickled to have em.
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: kiko on August 25, 2020, 04:07:50 PM
The cat loader loader that the customer decided that I just had to check out this Sunday , did not even get used until this morning.  Called me and said that they thought I had fixed the loader Sunday. Now after I worked on it , it won't do anything.  No power in the cab and won't spin the starter. I suggested that maybe they should turn the master switch on because I had turn if off when I finished working on it.  " This machine don't have a master switch!"  Now they know where the master switch is.    Customers ...
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: Bruno of NH on August 25, 2020, 04:28:14 PM
Big Bob has a master switch 
It gets turned off every night. 
I bet some folks would know how to get it started 😊
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: mike_belben on August 25, 2020, 04:31:41 PM
While we are on the subject, everyone make sure youre master switches are completely interrupting the ground side.  When a master switch that is shutting down the positive leg fails and grounds out internally it makes a really good glowplug/toaster/halogen bulb/ignitor
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: Corley5 on August 25, 2020, 08:07:06 PM
That old IH still sitting in the same spot ???
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: sawguy21 on August 25, 2020, 08:44:58 PM
kiko, I'm still laughing. Off topic but when my wife was ill we needed an ambulance. It showed up, she was placed in it and it wouldn't start. They brought a second one and she was transfered and off to the hospital. While waiting for a tow the mechanic phoned and told them to switch over to the house battery, the driver didn't know he could do that.
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: mike_belben on August 25, 2020, 10:25:19 PM
Quote from: Corley5 on August 25, 2020, 08:07:06 PM
That old IH still sitting in the same spot ???
No, its been moved, but with the boom in the exact odd position he burped it down to.  Meaning he didnt fix squat.
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: mike_belben on September 30, 2020, 02:25:42 PM
Quote from: Corley5 on August 25, 2020, 08:07:06 PM
That old IH still sitting in the same spot ???
I should clarify.  HIS international has been moved around.  MINE is naturally still sitting in the same spot broken and awaiting someone elses money to fix it because i never have any.  ;D

I got a call from one neighbor who got a call from another neighbor who got a call from one of the two neighbors who broke the farmers machine while 'fixing' it.   Oh do tell neighbor.


Elmer and sidekick have been piddling in the field on that tractor nearly every time i drive by.. Now if me and elmer never got into it he woulda made big promises then disappeared when he couldnt fix it the first time. But since it turned into such a tiff he now has an attentive audience and a reputation [granted a pith poor one] to uphold.    and uphold it he has.  

So from what ive been told they never fixed the hydraulic matter.. Perhaps itll be a few more weeks of purging the air out..  but for some reason they put the bushhog back on and lord only knows why elmer allegedly hooked the coarse spline PTO shaft to the fine spline output on the tractor.  This machine has 2 outputs. Supposedly it twisted the shaft or split the yoke or something and naturally would not come off. So what im told is, elmer hooks a chain to the truck..


to PULL it off...

and breaks something..


Whether shaft or casting or whatever i dont know or really care.  Im hoping its not true for the owners sake.  But I guess ya get what ya pay for.  I pity the whole crowd at this point.  

Glad its not my circus and not my monkeys.

Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: Crusarius on September 30, 2020, 02:32:10 PM
maybe you will end up being the hero selling him your international? :) 

Especially after elmer messes that one up beyond repair
Title: Re: The vent about your customers thread
Post by: mike_belben on September 30, 2020, 02:36:18 PM
I was thinking he might be the hero that gets me a cheap international to park next to mine and keep it company.