The Forestry Forum

General Forestry => Forestry and Logging => Topic started by: timberjack240 on March 29, 2005, 08:58:23 PM

Title: dumb mistake
Post by: timberjack240 on March 29, 2005, 08:58:23 PM
im bored outta my mind so i decided to make this topic

this summer we put a fresh motor in th old jack. i decided one day i was gonna see what it wood do do i shifted to 3rd to see how far i could pull up the hill through the mud. well when we put the heater hose back in we go the rope thats tied to the wench lever tangled up in the hose so i was workin on gettin it untangled (while the skidder was movin) we had a bridge to go across and there was a slight turn  :-\ well i wasnt watchin were i was goin and ran right off the bridge :o it scared me at first and then i realized i couldnt get outta this one i had to go get pap. my legs were numb as i ran to get him not because i was scared of what i did, but what pap was gonna do or say  ;D. i told him and he got the other skidder and when he saw it he just shook his head  ;D he pulled me out and sed i pulled yur uncle outta a lot of stuff but never up over a bridge. it was about 6 ft from the top to the water. wen my gram found out she sed "thats good for ya, youll pay aattentoin now"  :o

i was just wonderein what was the sumbest thing that you guys ever did  while runnin a skidder
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: tnlogger on March 29, 2005, 10:49:21 PM
I'll bite
when i was young dumb and cocky. i was working a track on the big road for Great Northen
was cutting fir for a delimer well we would run over the pile and drop down on the road.
as they but scaled up there you would try and keep all the butts staight if they couldn't see they you didn't get scaled for them and the company got free pulp.
well i was droping 4 or 6 ft. off the pile with a JD 440 bought the next twitch out run over said pile landed on the DanG blade. Had to go gets one of the canucks (not wanting to offend any one here lol ) to pull it to the ground.  Needless to say I was the talk of the camps till someone
else messed up. but it took almost all winter to get away from that.
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: etat on March 29, 2005, 11:44:19 PM
I once cut through a light on yellow just before it turned red and made a hard right in a rubber tired pavement roller with a holding tank about half full of water.  The thing had about ten or twelve wheels but when that water sloshed  it got sideways, up on two of em.  When it come back down and that water started sloshing back and forth it was about like riding a bucking horse.  I managed to hang on and ride it til it stooped bouncing. 

The boss seen all these antics.   He was NOT happy. 

He wasn't quite as mad as the time I scratched up  a section of his driveway real bad though when he sent me to get the front end loader. I forgot, didn't know, was too young and dumb, to start moving forward without raising the bucket.  You ain't ever heard such screaming in yer life.

And just a little bit madder than when I run the steel wheeled roller off the pavement into a ditch.  Twern't all my fault, the brakes didn't work. We like to never got it out without tearing up the pavement. 

I STILL don't know why he never did fire me.  Used to give me some REAL  takings too.  Him and his foreman too. I DID try to work hard enough to make up for what I didn't know, which was a lot.

Summer of '73.  Minimum wage.  1.65 per hour and I thought I was getting rich.  I was 16 and often volunteered for all the dirty work and got there early to fill up the diesel and the gas tanks with a hand pump and would stay late rolling out the asphalt.
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Sprucegum on March 30, 2005, 02:10:03 AM
I ran one of them steel wheel rollers without brakes - ran it right into the foreman's pickup! He wasn't happy either :D
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Kirk_Allen on March 30, 2005, 10:27:52 AM
Maybe not the dumbest thing but definatly the most recent.

I picked up my Uncles 94 Lincoln Towncar for $1.00 last year.  Great car but it has lots of miles.  He maid me pay the buck so if any family members ask, I bought the car ;D

Well, last week I parked the car behind my truck and just to the right of it.  Got in my truck the next morning and wouldnt you know it.  Forgot about the care and backed right into the front left corner.  Totaled the headlight assembly and turn single. No body damage but still a mess to fix. 

Priced the parts :o  Just shy of $300.  I guess thats why I never owned a luxury car ;D  Told the parts guy that was more than a paid for the car ;D

Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Coon on March 30, 2005, 11:08:06 AM
While running the skidder that we used to have I got it into a position that you wouldn't think was at all possible.   We were logging white spuce early in the spring when there was still snow on the ground and it was quite mild.  We were skidding the logs into the landing and then once we had a bunch of em laying there ready to buck up and deck I would just climb on top of the logs with the skidder and drop the blade and limb the rest of the branches with it.  Well as a long story goes the two outside logs decided to slide apart from the rest of em leaving the skidder tires on the one side to fall into the gap.  Well there I was STUCK and HUNG UP.  With it being the only skidder that we had in the bush-  How would we get it out without putting it on it's lid.  Well I tried the cable winch but it was too short to get to a large enough tree, even with all the chains that we had.   We ended up getting a friend to come over from his cut block about 4 miles away with his skidder and he just winched me out.  Didn't cost me a dime but had to come run his skidder for him when we were done ours, all before the spring thaw.
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: timberjack240 on March 30, 2005, 05:20:02 PM
no offense to anyone but im glad im not the only one that does stuff like this  ;D
i have another one one day i was backin in to get a maple and i thought if i push that little birch outta the way i can get it no problem. so i spun the old jack arouind and started to push it with the boom. it was bout 7- 9 in. across and it wasnt movin so i really pushed ;D mean while my pap was trimmin trees and i thoiught he was to my left. i finally got the tree to move and i really gunned er   ;D well.... my pap was alittle more to the right than i thought   ::). i pushed the tree down and the fine branches swutched him  :D needlless to say he com out of the brusha nd wasnt happy. i swear i could see fire in his eyes and his cheeks got all red  :D i ended up having to get the tree anoother way anyhow -- oh well good memories  :D
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Bro. Noble on March 30, 2005, 05:42:16 PM
I can Honestly say that I have never done anything that fits in this catagory :)
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Bro. Noble on March 30, 2005, 05:43:37 PM
In fact,

I've never even been in a skidder :D :D :D
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: spencerhenry on March 30, 2005, 06:11:55 PM
took the fork carriage off of my gehl dl6, on the side of the driveway. thought to myself not to forget it was there. next day it snowed, and the other side of the driveway was soupy. backing my 2000 super duty crew cab down, trying no to get into the mud. clipped the fork carriage with the right fender. now it is a little flat.
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Part_Timer on March 30, 2005, 09:13:28 PM
     When I was about 19 I worked for a freight company.  THe boss told me to go get a pallet of drums from the dock and move them into a trailer.  Well I was talking to a girl more than I was paying attention to driving and ran the forks through one of the drums and it was full of white glue.  I thought I'd clean it up before anyone saw so I started spreading out floor dry.   I guess I don't need to finish this one.  Girls always seemed to get me in so much trouble.   smiley_scholar
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Part_Timer on March 30, 2005, 09:18:07 PM
     Come to think of it the gal I married is still getting me in trouble. :D  but I would't have it any other way
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Rockn H on March 31, 2005, 12:31:06 PM
When I was working in the log woods.  We were moving our set  to another location, and when I pulled up to get a trailer I noticed my bosses truck and a D4 idling.  I knew what had happened and waited trying to hear an exhaust so I would know which direction to go.  Finally heared it and it was getting louder, what a relief.  You see, he had used the D4 to push crank an Iron Mule.  All by himself, he had to run and catch the Iron Mule , you see.  Boss or not I let him have a piece of my mind,  it was a small piece I don't have much, but he sure did give me a scare. ;) :o
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Jeff on March 31, 2005, 12:36:07 PM
I'll try to pick one out... :D

How about I give you someone elses instead? We have covered the exploits of "Nemo" a couple times on here. Here is a link to the thread.
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Rockn H on March 31, 2005, 01:03:00 PM
I never knew that Ice with grass was unsafe.  You have to be careful if you say that fast. ;D  Hope I never have to use either of those bits of information. 8) 8)
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Jeff on March 31, 2005, 01:07:55 PM
The vegetation conducts heat through the ice, either from air to water, or water to air, possibly making it unstable. It may be fine one place or you might step right through it somewhere else. Always to be avoided if possible.
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Rockn H on March 31, 2005, 01:23:37 PM
That makes since.  I can't remember more than once the pond froze over around here,  no grass and I still wouldn't drive a skidder on it.  I've seen yall fishin though and it always amazes me.  I've always wondered if you put a heater in there with ya will you melt through or is it like my truck heater when I'm up there sometimes.  Just for psychological reasons only? ::) ;D ::)
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: timberjack240 on March 31, 2005, 02:00:34 PM
all i have to say to eff's link is WOW  :D
id have at elast told someone  :D
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Minnesota_boy on March 31, 2005, 09:07:10 PM
Quote from: Rockn H on March 31, 2005, 01:23:37 PM
That makes since.  I can't remember more than once the pond froze over around here,  no grass and I still wouldn't drive a skidder on it.  I've seen yall fishin though and it always amazes me.  I've always wondered if you put a heater in there with ya will you melt through or is it like my truck heater when I'm up there sometimes.  Just for psychological reasons only? ::) ;D ::)

I talked to a couple fishermen here last week.  They said the ice was 42" thick.  It will hold a skidder when it's that thick.  In fact, a couple of winters ago, the company my BIL works for loaded a trackhoe on a lowboy and drove it across a fairly large lake to do some work on an island.  Then they loaded rocks into dump trucks and drove them on the same road to the island so the trackhoe had something to work with.  You'll spend quite a while with the heater in your fishing shanty to melt through that. :o ;D
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: slowzuki on April 01, 2005, 08:10:34 AM
I ran accross a web site of an IH crawler enthusiast who build ice roads up north, called himself the King of Obsolete.  Was really interesting, he rescued a lot of dozers that broke through the ice.
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Murf on April 01, 2005, 04:21:32 PM
I know for a fact that 5" of ice is not enough to support a Jeep.......


I also know it takes 4 hours afterwards to get it back out ........

There is also a strange change in mass that occurs when that happens, right after I delivered that Jeep back to the Big City (where it belongs) the owner was mysteriously $1,000 lighter.

8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)  8)

Strange how that happened.
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Jeff on April 01, 2005, 04:35:01 PM
Are you saying that you are responsible for this photo or am I misunderstanding? If so, yer pretty famous and must not know it.
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Murf on April 01, 2005, 05:03:08 PM
Nope, I didn't have a picture of the one they put through the ice in front of my cottage.

That one was just for illustrative effect.  :o

But, it was driven by the same type of boneheaded individual as that one, you may have encountered one yer'self over the years. The kind of (as Larry the Cable Guy calls 'em) Waterhead that figgers 'floation' tires means it won't sink.

Besides, that feller's lady is just standin' there real calm, this dunderhead's wife was ready to put him down the hole she was so mad at him.  >:(
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: asy on April 02, 2005, 02:44:41 AM

I sure am happy we don't have any of that snow or ice stuff here (unless it's in a drink ;) )

Hey, how come in that other thread with the intellectual Nemo, the author of the thread is "Jeff B" and is listed as a 'guest'???

asy :D
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Jeff on April 02, 2005, 08:23:29 AM
Asy, in the early days of the forum, somehow doing maintainace, I deleted myself. :D  I had no clue on how to reinstate myself so did a reinstall of the software which created the only admin access as "admin".  It turned all by previous posts into "guest" status. Thats when "Jeff B"  became "admin" posing as Jeff B  :D
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: sawguy21 on April 02, 2005, 10:21:59 AM
I got sent to town with the boss' tandem flat deck. The brakes seemed to work ok but the buzzer would not shut up and the flag was down. I unplugged the Dang buzzer and proceeded.  I got to the first stop sign and coasted right through the intersection with the pedal firmly planted to the floor. After I got stopped and quit shaking, I could hear an air leak.  The tank drain valve was partially closed and I guess had been blocked with ice.  I had never driven an air equipped vehicle and was not licenced for tandem.
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: timberjack240 on April 03, 2005, 03:04:31 PM
i thougght of another dumb mistake  i was skddin one day and liek normal i was in a hurry. i was runnin 3rd gear and had the blade lower to the ground than i shoodve. i skid on the trail a hundred times and never once seen the little stump stickin up. the blade caught and i flew into the dash. the headband in my hrad hat flew down over my eyes and my hands got wrapped up in the levers and about busted them. i seen wut i hit and did a walk around. it was ok so i kept goin. i gess its liek they say you learn sumtin new every day   ;D
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: babylogger on April 04, 2005, 01:06:37 AM
ok ill bite, its only fair lol me and my dad were working alone (my bro had to go somewhere) so i drive and hed cut well imm winching and not realizing i have 2 trees caught under the basket.. and it was tipping me over! finally i heard my dad screaming , oh boy did i catch hell! and on the same day were were on top of the mtn working in between hemlocks and guess what i did? got too close too the tree and winching i wrecked the darned hydraulic (sp) hose!! oh he was impressed with me that day!!! it didnt help that we had to walk 3 miles out of the woods and it cost me 80.00!!! lord ive never heard the end of that and probably never will!!! my head musta been up my a$$ that day because i dont normally do stuff like that! and i wont tell yall about the ledges lol! :D
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: timberjack240 on April 07, 2005, 02:25:24 PM
dumb mistakes .......
thye make good stories and memories and thats how ya learn  :D  :D
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Ernie on April 07, 2005, 04:24:15 PM
19 years ago (how time flies)  when Alf was only 9, we decided that we wanted a lake in our bottom paddock.  We owned an old David Brown Petrol bulldozer with leaky hydraulics that we ran on waste oil.  The reservoir  was under the seat and the supply  and return lines were 1/2" galvanised pipe coming out of the top left hand side of the seat back.  It wasn't a particularly flashy machine but was a lot of fun.  I was happily pushing our heavy clay dirt around when Alf wanted to have a try at it.  Why not, he is my eldest son and why keep all the fun to myself.  Little did I know the consequenses of that decision :(

Alf played around for about an hour and made good progress, grinning from ear to ear all the while :) :) :)

Finally, deciding that Dad needed some fun too, I motioned for Alf to stop.  So far so good.   
Telling him to put it in neutral, I wasn't particularly worried that the throttle was still wide open and climbed up on the left hand track from the back of the machine and stood beside him.  Did I mention that the gear shift was very sloppy?.  I gave the stick a quick wiggle and told him it was my turn.  OOPS, it was in first gear, he lifted his foot off the clutch, I went flying up in the air, feet above my head as the bully took off.  Now I weigh about 230 pounds and came down on the two pipes, snapping them off with my right shoulder tip and was immediately covered in hot, black waste oil.  That was not too bad but I also broke the ball off the top of my arm bone  OUCH :'( :'( :'(

Alf managed to stop the machine and helped his old oil-soaked Dad into the house.  He and Jan gave me a bit of a clean up while waiting for the ambulance; about 3/4 of an hour, we live a fair way out of town.  All I remember is that I love nitrous oxide :)

I was out of action for 8 weeks and still have a rather droopy right shoulder.

The first week that I was out of the sling, I was crewing on a yacht down at the port and broke my back but that is another story.


PS:  I'm very very very careful around the mill

Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: timberjack240 on April 08, 2005, 03:03:35 PM
its like my gram says .....
"oh well thatll make ya pay more attention"  :D
thats wat she siad to me
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Ernie on April 08, 2005, 03:55:02 PM
My Granny, my Mum and my Wife have all said that to me too, I'd better get my hearing seen to.

Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Jeff on April 09, 2005, 10:16:55 AM
Quote from: Ernie on April 08, 2005, 03:55:02 PM
My Granny, my Mum and my Wife have all said that to me too, I'd better get my hearing seen to.


Ernie, there was this old feller that was really becoming concerned over his wife's hearing. One day while she was watching televison and he was in the Kitchen he decided to test just how bad her hearing had become.  He said "honey, ya want some tea?"  Nothing.  So he took two steps in her direction. "honey, ya want some tea?"  Again, Nothing. The old feller continued this process until he was only about 3 steps behind his wifes chair. He says again, "honey, ya want some tea?". She finally turned around and impatiently hollers, "for the 15th time YES!"
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Rockn H on April 09, 2005, 12:11:57 PM

He says again, "honey, ya want some tea?". She finally turned around and impatiently hollers, "for the 15th time YES!"

Jeff, my wife says to stop talking about me. ;D :D ;D :D
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Kevin_H. on April 09, 2005, 06:12:54 PM
Well, This is one of my most scared moments.

I was about a month out of medic class and got a call for a pt with a gunshot. Shooter was unknown.

Now most of the time in these cases, we hold back a couple of blocks and wait until pd gets there to clear the scene, I guess this time we got a little too close ( insert dumb mistake here ) and the wife saw us sitting a couple of blocks away and started screaming for us.

as we pulled up to the house ( without pd ) she said that her husband had been shot and was in the upstairs bedroom when I opened the front door i could smell the gun powder. the house was a split level ranch, one staircase went up and right next to it was the down staircase.

As I walked up the staircase I would look over the railing and think "if I had to jump down i could make that". I would take a couple more steps and re-evaluate my jump. I did this all the way to the top until I got to the bedroom.

I will stop the story there and say that the shooter was not going to be a problem. but I gotta say that has been one of the scariest moments yet.

Hey jeff is this is too much please feel free to remove it.
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Jeff on April 09, 2005, 10:20:40 PM
THis happened just a few miles from us this week and made the frontpage here with just a caption.  I am not aquainted with the company but what ever happened here may fit this topic. :D

Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: timberjack240 on April 10, 2005, 09:19:34 PM
i pulled a good one yesterday. i drug a tree up to a field and the topp was still attached. so i tryed to bust it off with the blad. theyre was to much holdin it so i grabbed a tree and ran in and go a saw quick ran back out and cut it off. then i pushed the top down a skid trail i THOUGHT i wouldnt need to use. thought being the key word  ;D . i came back and i needed down the trail.  ::) imagine that. so i drove ove it and when i came up over the hill i had to cut the top up to lay it down and get  over it so i wouldnt put andthing threw the radiator. nothin big just wastin my time  :-\ which is nothin unusaul  ;D
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: UNCLEBUCK on April 11, 2005, 12:08:50 AM
My golden moment was many years ago I drove my bosses brand new 379 peterbilt all chromed out with a brand new stainless spread axle trailer grossing 92,000 pounds full of california vegetables :o through the only mud puddle in a south dakota truck stop and sunk her in up to the running boards . Jumped out and all the other trucks in the truck stop just had to blow their horns and give me the thumbs up . I had to call in and also get a wrecker to pull me out of the only mud puddle in the truck stop .  ;D
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: timberjack240 on April 11, 2005, 02:17:06 PM
wow what a mud puddle  :D
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: johncinquo on April 11, 2005, 02:36:18 PM
Theres just soooo many, how to say just one.

Well since it started with tractors, I'll continue along that line.  My grandad had  a tractor business in the high desert of Southern California.  We dug lots of trenches, and plenty of swimming pools.  We had finished up a pool at a new house that was being built and I was putting the backhoe onto the trailer.  The new house was situated between two existing houses and the squeeze between the houses, driveways, and building materials was a bit tight.  I made a turn and needed to get a different angle to get around and forgot about the stinger out back, swung it right into a port a potty.  It fell over into a new wooden fence, collapsed that and knocked the whole thing into the neighbors back yard, where we had dug the pool 3 months before.  The door flops open and spills the nice blue water and, whatever, all over the new cement patio and into the pool.  Kinda looked like a 14,000 gallon version of tidy bowl!    I can say I did not get to keep my pay check for awhile after that. 
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: timberjack240 on April 11, 2005, 08:30:16 PM
once agian .....
wow what a puddle  :D  :D i wouldve hated to clean that up lol  :D
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: rebocardo on April 11, 2005, 10:24:06 PM
> wow what a mud puddle 

When I worked at a car dealer we had a numb skull truck driver delivering cars hit the only mud puddle in the supermarket parking lot across the street and high centered his car carrier on the street curb. Just could not listen to my directions and cautions. After he tore his truck (sunk into the mud now spinning the tires) and trailer up he finally got a brain and asked for help. It took a huge Hough front end loader to lift the trailer and pull the whole thing free. Would have been quite the tow bill if the dealership had not had one handy for plowing.
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: skidderman on April 16, 2005, 02:02:47 AM
yea we all have done something stupid once or twice in our lifes,I have laid my 440 skidders on their side twice and rolled a clark 667 400 yards down an 80% mountain heck of a ride'
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: sawguy21 on April 16, 2005, 08:18:04 AM
Every skidderman I have met has rolled one at least once. If he says not, he is either a liar or a newbie :D
A puddle that big in South Dakota is usually referred to as a lake.
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: timberjack240 on April 16, 2005, 06:34:54 PM
my pap has only laid his one over onc in close to 40 yrs i gess that taught him  ;D
he siad my uncle laid the 240 over on every job that he did alot of skidding with it  ;D there were a few places he didnt but a lot that he did. hes not sure how many times he rolled it over. lost count i gess  ;D
my other pap rolled a loaner. there 440c was in the shop and the company gave them a 440d to use while they fixed their mistake and my pap flipped it. luckily they were working close to the sawmill they worked and they got a loader and flipped it back over put some oil in it and sent it back and the dealer dont no to this day  :D  :D bad part bout it was he busted four ribs :o
my goal is to keep the wheels on the ground were they belong  ;D
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Motor Devil on May 28, 2005, 10:01:24 PM
Hahaha, one time I was working in a warehouse for a cleaning supplies company.  They had this old forklift and were training me on it.  The neglected to tell me that the brakes didn't work.  Well, I had a 55 gallon drum of floor cleaner on the front and was driving towards the roll up door.  I hit the brakes and the momentum kept me moving.  Yep, crashed it right through the door, spilled the drum of cleaner everywhere!  The boss wasn't mad at all, he knew that old forklift wasn't in the greatest shape.....and it's neglect cost him $1200 to fix the door.  Memories.
Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: Quartlow on June 11, 2005, 12:39:55 AM
hmm dumb mistakes, I've never hurt an innocent skidder yet  ;D only because I've never been on one  :D :D

I have pulled a few other bonehead moves, worked for a guy hauling topsoil one summer, had to move the loader out of the way to back the truck past it, left the door of the loader hanging open and proceeded to back the truck past the loader, needless to say the mirror didn't clear the door of the loader  ::)

Title: Re: dumb mistake
Post by: sawguy21 on June 12, 2005, 12:26:21 AM
On Friday, one of our mechanics was working on a service truck with fold down step on the side. Forgot to fold up before going through the gate. Oooops.