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General Forestry => General Board => Topic started by: Ron Wenrich on July 07, 2002, 01:42:11 PM

Title: Smokey skies
Post by: Ron Wenrich on July 07, 2002, 01:42:11 PM
It was supposed to be a beautiful weekend  Cool, dry air was going to come down from Canada and keep the weather pleasant.

Yesterday, things started to haze up, but there wasn't any humidity.  Today is even worse.   >:(

The problem is there are forest fires in northern Quebec, and the smoke plume reaches from Detroit to Boston, and south to Virginia.  It got real hot in Quebec, then they had lightning.  About 45,000 acres are burning.  

Now we have to wait until the wind shifts direction and brings in the hot weather, instead of this smoke.  
Title: Re: Smokey skies
Post by: Paul_H on July 07, 2002, 02:12:17 PM
It's the only way we can export out wood without the Tarriffs :-/
Title: Re: Smokey skies
Post by: Gordon on July 07, 2002, 06:04:51 PM
Ron we are now getting the smoke pretty heavy as well. I took a couple of pictures earlier of the sun and it was almost non exsistant, it's amazing how thick it's getting.

Title: Re: Smokey skies
Post by: Ron Wenrich on July 07, 2002, 06:11:25 PM
6:00 news says it's all the way down to North Carolina and is now drifting towards Bermuda.

For some reason, we don't get much smoke from those west coast fires.  
Title: Re: Smokey skies
Post by: Kevin on July 07, 2002, 06:57:41 PM
You can see the effects here ...
Title: Re: Smokey skies
Post by: Paul_H on July 07, 2002, 07:42:42 PM
The forecast for our area is calling for possible thundershowers tonight,then turning hot into the 90s this week.Not a good combo.Some snags will smolder for a few days,then look out.1990 was a terrible year for fires in our whole area.All were lightning strikes.
Title: Re: Smokey skies
Post by: Paul_H on July 07, 2002, 08:06:10 PM
Up until a few years ago,the Forest Service would call in the Spring,and assign a few of us from different companies,Fire Wardens for our chart areas.It made sense because we know the creeks,hollows,landmarks well.Plus we have all the firefighting tools needed.Most all companies participated.When called ,we would round up a good crew,usually our own that work well together,and know where to find water,where to access by vehicle etc.Working with the guys from the local FS went well too.

Then,because of cutbacks it became centralized.Now instead of reporting a fire to the District office,reports are called into a Regional office.The calls are taken by people who don't know the landmarks,creeks,etc,and fought by people who are going in equally blind.The firefighters have the skills,but not the benefit of local knowledge.
Title: Re: Smokey skies
Post by: woodman on July 07, 2002, 09:29:17 PM
     I'll be flying home to Mass. on tuesday I will look at the skyes to the north  and let you know whit i see i hop it is clear sky not smoke.
Title: Re: Smokey skies
Post by: Frank_Pender on July 07, 2002, 11:15:52 PM
Tonight the Oregon Cascades ar loaded with lightening strikes from throughout the day. :'(   You are right on, Paul, when you say the trees will smolder for a few days and then burst wide open.  I sure hope it does not repeat 1990's season. :-[  We can only hope. ::)  My place is fast becoming a tinder box of anxiety.  I have 4 350 gal polly tanks ready in pickup trailers and a 1500 gal tanker with pump and hose ready to go at a moments notice. ;)  
Title: Re: Smokey skies
Post by: Paul_H on July 07, 2002, 11:28:29 PM
Oh boy, Frank,
I hope it passes you by.Sounds like you're ready,but have a lot of patroling ahead of you.Do you have good access to most of your property?

We haven't seen any lightning tonight,but it is supposed to be coming.If it does,the local pilots will be busy flying tomorrow looking for hot spots.It has been cool here but very dry.
Title: Re: Smokey skies
Post by: Frank_Pender on July 07, 2002, 11:46:49 PM
Yes, Paul, we have 4 major roads running North and South the length of the farm with numerous crossroads connecting them the N S road are no more than 200' appart, with the crossroads  hitting and missing about every 500' .  I also have a two acre foot pond from which to acquire water in need be.  Choppers could also access if they wanted.   I am happy that we have nbever had to use any of the water for fire. 8) 8) 8) ;)