The Forestry Forum

General Forestry => General Board => Topic started by: Gecko on October 17, 2005, 05:10:05 PM

Title: Apology
Post by: Gecko on October 17, 2005, 05:10:05 PM
I jumped the gun and posted a topic where it didn't belong without waiting for the powers to respond to my email. Not a good way to introduce myself to your place. I apologize and will follow the posting netique that makes places like this work. I know better so have no excuse.
Title: Re: Apology
Post by: beenthere on October 17, 2005, 05:32:54 PM
Welcome to the forum.
Da Boss had to mold most of us, called 'net smithing' I think, into shape in the beginning, and probably not through with us even yet.  :D  For some of us, we need to be heated up and pounded back several times in the process.

Enjoy the ride. :)

DanG (the only official swear word here) if some hardliners don't pick up and even leave for an island referred to as CR.
Some kind of a 'paradise' thing where no one is watching oer' what you do.
Title: Re: Apology
Post by: Jeff on October 17, 2005, 06:15:07 PM
No ProblemoGecko. No apology required. Your email to me was all I needed to know where you were coming from. Sorry I didnt get you an answer quicker, usually I am a little more prompt, but I had a good excuse. Wildflower and I been up exploring da U.P. with Chet and Judy. Got lots of good photos of some of Michigan's great natural resources. Here's an example of a shot taken of Tammy and I yesterday by Chet. We were in the MIDDLE of the Presque Isle River.  ;D


Lots of Photos to come on other threads. We even ran into someone from our Forestry Forum family of friends from Sawlex in da middle of no where. More to come about that as well. 8)

Title: Re: Apology
Post by: tnlogger on October 17, 2005, 06:20:06 PM
Gecko I'll welcome you as well grab a stump and join one of the best forums on this here internet :)
Title: Re: Apology
Post by: asy on October 17, 2005, 06:26:21 PM
G'day GEcko!

Loved your nickname and had to come say HI!

My house is full of Gecko's, they are fantastic for keeping the moth population down!

I assume WA = Washington? So, you are in the top left corner of the US? Must get cold there, yes? By the way, I didn't know that was how ya spell Seatlle?  :D :o :D

asy :D
Title: Re: Apology
Post by: maple flats on October 17, 2005, 08:55:48 PM
Welcome Cecko, you'll really enjoy it here. Don't worry about the molding, we all get it and things go smoothly after that. No one holds a grudge here, we all just like to talk shop, or anything else that comes up. Enjoy
Title: Re: Apology
Post by: Gecko on October 17, 2005, 08:59:21 PM
Ok So I can't speel either. Man what an impression I am making here. :D  Yes it is Washington the state. Weather here never really gets too cold or too warm. In fact it is said that you can tell it is summer here by the warmth of the rain. Pretty mild climate on the West side of the mountains.
And by the way, I can't believe you let your moderator actually have a real life. ;)
Title: Re: Apology
Post by: Frickman on October 17, 2005, 09:03:54 PM
If we didn't kick Jeff out now and then he'd go crazy looking at us all the time.  ;) ;)  Welcome to the forum Gecko.
Title: Re: Apology
Post by: Frank_Pender on October 17, 2005, 10:02:46 PM
It sure is wonderful to have another Northwesterner on the Forum.  Welcome, Rick.

8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Apology
Post by: Vermonter on October 17, 2005, 11:46:16 PM
Welcome to the forum
Are you right in Seattle?
Title: Re: Apology
Post by: Gecko on October 18, 2005, 07:51:57 AM
10 minues from the city limits and I drive through Downtown twice a day. I would say pretty darn close.
Title: Re: Apology
Post by: sawguy21 on October 18, 2005, 08:05:01 AM
That city is no fun to drive through for anyone not used to it, especially during shift change at Boeing. They ran out of room and put buildings over the I-5 :o Beautiful area though..
Title: Re: Apology
Post by: hydeoutman on October 18, 2005, 09:03:29 PM
Hey Jeff: I see that you were in da UP. Please stop in next time you drive by. I will be glad to have you stay a night or two with us here in the Hydeout. I know you know where we are as you drive by Engadine on your way past you probably took M117 and went within 1mile from our cabin. Please let me know we will have the adult beverage on ice.
Title: Re: Apology
Post by: Ernie on October 18, 2005, 09:53:44 PM
Welcome Gecko

You'll love it here, everyone will treat you real nice and friendly.  enjoy your stay.

PS:  we really love pics ;D ;D
Title: Re: Apology
Post by: Quartlow on October 19, 2005, 12:03:42 AM
I recognize this guy  ;D watch him he's a little lizard  ;D ;D

Glad to see you made it and hope you find the info you where looking for

As a side note gang this guy makes some pretty nice boxes.