The Forestry Forum

Health and Safety => Health and Safety => Topic started by: Jeff on April 29, 2001, 04:03:12 PM

Title: Chain Saw Safety
Post by: Jeff on April 29, 2001, 04:03:12 PM
We finally have Carl Smith's Basic chain saw safety program up and running on-line on The Timber Buyers Network. You can find it by looking for the "Chain Saw Guru" link on the left of most pages. Or you can Click Here. (

We have included quizes for each of the 3 main areas of the course. The course is also available to download and print.

To amend this message, Carl just sent me a bunch more information for the chain saw portion of the site and I will add it as soon as I can. Good stuff about working in differant weather conditions, and things like that.
Title: Re: Chain Saw Safety
Post by: Gordon on May 01, 2001, 03:44:59 PM
On the topic of chainsaw safety, one simple question to all of you using chainsaws. How many of you wear these items?
Hearing protection
Eye protection
Safety Boots

Ok give me an honest answer. Now I'll tell you a little thing that I go by. It may sound sort of dumb but it does work. You see I've got a wife and childern that I do love to come home to at the end of the work day.

I work on what I call the 10-10 rule. When I enter the woods I've got ten fingers and ten toes and at the end of the day I'm going to leave with the same amount. Seems with a chainsaw your hands and your upper and lower legs are the most apt to get wounded. After taking a gash out of my upper leg years ago I now will not cut without chaps unless I'm climbing.

The gash happened when I was in high school cutting fire wood for extra money. The gash thank the man upstairs wasn't bad. But the sad thing was that at the time I didn't realize that I had cut into my leg until I looked down and saw red everywhere. Just thought that the chain had snagged my jeans. Spent the afternoon at the ememgency room a few stiches later and good to go again. But it did open my eyes to a few things. Of course at that young age it didn't sink in at all. Still young and dumb so to speak. When did it kick in, a few years later I had a saw that wasn't running good. Would stall out on idle, so being the brain that I was, I turned up the idle to keep cutting that day. Spare saw was all the way back at the truck.  Well guess what happens when you turn up the idle??

This day I was lucky enough just to snag my pantleg cuff and start to tear it. I was not only standing at a bad angle but was rushing as well while limbing trees. I was passing the saw across the front of me and usually the chain would have been stopped but with the idle set up it was still turning and caught my pantleg cuff.

After all time is money and if the saw ain't cutting I ain't making no money. Guess than was when it kicked it that if I wanted to be able to live a long life it was time for some safety equipment and smarter work habits.

These days chaps actually are about the same price as jeans!

Title: Re: Chain Saw Safety
Post by: Bill Johnson on May 01, 2001, 06:13:53 PM
Good reminder Gordon. I don't always wear all the gear but then I'm only cutting downed fire wood.
I usually forgo the hardhat but make sure I'm wearing my steel toed boots, hearing protection, and chaps as well as glasses.
My boots have several nicks in them I never even felt, I hate to think what would of happened if I had only been wearing runners or something foolish like that.
I saw a demonstration one time on a chainsaw training course, the instructor had a pair of jeans and a pair of chainsaw pants, he used a log to simulate a leg. The chainsaw went thru the jeans like no bodies business but the ballistic nylon in the cutters pants bound it up so it never reached the wood. Good Demo that was almost 20 yrs ago and I still remember it.
For the folks that are new to using a saw make sure you read the manual and check out Carl Smith's safety program on The Timber Buyers Network its never too late to learn new stuff.
Title: Re: Chain Saw Safety
Post by: Cedar Eater on February 26, 2002, 09:15:11 PM
I realize I'm resurrecting an old thread, but can anybody recommend a good brand of chaps and tell me how to find them. I've been wearing tough Carhartt bib overalls, but it will sooon be too warm for those.
Title: Re: Chain Saw Safety
Post by: psychotic1 on February 27, 2002, 01:05:12 AM
And I'd also like to know where to get one of them there fancy hats with the faceshield and ear muffs.  They're so cool lookin.

Title: Re: Chain Saw Safety
Post by: swampwhiteoak on February 27, 2002, 05:42:38 AM
Forestry Suppliers or Ben Meadows have them, psychotic.  Bout 35 dollars.

I like them because I don't have to worry about ear plugs falling out or safety glasses fogging up.  Plus they just look so cool.
Title: Re: Chain Saw Safety
Post by: Ron Scott on February 27, 2002, 08:05:28 AM
Forestry suppliers and Ben Meadows are in the Forum Links.

Also, most major chain saw suppliers have these safety items. They have become standard equipment for most ardent chain saw users.
Title: Re: Chain Saw Safety
Post by: Corley5 on February 27, 2002, 08:59:25 AM
Don't forget Bailey's
Title: Re: Chain Saw Safety
Post by: Tillaway on February 27, 2002, 04:44:23 PM
The problem that I have had with those type of helmets is that chips fly up and bounce off your face / cheek richochete of the screen and land right in your eye.  The bugz eyes goggles are much better.  Also the wire in the shield has a tendancy to catch the sun and the glare restricts your vision.  Also the same problem in the rain or snow.
Title: Re: Chain Saw Safety
Post by: Kevin on March 14, 2002, 03:07:32 PM
Kickback hurts.

Don`t go here with a weak stomach ...

Watch what you`re doing and keep both hands wrapped around the saw handles.