The Forestry Forum

General Forestry => General Board => Topic started by: Modat22 on January 04, 2006, 07:57:31 PM

Title: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Modat22 on January 04, 2006, 07:57:31 PM
I'm on day 3 of the quit smoking thing. I have to tell you that these patches I'm using work great except for the really weird dreams.

I dreamed that I made an anti-gravity drive from plastic wrap and a TV last night. Honest.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: crtreedude on January 04, 2006, 08:02:36 PM
Well, did you try it after you woke up?  ???

Started bike riding, hiking, losing weight - and got Harold tucked away at finca #2.

Not bad for a start.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Modat22 on January 04, 2006, 08:15:37 PM
nah, I didn't try building the drive, I'm so tired today that I actually called in sick and stayed in bed. I'm ether catching the flu or my patches are making me sick.

Good job on the bike riding!
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Paul_H on January 04, 2006, 08:16:17 PM
try to enjoy your "patch dreams" they're a bonus  8)

Congrats on day 3,keep it up!
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: JJackson on January 04, 2006, 08:21:22 PM
Been doing well myself but not as great as I had hopped.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: isawlogs on January 04, 2006, 08:24:39 PM
 I once had dreams like that ... but was awake .  ::) :o :o
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Paschale on January 04, 2006, 08:29:15 PM
Quote from: Modat22 on January 04, 2006, 07:57:31 PM
I have to tell you that these patches I'm using work great except for the really weird dreams.

Is there a patch for FOOD?   :D
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Part_Timer on January 04, 2006, 08:29:51 PM
I actually made it out of the grocery this morning with out buying any of the fresh baked doughnuts.  Man that smelled so good.  I aint going in there in  the morning again. NEVER
See my resolution is to eat a bit more fruit and a few less baked goods. So far so good.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: UNCLEBUCK on January 04, 2006, 08:33:58 PM
at 11:59 tonight it will be 4 full days .  I made it this far with no problems but I am thinkin tonight I might break down and be my old self again . I think I like me just the way I was with bib overalls and a round tin box wearing through the front pocket.  I feel hollow and empty and boring .  Those patches sound like a real ride on the tilt-a-whirl .  ::)
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Paschale on January 04, 2006, 08:37:53 PM
hang on there, UncleBuck...ya gotta think down the road...a year from now, this is going to be a distant memory!   8)

Hey certainly ain't hollow, empty or boring...and that round tin box wearing through your shirt ain't gonna do anything to fill ya up either! 

Keep on Keeping On, Unc...we're all behind ya...and Modat too...and all the rest of ya!   8)
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Paul_H on January 04, 2006, 08:38:36 PM
don't let that  dirty lying scumbag Nick O'teen fool you into thinking that tobacco makes you who you are.You were you before you started the habit and you will be you long afterward.

Pic up some patches tomorrow and go for a ride!
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Part_Timer on January 04, 2006, 08:39:48 PM

Hold on there ya made it this far.  Why give up the last 4 days ???

If ya need something to keep your mind off of it you can come out and help with the new cabinets for the shop.   :D :D :D :D

Hold on till tomorrow and think it over tonight.  Then call the house and we'll see if I can convince you otherwise.

Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: crtreedude on January 04, 2006, 08:42:15 PM

Come on, a little nickotine withdrawl will make you even more interesting! I know when I quit smoking I was so interesting that people were running for cover...  ;D

Hang in there - one thing that always helped me was to get active - burn it out of your system.

Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Minnesota_boy on January 04, 2006, 08:44:40 PM
Quote from: UNCLEBUCK on January 04, 2006, 08:33:58 PM
at 11:59 tonight it will be 4 full days .  I made it this far with no problems but I am thinkin tonight I might break down and be my old self again . I think I like me just the way I was with bib overalls and a round tin box wearing through the front pocket.  I feel hollow and empty and boring .  Those patches sound like a real ride on the tilt-a-whirl .  ::)

If you'll give up quitting that chew so easily, I'll come down there and kick your butt!  I can be there in 2 hours if I need to.  If I need to be there sooner, I'll send my BIL that lives closer.  He's 6'5", around 300 pounds and I'm pretty sure he can fill my place.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: UNCLEBUCK on January 04, 2006, 08:52:05 PM
I forgot about those patch things but they sound funtastic .  Thanks Paschale and Paul_H ,   I had my Copland Classics cd on all day in the woodshop then got sick of that and turned on talk radio until they ticked  me off and then I just finally had to get out of the shop before the walls all closed in on me . So I went outside and slipped on the ice . I am glad to hear everyone is hangin in there . Sounds like Harold is in good hands dont it .   If I fail I will try again next year but I cant seem to think straight the last 4 days.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Modat22 on January 04, 2006, 08:54:48 PM
try the patch uncklebuck, They do help.

But if you chew or snuff you might wanna try the 14 mg day patch unstead of the 21 mg patch.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Jeff on January 04, 2006, 08:55:22 PM
I'm doing good. I have not changed my forum name yet this year. Its been rough, but I'm hanging in there. 8)
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: crtreedude on January 04, 2006, 08:56:19 PM
UncleBuck - something that helped me quit smoking once and for all (aside from my future wife telling me I didn't have the will power to do it) was to decide that I had quit, and if I slipped, I had to start all over again, IMMEDIATELY.

I figured every year with those coffin nails was another year I was hurting myself.

Regarding Harold - Hector was over that way checking on him today - I'll be there Friday. So far, there hasn't been any reports of of strange occurances in the paper...
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Paul_H on January 04, 2006, 09:00:10 PM
Quote from: UNCLEBUCK on January 04, 2006, 08:52:05 PM
  If I fail I will try again next year but I cant seem to think straight the last 4 days.

Cranky and not thinkin straight,sounds to me like you're on track,don't give up.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: UNCLEBUCK on January 04, 2006, 09:01:27 PM
I guess when I am done with my stuff for the day and sit down on the forum here that is when I would really get into the chew.  I will think it over and see how I do but I better stay off here for a day .  Cant help it . Besides now I have to hide from Mn boy  ;D , 6-5" 300 pounds ? Has to be a german because thats way too tall to be norwegian  :D
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Minnesota_boy on January 04, 2006, 09:03:54 PM
He's half Norwegian and the other half is wild man.   ;D
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Paul_H on January 04, 2006, 09:08:25 PM
Uff da!
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: crtreedude on January 04, 2006, 09:09:22 PM

Chew Toothpicks, what do you think I have in my mouth right now? It is either that or coffee - and it is a little late for coffee...  ::)
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: UNCLEBUCK on January 04, 2006, 09:16:08 PM
 :D :D :D  I go now and I hope everyone is doing good on the resolutions, sure sounds like it !  smiley_turkey_dancing  this is how I feel before a patch . I think I will go to walmart tonight in fergus falls and get a shopping cart full of these . Keep up the good dreams Modat and maybe you will dream up a million dollar invention . I cant wait to report about my dream , I never tried a patch before
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: UNCLEBUCK on January 04, 2006, 09:21:06 PM
thanks cr , yep i gotta put a toothpick in right now,   I weigh 354 pounds but am only 4 feet tall so I think I will lock my door before I get invaded by the Bemidji B.I.L.    :D :D
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Paschale on January 04, 2006, 09:24:01 PM
Hey UncleBuck...stick with it another week, and I'll send you our Copland CD we recorded a few years back.   ;D  You said you were listening to some Copland in the woodshop...well, you can have some Forestry Forum inspired Copland in there to keep ya going!   8)  
Keep on quitting!   8) 8)

Copland (
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: crtreedude on January 04, 2006, 09:48:19 PM
Watch for splinters!  :D
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: jon12345 on January 04, 2006, 10:00:21 PM
Careful not to light up or put a dip in when ya got those patches on guys, it can put ya in the hospital or make ya pretty sick at least...

I had a dream my friend was dressed up like a black bear with 1 horn and chasing a deer with a bb gun, I saw all this from the tree house I was sitting in, so I went down there and took the bb gun and he punched me in the face, then I ran from him and the rest was so wierd I can't explain....  this was without a patch    :D :D

I forgot what my resolution was, but I probably broke it already. On the bright side, I am spendin more time with my son  :)    maybe that was my resolution  ???  oh well
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: asy on January 04, 2006, 11:28:27 PM
OI, BUck!

Tellya what to do...

If you like that little round tin, take the tin, empty the poison out of it and put into it a handful of nails. Ordinary bullet nosed nails. Call them yer coffin nails.

Then, if the craving overtakes you, you have a choice. You can take the nails out and refill the chew. The nails can be used on your coffin come the time.

I watched my bio-mother die of lung cancer, and it was sure not pretty. I would HATE To see that happen to any of my friends on here.

THe other option is to empty the tin out and fill it with change. Then when you pull it out, it'll remind you how much MONEY you are saving NOT chewing!

Besides, My goal is to come to the USA one day and meet ya all, and how's it gonna be if'n I can't give ya a big sloppy kiss???    :-* :-* :-*

DIsaster, I'd say.

asy :D
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: crtreedude on January 05, 2006, 06:03:34 AM
Actually UncleBuck,

I heard of someone who took the little round tin and filled it with beef jerky (in fact, I think you can buy them that way.)

Buck - I think you are in trouble - Asy is after you now.

Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: UNCLEBUCK on January 05, 2006, 06:40:15 AM
 I decided against that patch thingy because I would rather quit the hard way . Last night was the tough night and I made it . I am going to mix up my forestryforum times instead of always late at night as that may help but I feel the craving has gone so last night must have been the bad one. I believe I am now nicotene free , I feel more alert and my lip doesnt feel like sandpaper . Still going to keep a lookout for Paul Bunyan comin down from Bemidji  :D . Every 3rd day I put 7$ in a coffee can , thats what it costed at a minimum . I am going to town this morning and get toothpicks and that beef jerky packed in a round box , thanks cr very much . I have to click the link Paschale and check that out , I think I got every Copland cd that was available on napster but none have the world famous Paschale on them  8) . Well enough about me , starting to feel like a whining wimpy but I think I survived and kicked the habit so thank you asy  ;)  and thats a funny dream jon12345 , I think I would have failed last night if I wouldnt have logged on here.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: crtreedude on January 05, 2006, 07:06:51 AM
Your welcome Buck - just remember, some of us have already been done this road, so we are with ya.

The only problem with the beef jerky is that we might have to be helping you lose weight next year...

Just kidding!
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: crtreedude on January 05, 2006, 07:13:38 AM
By the way, so you all can keep track of me (as though my lovely wife doesn't...)

Good bike ride today - a certain body part is less tender. I loved the description of Patrick McManus of a bike seat - take a bat, turn it small side up, place a doiley on it for comfort...

That is what the first day felt like!

Yesterday I walked a mile and half to the soda (small restuarant) and had a cafe con leche and hung out a bit and walked back.

Tues, Thurs, Sunday - bike ride
Wednesday - nice walk to the soda for coffee

Friday and Saturday - on the fincas (if I am off-loading for Harold I will really drop the weight) or really long walk. (2 to 3 hours)

Sunday - tandem ride with Amy. (Maybe I can get her to really pedal hard for me...  ::) )

Monday - NOTHING,  recovery day.

216.5 yesterday - one weigh-in a week. Goal, between 180 and 190 I think. (I am a little over 6'1")

Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Norm on January 05, 2006, 07:20:15 AM
Glad to hear you made it through the night UB! :)

One of the things that helped me overcome a serious addiction was thinking about how I looked to my sons. I wasn't going to be much of a role model to them if I couldn't overcome it. It was a tussle and I had much the same thoughts as you had last night. Now three years later I'm glad I stuck it out. Something else that helped was to work my hind end off during the day, came in so tired that all I could think about was supper and bed.

Just keep remembering you've made it this far and don't let that thought of I'll try it again if I don't make it this time convince you to start again. And if Minn Boys BIL isn't enough to scare you I'll send my 2000# Belgian up to keep you out of trouble, she eats so much you won't be able to afford any dip. ;D
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Cedarman on January 05, 2006, 07:31:28 AM
cr, you and me tip the scales this morning exactly, but you got 2 1/2 " on me. Didn't really make a resolution this year, still working on the same one from 5 years ago. Just renewing it.

You folks with Mr. Nicotine, make me so glad that I never took it up.  Sat in a fraternity meeting in 1967 where 33 out of 35 brothers had cigs in their mouths. I always was different, but I sure had to work at it.

My friends who have kicked the habit are so thankful they did, so hang in there.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: UNCLEBUCK on January 05, 2006, 07:34:54 AM
Thanks Norm   smiley_thumbsup , I be shipping out my last Christmas order monday so maybe you could send me your mailing address sometime this weekend . Good luck everybody . whats next ? That was easy  ???
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Modat22 on January 05, 2006, 08:10:31 AM
Unclebuck, I actually quit smoking once and stayed clean for 3 years then one beer consuming night I started again.

The thing that worked best for me the first time was raisens and water. It really gets the nicotine out of the body fast if ya know what I mean. And it gives you more time to read those favorite magazines.

I also switched from coffee over to tea since I liked to smoke after a cup of coffee.

I think I'm just going to give it all up this time, whiskey, beer and coffee.

Day 4 and still doing alright, sick to the ol stomach though and hacking like a sick horse.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Patty on January 05, 2006, 09:57:11 AM
Well I finally had the courage to step on the scale after a 2 week diet vacation. YIKES! smiley_bouncing  This is me after the holidays. >:(
How come it is so hard to lose and so easy to gain!? Inquiring minds want to know!

So now I need to lose 15 instead of 5, what a bummer. However, if UB can stop the chew, and modat can stop all the good things in life like coffee, cigs and liquor, and CR can excersize, then I most CERTAINLY can lose 15 pounds.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: crtreedude on January 05, 2006, 10:01:39 AM

It is that first step that is the hardest - stepping on the scale! I really didn't want to see it when I did. By the way, that picture you see of me as an avatar is a year ago, and probably 20 lbs lighter than now.

Just in case someone was thinking  - Man, why does he need to lose weight?!

Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Modat22 on January 05, 2006, 10:53:51 AM
The human wasn't designed to live in a world like we have today. Our bodies are made to be very efficient at storing energy for the times between hunting.

Nowadays hunting means going to the kitchen and rummaging Thur the refrigerator or heading down to the local food store.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: DouginUtah on January 05, 2006, 12:21:19 PM
Quote from: Modat22 on January 05, 2006, 10:53:51 AM
The human wasn't designed to live in a world like we have today. Our bodies are made to be very efficient at storing energy for the times between hunting.

The human wasn't designed to eat the foods we eat today either.
(eight pages--actually six, comparing diets)

Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Modat22 on January 05, 2006, 12:32:17 PM
very true.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: crtreedude on January 05, 2006, 12:45:04 PM
So - you mean I am not fat, just efficient?  ::)
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Steve on January 05, 2006, 12:52:00 PM
Here is something I ran across that applies here:
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Patty on January 05, 2006, 12:59:40 PM
I cannot blame anybody but me for what food I stuff into my mouth. A good word of advice I heard for dieters was: Shut your mouth and take a walk.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Paul_H on January 05, 2006, 01:06:30 PM
Quote from: Patty on January 05, 2006, 12:59:40 PM
Shut your mouth and take a walk.

Norm and his tough love?  :D
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: maple flats on January 05, 2006, 01:09:26 PM
So far, so good. I plan to lose 10 lbs this year. So far I only have 11 more to go  ;D and i will be there. That is less than a pound a month. Should be real easy. :D :D  Time to go find a snack now. 8)
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Modat22 on January 05, 2006, 01:10:51 PM
isn't aspen saw dust considered edible? If so we can market our own brand of high fiber cereal.  ;)
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: crtreedude on January 05, 2006, 01:27:29 PM
I really have no excuse as long as I don't spend too much time in the office. After all, we have a full-time cook who makes great, healthy meals (instructions of my wife, of course!)

All I have to do is walk and ride the bike a bit, and the fat melts off.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Patty on January 05, 2006, 02:23:37 PM
Tough Love!  :D   Good one Paul!

In the summer it is easy to get more excersize since it isn't dark when I go to & from work, so I am able to hike it on foot. Now walking in the dark may be more dangerous to my health than being fat!

And really, I am not FAT, just kinda plump in a very cute way.  ;) ;D
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: jon12345 on January 05, 2006, 02:35:14 PM
I was reading an interview with a guy who used to work in a sawmill around here back in the 50's maybe, in it he said that they sold different 'grades' of sawdust that came from the of which was called 'flour' and was actually added to flour?    YUCK
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: crtreedude on January 05, 2006, 02:45:08 PM

You have destroyed my excuses:

Our time hardly changes all year - figure just about all the time 12 hours daylight, 12 hours dark - it is what you get in the tropics.

Weather stays almost exactly the same too - moved here and lost my excuses!
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: blueox on January 05, 2006, 02:53:31 PM

For me, New Years Resolutions always seem to be about loosing weight. This year I'm altering it just a tad. I decided to eat "healthier" and not think about the weight. I want to buy "organic" beef, chicken etc...Its no wonder that we are all getting bigger, all the meat in the grocery store is injected with growth hormones. The hormones don't stop working just because we slaughtered and cooked the keeps working in our bodies....DUH...

My second resolution is to write a note to the school to NOT give my kids "flouride" EVER, EVER again! Another thing that I wasn't aware of until recently! Flouride is poisen in our bodies, which is why they took it out of our town water and then gave us "idiotic" parents the choice to "poisen" our own kids, by signing a waiver at school. Of course, we all thaught we were doing the right thing...we aren't!! They are better off letting their buckies rot out of their heads, than to ingest Flouride!

Well those are my 2 resolutions....Hope you all do well with yours!

Happy New Year! Here is to GOOD Health!

Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Modat22 on January 05, 2006, 03:03:08 PM
Fluoride also has a calming effect and makes one more flexible to suggestions to go with the flow.

I think this is correct anyway, I might have read this at a conspiracy web site.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Cedarman on January 05, 2006, 04:01:47 PM
My weight is in direct proportion to how well my wife, Jane, cooks.  Its all her fault.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: jon12345 on January 05, 2006, 10:13:44 PM
The CDC recommends not giving children under 8 flouridated water (>2 ppm), and to only use a small amount of flouride toothpaste once a day, making sure it isn't swallowed.  It appears the worse effects are high levels while teeth are developing, after that everything is ok as long as you don't eat the toothpaste.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Part_Timer on January 05, 2006, 10:59:59 PM

It's not fat we're just fully grown. ;D  I'm just more full grown than others.

If ya want to see poison look up aspritame"nutra sweet".  I found out the hard way.  I came down with migranes that would cause total blindness for 2-3 hours and had a mild stroke and worse.  Took 2 1/2 years 3 MRI's 1 bad doctor and one real good one before we figured it out.  BAD STUFF for me anyway.

IF ya look it up you may never drink a diet soda again.


Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: jon12345 on January 05, 2006, 11:11:19 PM
I can't stand diet soda, it just tastes nasty...must be the aspartame

Olean is another thing to watch out for, it is in some fat free chips and causes some pretty gross side effects ::)

in other new: tonight I decided to kick my habit    wish me luck    8)
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Rockn H on January 06, 2006, 12:47:41 AM
I'm with you Jon on the diet soda.  If I dont' need the real thing I'd rather just drink water.  It's better for y'a anyway. ;D

I didn't do any resolutions this year.  I'm making an effort though to start spending more time at our camp if that counts.  We've had it a while and started remodeling then stopped.  Now we've started back.  Going to take care of some temporary stuff and then get on with the permanent ones.  There's so much to do it'll be a long go.  We spent New Years there and I'm going back this weekend by myself. ;D  Well I may have some company Sat. , you never can tell who'll drop by.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: UNCLEBUCK on January 06, 2006, 12:59:20 AM
Patty you dont need to lose a pound , you look great and youre just a little squirt  ;D .  I stood next to my big cousins tonight as I watched them milking cows and the one said he weighed 240lbs ,the other 240lbs,,they said hey U.B. you still pushin 354lbs I said yep . we all have the same cholesterol of 146,blood pressure of 130/80 ,blood sugar 117 , and none of us have any of those love handles so health must be hereditary to some extent , 100% full blood scandinavians . Grew up together on seagrams and marlboros and we all agreed tonight to not change a thing except I had to go and get hooked on that filthy snuff when I was drivin truck so they think I am sick in the head to be addicted to something .  Interesting stuff about nutra-sweet , glad you made it P.T. ,  glad I got a country well on sand/gravel .  Do I dare say I am addicted to diet-pepsi !  Oh yes I need 2 cans per day and I pour it over a big cup of ice and just love the taste . Boy I am a mess now aint I  :D Here is just a tidbit that might make blueox want to really follow his resolution , another cousin of mine worked for the big turkey company here in minnesota, he mixed the feeds in the big elevator and the big trucks would pull up and load and haul it out to the barns where the turkeys are. In one year he came down with migrains and lung problems ,also melted the metal and plastic in his new boots, they slowly introduce the baby chicks into the feed ration and keep turning up the formula until processing time . The feed ration is so hot it would kill a farm raised turkey. He will never eat a store bought turkey again . Too many chemicals , way too many chemicals, I dont even want to start listing the chemicals because I love to eat store bought turkey . Hang in there Modat
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Patty on January 06, 2006, 06:40:29 AM
Quote from: UNCLEBUCK on January 06, 2006, 12:59:20 AM
Patty you dont need to lose a pound , you look great and youre just a little squirt  ;D . 

UB! I am framing this sentence and hanging it on the wall.  smiley_bouncing

Those are very kind words and I appreciate it, but I still can't squeeze my butt into my bluejeans.  :-X
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Cedarman on January 06, 2006, 06:40:47 AM
My niece is a health inspector.  Her last turkey was a free range one, no added chemicals.  Wonder why?
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Modat22 on January 06, 2006, 07:50:26 AM
Quote from: Cedarman on January 06, 2006, 06:40:47 AM
My niece is a health inspector.  Her last turkey was a free range one, no added chemicals.  Wonder why?

I've done electrical upgrades once for a well known meat packing company which involved a walk thru of the existing facility.

I no longer eat hot dogs, bologna, smoked sausage or store bought sausage.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: pigman on January 06, 2006, 07:58:24 AM
Modat, sounds like you were either in Fischers or Swift in Louisville. Of course Con- Agra changed the name of there packing plant every year, it might have been called Armour or Monfort when you were there. ::)
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Modat22 on January 06, 2006, 08:13:05 AM
Yep. Not sure the plant is open anymore.

A side note, from what I hear hebrew national hotdogs are the ones to buy if your leary of hotdogs.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Paschale on January 06, 2006, 10:45:16 PM
Quote from: blueox on January 05, 2006, 02:53:31 PM
My second resolution is to write a note to the school to NOT give my kids "flouride" EVER, EVER again!

Ten guesses as to which city in the country was the first to flourinate their water.   ::)
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: DanG on January 06, 2006, 11:06:56 PM
I'm pleased to report that I made no resolutions for the new year, and I haven't broken any of them yet. :)
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: UNCLEBUCK on January 08, 2006, 02:20:53 AM
Youre a smart man DanG , I really put my foot in mouth for sayin I quit copenhagen but I know that I dont want to be a failure here in front of all of you . I dont even think about copenhagen today all day and remain nicotene free since 11:59 pm new years eve . I really feel good about it 100% but I was really bad off . I put 7$ in my coffee can every 3rd day and use 1$ bills to make it look drastic but it helps to see how much I would have tossed away. Keep going everyone who needs to keep after it !  :-X
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: asy on January 08, 2006, 05:23:34 AM
Good onya Buck!

We're all REALLY Proud of you!

asy :D
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: crtreedude on January 08, 2006, 05:49:35 AM
Good going Buck!

I am still doing well but today is going to be a test. I know some of you will enjoy this - we have a cold front moved in. Now, don't get excited Jeff, it isn't going to snow, but we have a rain that isn't exactly warm (probably 60 degrees F) but for us it is cold. I got boots on and also a polar fleece.

The Ticos are bundled up like they are watching a football game in Wisconsin in January...

During the cross-over between rainy season and dry it gets this way.

Anyway, the challenge? I am supposed to ride the bike today...  :-\
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Norm on January 08, 2006, 08:01:00 AM
Shoot UB, here I had Becky all set to send up your way and here it sounds like you are doing fine without her help.

Way to go! 8)
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: hiya on January 08, 2006, 04:22:31 PM
I didn't make a new years resolution. But a little over a year ago I realized I needed to be a better husban. Soooo I try to spend more time with my wife and talk more ( they say husbans don't take enough)   :o. I kind of like it  8). And I WILL continual for the rest of my life.
As far as weight I now weigh 10 lbs. more than whem I did at 20. I was higher, but when I could feel a little fat on my sides I stopped eating because it was good, ( my wife is a good cook 8)). I just eat what I think I need. I'm a fast eater, so I just sit there while every one eats and eats and ea well you know what I mean. ;D
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Modat22 on January 08, 2006, 06:29:04 PM
day 6 of being a non smoker, I had a real hard time today, I ended up buying a pack of cheapo cigars and took 1 puff from one then threw it out. I'm really wanting a smoke today.. :-[
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: beenthere on January 08, 2006, 06:50:25 PM
Hang in there, it'll be on the easy side soon if you do hang in there.

UB Proud to hear you are doing well with you resolution. Really glad to hear of the accomplishment.
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: jon12345 on February 09, 2006, 11:56:37 PM
So, it has been a over a month now,  how is everyoing doing on their resolutions??
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: pigman on February 10, 2006, 08:43:35 AM
I think my new years resolution is going to be to quit procrastinating as much. ::)
Title: Re: how y'all doing on your new years resolutions so far?
Post by: Modat22 on February 11, 2006, 11:05:12 PM
I'm still smoke free, I'm using patches off and on still. Not as grumpy, but I'm eating everything in site.