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General Forestry => General Board => Topic started by: Gary_C on June 15, 2006, 04:38:01 PM

Title: The world is flat
Post by: Gary_C on June 15, 2006, 04:38:01 PM
No, this is not about the Flat Earth Society!    ;D

This is about how the world is now a "level playing field."

I have purchased some electrical push buttons from an electrical supply company on line and I was continualy seeing the words "RoHS Compliant." Since I had no idea what this was, I looked it up.

RoHS Directive (  Effective July 1, 2006

I would guess this directive from the UK will have big effect worldwide because no company wants to make a product that is not accepted worldwide

Can you say "higher prices?"   :)
Title: Re: The world is flat
Post by: fat olde elf on June 15, 2006, 11:01:56 PM

read tom Friedman's book, "The world is flat"  Higher prices is the least of our worries.....
Title: Re: The world is flat
Post by: Jason_WI on June 15, 2006, 11:58:43 PM
RoHS = Reduction of Hazardous Substances

I work in the electronics industry. Everything will be lead free real soon. There will be alot of older parts that will be discontinued due to this - volume not great enough to invest in lead free tooling and/or process.

There are exemptions for medical devices and military stuff that cant get lead free electronic parts.

Lead free solder is higher temp and doesn't flow as nice as the 60/40 does on surfacemount electronic parts.

Between the EU and California there arent many things left that don't cause cancer in lab rats. :-\

Title: Re: The world is flat
Post by: joelmar10 on June 16, 2006, 01:00:35 AM
just read the T Friedman interview on Amazon.  what troubles you, FOE, about the "earth flattening"?  just curious.
Title: Re: The world is flat
Post by: SwampDonkey on June 16, 2006, 05:23:35 AM
Too bad higher prices aren't offered to those that sell wood (logs/pulp) to those mills that demand certification.  ::) I see this as a method of industry to squeeze out the small land owner who can't afford certification and take total control of public lands where stumpage is below market value. Best management practices are one thing, but there aren't enough people to look over everyone's shoulder whether your certified or not. And how are these certifiers paid? Well if the value of the wood doesn't support the producer trying the make a living and these onlookers trying to find fault, then the whole thing is a farce. I'm not going to give my wood away, plus pay extra out of my pocket for certification.
Title: Re: The world is flat
Post by: srjones on June 16, 2006, 02:59:44 PM
I'm also curious to know what's troubling about the concept of a flat earth?   :P

There's a pretty good example right here:

Regarding RoHS, I'm having a hard time understanding how this would be a bad thing.
Title: Re: The world is flat
Post by: Gary_C on June 16, 2006, 11:01:17 PM
Quote from: srjones on June 16, 2006, 02:59:44 PM

Regarding RoHS, I'm having a hard time understanding how this would be a bad thing.

It is hard to predict what will happen as a result of this new directive. One thing that is sure to happen is that some electronic components will NOT be redesigned to meet the new standards. The result is a lot of older products will be "throways" because of this directive.

For example if some circuit board or electronic component in your car fails, your parts supplier may just say that component is no longer available because it was not RoHS compliant and is no longer being manufactured. In many cases there is not enough justification for the redesign and you are just out of luck.

Or if you buy one of those new plasma wide screen TV's for many thousands of dollars and a year or two from now some component fails, the manufacturer can just say "that part was not RoHS compliant and is no longer available, tough luck on your TV." 

Plus they can just blame it on "government regulations."   :)
Title: Re: The world is flat
Post by: getoverit on June 16, 2006, 11:45:16 PM
Back in the 80's, the company I worked for (and thousands of other companies also) came up with an international standard for manufacturing called ISO 9000.  I know for a fact that our company spent tens of thousands of dollars and man hours getting the company to certify under this international standard.

I dont know of too many companies that still use this standard... seems to have fallen by the wayside because of the non-return-on-investment

I still hold to my story that the environmentalists are slowly but surely killing this country from the inside out. What they dont think about is that they are ruining the socio-economic environment.... maybe they just dont care...
Title: Re: The world is flat
Post by: joelmar10 on June 17, 2006, 11:46:01 PM
From what I can tell, the hardcore enviro types simply hate everything outside their worldview.  I understand their concerns, but not their anger.  I'm convinced they don't realize the destruction of the environment that would occur if they are successful in tearing down the efficiencies inherent to capitalism.  With all it's faults it is still the best system out there and I don't see a replacement coming along in the near future.  At least not one that can coincide with freedom.  And believe me I'm no large corporation lover either.

Imagine the deforestation that would take place if the enviros totally got their way and stopped greenhouse gas emissions before technology and supply and demand do it naturally.  No one is gonna volunteer to die or go poor to make sure the spotted owl has a place to nest.  They are gonna keep their houses warmed and their food cooked.  It would make the deforestation that occurred in Europe a few hundred years ago look like a TSI.

Their is so much pseudo science out their about the environment it's nuts.  Most of it defies common sense.  But if you make your living on grant money you gotta be the squeaky wheel and try to justify your existence.

As far as a flat earth goes, I like the idea as long as the hardcore environmentalists and the socialists aren't handed the reins.  That is what I fear.

Like Mel as Wm Wallace yelled...FREEDOM!!!!!!  smiley_peace