The Forestry Forum

Outdoor topics => Shows, Events and Places to meet => Topic started by: Radar67 on February 12, 2007, 11:58:34 AM

Title: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Radar67 on February 12, 2007, 11:58:34 AM
It's time to start making plans for this years Expo. The new dates are listed on the website Sunbelt Expo (

I plan to make it to this one for the full 3 days and possibly a few extra days to tour Mr Hooties if Woodbowl or DanG will ablige.  ;)

Don K, if you are going, maybe we can work out a ride share or something. I have a tent big enough for 4 or 5. This also applies to any of the MS boys or anyone on the route.

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set
Post by: Don K on February 12, 2007, 12:40:52 PM

I'm going to plan on going, IIFFF my daughter doesn't make me a Grandaddy on the 11th of Oct. If she makes it through the next month and a half, then all things are good to go. (Possible complications)  I'll let you know as time gets closer to Moultrie.
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set
Post by: Radar67 on February 12, 2007, 12:57:53 PM
We'll be hoping for the best for your daughter, just let me know as the time gets closer.

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set
Post by: woodbowl on February 12, 2007, 09:20:33 PM
It seems like Moultrie 2006 was just the other day. 1/3 of the year is already gone. Time is flyin'. Hooties ain't that far away Stew, just bring some money and yer pickup truck.  :D

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set
Post by: Radar67 on February 12, 2007, 09:27:14 PM
Olen, I may even bring my trailer.  :D

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set
Post by: DanG on February 15, 2007, 07:16:01 PM
Long as you're dragging a trailer anyway, stop by and pick up a load of logs to take up there, would ya? ;D
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set
Post by: Radar67 on February 25, 2007, 11:35:40 AM
Dang, if I decide to bring a trailer with me, that may just be possible. I don't know exactly how I missed this post.  ::)

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set
Post by: Radar67 on July 08, 2007, 07:56:38 PM
Just bumping it back to the top? Anyone planning on going?

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set
Post by: Don K on July 08, 2007, 09:09:01 PM
I'm going, but of course you already know that. ;)    Don
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set
Post by: Dodgy Loner on July 10, 2007, 12:36:47 AM
Hopefully I'm gonna be there to check out some sawmills in person.  So far I've used an LT15 and an LT40, but I haven't seen much of what's in between or what other companies have to offer.
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set
Post by: Radar67 on August 24, 2007, 03:50:40 PM
Anybody started making plans for the Expo? Don K and I have started making ours. Planning on spending all three days at the show and visiting with some of the other members in the are afterwards.

DanG and Woodbowl, ya'll up for a trip to Mr. Hootie's?

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set
Post by: DanG on August 24, 2007, 05:33:46 PM
At this point, my plans are to be there all three days.  I may or may not be involved in selling something, but I don't plan to haul logs this year.  I'll probably put the blow-up mattress in the back of the Caravan and call it a camper. ;D

I already gave Mr. Hootie a heads up that I'll probably be dragging another gaggle of riff-raff through there.  He said he'd set up the metal detector at the gate. :D :D

You guys planning to camp?  If so, there's plenty of room for that at my place after the show.  It's about 80 miles from Moultrie to here. :)
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set
Post by: Radar67 on August 24, 2007, 07:46:02 PM
We are prepared to tent camp, with a possibility of a small camper. We just started working out the details. I put my leave papers in today, so I AM way or the other.

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Tom on October 18, 2007, 11:22:01 AM
It's been a harrowing week.  No, not the kind where you pull a lot of little disc across a field, but rather the kind where you want to do something and can't.

I was sitting here looking at the car and trying to decide how I was going to be able to survive the Sunbelt Agricultural Expo in Moultrie, Georgia this year.  Finally, at 3pm, I threw all  caution to the wind, got in the car and just went.  Knowing that I have been only good for walking about 100 feet at a time, it was going to be a great adventure. I'm great on adventures and once away from the house, my adrenalin began to run. 

Across the bottom of the Okeefenokee Swamp I went.  The road is Fla. 2 and Georgia 94.  It is a little traveled road that has been pushed up from low-lands and runs, straight as an arrow from St. George, Georgia to Fargo.   Just before Fargo is a defunct logging community called council.   I spent a wonderful, long weekend there with my Aunt Rosalie Langdale in 1957.  The community is represented only by a Langdale Forestry sign beside the RR tracks and two houses on the South side of the road, one that belonged to my Aunt Rosalie Langdale.  I need to tell you of that visit one day.

Then, on to Fargo, a bustling city of about 300 souls.  Ga. 94 takes a zig-zag there and I got lost.  It was DanG's fault.  I had been without communications since entering the swamp and called him when I reached US 441 to see how his trip was going.  He and Olen had gotten a late start too and I was to meet them at the campground in Moultrie.  I got so enthused with talking over the phone that I turned west about a hundred feet too soon and ended up in a loggers driveway.  Trying to hold my composure, I told Dan what I had done and couldn't help but laugh at myself, all weekend, for getting lost in Fargo.

Ga. 94, west of 441 is another long straight road, until you reach Tom's Creek and Statenville.  For some reason or another, right out in the middle of nowhere, the road builders put great sweeping turns in the road as if there had been different crews working from two ends and missed.  Soon I arrived in Valdosta. 

The first motel had no rooms.  It took me awhile to decipher what the clerk was saying when I asked for a non-smoking room. As it turned out, she was saying "No non-smoking rooms or smoking rooms. No reservation, no room", in her non-indigenous Indian accent.  Continuing on to an old familiar motel, I got my room and proceeded to the show in Moultrie. 

I found everybody gathered around their vehicles in the middle of great empty field and shook hands.  Corley5 and his dad were there and Dwight and WDH and brdmkr and DonK and Radar67 and DanG and ....  Lordy, there was a dozen of us.

We drove to a well known local Bar-b-cue place and took over one end of the Restaurant, where we entertained several waiters and were entertained in turn.   WDH made one's day by declaring to her question about how old she was with an answer of "twenty something".   I think that was some pretty quick thinking.  I 'd have done the same thing.  How do you answer a woman who ask how old you think she is?   As it turned out, she was a Grandmother in her 40's and talked of being 20 all night.  WDH looked quite relieved that he had gotten off of the hook.

Returning to the Ag show's campground, WDH and Olen found a group playing bluegrass and it was after 1am when everybody ran each other off.  WDH was carrying his big bass fiddle and Olen had gotten out his banjo and a violin (it looked just like WDH's fiddle, but littler).

We returned to the cars and spent another hour defining, redefining and making judgements on the world's situation until, finally, after 2am decided that we better get some sleep.  I drove the 30 miles back to the motel, after having left my insect repellent with the brave hearts who would be sleeping in their vans.

The next morning came quickly.  I awoke at 6am only to roll over and go back to sleep. Then, every 30 minutes after that, I looked at the clock out of the corner of my eye and decided to get up at 8:30. 

The motel had the typical "continental" breakfast, so I got 4 little donuts,about the size of a silver dollar, and a cup of coffee.  I wish the discoverer's had left that continental breakfast idea on the "continent".   A man can't even open his eyes with no more than bread in his belly.  Somebody wasn't thinking when they called that breakfast.

Next door to the motel is a Shoney's Restaurant.  They have an all-you-can-eat Breakfast Bar with eggs, sausage, bacon, grits, french toast, pancakes, sausage gravy, fruit and anything a man could want.  That's where Fla. Deadheader and I usually eat when he is in town, but I knew that I'd never make the show if I went in there.

I needed some gasoline in the car so I pulled into a Racetrack station and found that a sign had been placed on each pump that read "No credit or debit, cash only outside, pay inside".  The pump wouldn't turn on.  I was getting ready to leave when an employee with a broom showed up and asked "want some gas?  I'll get her to turn the pump on". 

A session of button pushing, semaphore and all manner of arm waving ensued until, directly, she reported that it was on.   She left and I tried to pump gas.  It wouldn't pump.  Beginning to get frustrated after lifting the handle several times and thinking that the pump had still not been turned on, I was getting ready to leave again when the employee with the broom showed up again.  She reached over in front of me and pushed the "pay inside" button on the keyboard.  "you have to push the "pay inside" button to get it to work", she said.

Having been totally de-brained by this time, all I could do was stick the hose nozzle in the car and let my mind wander aimlessly around the station.  Not so much irritated with myself as I was with the situation, I was thinking how dumb this was, when a car pulled up to the pump in front of me but on the other side.  They looked at the sign and the woman went inside.  The man stuck the nozzle into the car and lifted the handle.  No Gasoline!

He sure looked familiar. For all the world I tried to place him and couldn't.  I could see that his anxiety was growing, so, I raised my voice and said, "you have to push the 'pay inside' button.  ......It's a test".

He thought that was funny, but he tried it and it worked.   I kinda knew it would because I had gotten it straight from the station's hired help.  The man's wife returned and yelled across the driveway, "you have to push the 'pay inside' button". 

" I know!  This man already told me"

We talked of the sad state of affairs when the gas companies had charged all the money we could afford and now were giving test to determine who was going to get to be a customer.  I went inside and paid my bill.

On the way back to the car, the man volunteered one last remark.  "back home we would call this profiling", he said.   I laughed and stopped at the back of his car to look at his tag.  Kentucky!

I knew I knew that fellow.  It had to have been one of pigman's cousins.  Doggone if he didn't look just like pigman.  He just took up conversing with me as if we had been next door neighbors that had met in the wilds of Georgia.  I laughed about it the whole 30 miles to the show.  It was pigman to a "T".

The show was fun.  I visited with Blueox and then with Woodmizer and then with Baker, ate in the Amish restaurant and watched the dog trials.   DonK and Radar67 kept offering to carry my chair.  I sure appreciated that.  It's a little, light-weight folding chair that I use every couple of hundred feet to sit and catch my breath.

The Show was a lot of fun, as usual.  Not as much as when I was able to stroll the whole fairgrounds, but fun just the same.  I even saw my wife's tractor.  It's a Ford 3000 the she and her brother used to mow nuisance lots with when they were in high school.  Her brother is quite an entrepreneur and bought the Tallahassee Ford Tractor dealership a few years ago.  Gael gave him the tractor and he had his mechanics take it apart , down to the last bolt, and rebuild it.   It was beautiful and he offered to let the New Holland exhibit show it off.  It sure did look small sitting there between those great big  four-wheel drive tractors whose front wheels were larger than its back wheels.

I sat beside it for about a half an hour and told everybody who stopped to look that this was my wife's tractor.  ;D

I got home last night about 9pm and could think of nothing but going to bed. Gael had broiled some fish for supper so I decided to turn on the computer.  That is usually a mistake and leads to more 2am bedtimes.   Anyway, I found that Jeff reloaded the old forum just as I logged on.  I couldn't figure out what was going on.  He saw I was home and shot me a friendly IM to which I replied with as caustic an email as I could compose.  Just funnin' you understand.  The admins have to do something to keep his feet on the ground, what with all of the accolades you guys have been dumping on him  lately.  We're afraid he might get the big-head and start doing this "crash" thing regularly. :-\

Anyway, Y'all will probably be hearing a lot more about the show from the Dozen or more that also attended.  Just to let you know what I think about the show, though, from a historical view point, it's getting smaller.  It's still big and draws a big crowd, but not like it used to do.   I've seen it get smaller and smaller over the years.  There was a time when every available space was taken by exhibitors, now there are open areas, some as large as an acre.  The exhibitors could be overheard talking about having to trim back their displays or not show up because the show kept going up on their prices.  It was getting too expensive to go to the show.

I know the prices of everything are going up, but when several towns around the show also begin taking advantage of a captured audience , they begin to commit economic suicide.   Motel rooms go up by 20 to 50 percent.  Some, I heard, had doubled.  Restaurants have new menus, gasoline goes up and the entire show experience becomes more and more expensive.  Someone had better wake up or they are going to destroy a good thing.

Still, it's a good show.  If you've never been, get a pair of good walking shoes and go to the thing before the money grabbers ruin it.  The Amish restaurant on the grounds has gone up in price a dollar or two every year.  This year it was twelve dollars.  I think I'll be taking a sandwich next year, even though attendance there has become a ritual to some of us old attendees.  Cokes at the show are as high as 2 dollars and peanuts were selling four bags for $20.  Who are they kidding?  That's $5 a bag in my language.   Yes sir, I think I'll carry a sandwich next year.  Even baker and Bigox sat down for homemade sandwiches to save some money.  I think everybody will turn this route before long.  It's just the smart thing to do.

I still had a lot of fun and sure enjoyed meeting all of the Forestry Forum member.  This is quite a Club.  8)

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Jeff on October 18, 2007, 01:24:19 PM
I truly enjoyed that story.  :)   All except the part about me. ;)
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: DanG on October 18, 2007, 02:45:40 PM
I kinda liked the part about you, Jeff. ;D  The part I didn't like was that you weren't in any of the rest of the story, 'cause you weren't there.  That woulda been a HOOT!

As it was, we had a fine ol' time.  Me and Woodbowl didn't get there until almost closing time on Tues., due to some serious butt and foot dragging.  He was dragging his butt after having worked so hard to finish up a job so he could go.  I was dragging my feet because I had done my usual poor job of being prepared. ::)  Anyway, I had been in touch with DNalley on the phone, so we met up with him and his wife at the gate.  I started making phone calls and found that our members were scattered all over about 500 acres of show and parking lot.  WDH was able to describe his location well enough for me to find him, so I started directing everybody else to there.  We eventually managed to gather there, and the fun began in earnest! 8) 8)  The instruments came out and we had a little impromptu hootenanny right there in the parking lot!  There were pics of that on the Crash Forum, so maybe they can get transferred over here.

Tom already covered the rest of that evening, so I'll take up the next morning.  We went straight to the sawmill section and started visiting with old friends some more.  Had some nice time with Tom-in-Mo and Adam, and also visited with Lindsay(Doublecut), then met up with Brdmkr.  After a bit of walking about, we spotted Tom over at the Blue Ox display, then Stew and Don K got with us and we all went to lunch.  The afternoon proceeded much the same way, and I drug it on home with some sore feet and a grin on my face. :)

It ain't over yet, though!  Stew and Don K are on their way here, and I'm supposed to meet them at Mr. Hootie's in less than an hour.  The weather is turning nasty, so the chicken cookout is off, and we might spend the evening settin' in the shed and watching the rain.  We'll let ya know how it all turns out.
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: pigman on October 18, 2007, 06:34:02 PM
  From Tom
QuoteI knew I knew that fellow.  It had to have been one of pigman's cousins.  Doggone if he didn't look just like pigman.  He just took up conversing with me as if we had been next door neighbors that had met in the wilds of Georgia.  I laughed about it the whole 30 miles to the show.  It was pigman to a "T".

Well Tom, you caught me. :o  I get around a lot. ;)
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Radar67 on October 20, 2007, 07:46:44 PM
We had a great time at Moultrie and met a lot of new friends and old acquaintances. We were graced with some talent everyone might enjoy.

The Forum Trio (

Take Two, The Wildwood Flower (
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: WDH on October 20, 2007, 08:14:02 PM
I had great fun at the show.  We need to post some of the pics posted on the Crash Forum back on here.
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Furby on October 20, 2007, 08:21:34 PM
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Archive retrieving test bunny on October 20, 2007, 08:28:04 PM
The Forestry Forum CRASH OF 2007 ARCHIVES
Outdoor Topics => Shows, Events and Places to Meet => Topic started by: Stew (Radar67) on September 16, 2007, 02:46:46 PM

Title: Moultrie
Post by: Stew (Radar67) on September 16, 2007, 02:46:46 PM

The Sunbelt Agricultural Show is getting close. I've got my leave scheduled and am making plans with Don K to go. Who else plans to attend this year?


Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Corley5 on September 16, 2007, 09:13:50 PM

We'll be there the 16th and 17th.  We being myself and my parents.  Looking forward to it 8) 8)

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: woodbowl on September 16, 2007, 09:20:28 PM

I plan to be there, not sure which day(s).

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Don K on September 16, 2007, 10:59:42 PM

I'm looking forward to it myself. It can't get here fast enough ;D

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Furby on September 16, 2007, 11:02:18 PM

Well I had considered going to the WM 25th in Indy and then heading to Moultrie from there.
But once again, there is no chance I'm going to make it.
Let us know how it is!

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: brdmkr on September 17, 2007, 12:26:27 PM

DanG nabit... I aim to make it this year!  It is right in my back yard and it seems that something always comes up. 

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: DanG on September 17, 2007, 12:54:32 PM

Quote from: brdmkr on September 17, 2007, 12:26:27 PM
DanG nabit... I aim to make it this year!  It is right in my back yard and it seems that something always comes up. 

You gotta make it this year, Mike.  We're countin' on you to bring the coffee.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: fencerowphil on September 17, 2007, 02:22:12 PM

Me and Wife #1-and-Only usually celebrate our anniversary just about
smack dabb in the middle of the Moultrie show and tell.  This year we
just might as well...
do it in sawdust.
8)    :D
Since I've missed so many of these, since becoming active on the FF,
can I git hold of a Hicktorial Pictorial Directory to help identify all of ya'?
Of course, if Tom wears his red shirt, and DanG doesn't shave, and Jeff
doesn't get put on ice, and Bibby doesn't dress up,I will know those guys.

I will know Stew.  He will be the one asking for higher pay.

Phil L.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Stew (Radar67) on September 17, 2007, 02:37:21 PM

Now Phil.... ::) I didn't mention nothing bout higher pay.  ;) I thought you was right fair with the monetary remuneration. :)


Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: DanG on September 17, 2007, 02:45:35 PM

We'll be the ones wearing the ForestryForum hats, Phil. ::)  I hope you can join us.  I've always wondered why you didn't come, since you live so close.  For the past few years, we've tended to hang around the Peterson booth, but I heard they may not be there this time. :( :'(  I'm not sure what other sponsors will be there, either.  The Baker tent would probably be a good place to start looking for us.  A bunch of usually swap cellphone numbers just before the show, too. ;)

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Stew (Radar67) on September 17, 2007, 03:09:01 PM

Dang, one of the Peterson guys told me they would not be there this year. The accent was so strong on the phone that I didn't catch his name.  :)

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: ADAMINMO on September 17, 2007, 04:04:11 PM

Baker will be there.Bringin a couple loads and for sure a tent to stay out of the sun. Won't be many chairs but you are all welcome to come on over and stand around.Shoot ... You might as well bring the check books and take some stuff home with ya, There was alot of neat stuff there last year.Just about anything a guy could want.And the more you take home the less the vendors have to take home too.Its a good thing I don't have any money(wife keeps it when I go on trips)'cept the little bit she don't know about cause I usually take home more than I brought(purchased items and not money).I think we are in about the same spot as we were last year next to or close to Woodmizer.WB8 is our booth number.Just look for the blue & yellow tent. Myself and Tom_in_Mo will be there.Come on over and say hey.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: DanG on September 17, 2007, 04:23:16 PM

Adam, the Peterson crew usually cut up a log and made us a bench, first thing on Tuesday morning. ;D

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: ADAMINMO on September 17, 2007, 05:20:03 PM

Well I don't know if I can make that happen.I am just a peon in the show group. They never listen to me.I might see if there is something I can do though, But no promises.  ;D

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: brdmkr on September 17, 2007, 11:49:56 PM

Quote from: DanG on September 17, 2007, 04:23:16 PM
Adam, the Peterson crew usually cut up a log and made us a bench, first thing on Tuesday morning. ;D

DanG, if you'll help me load it, I'll cut us a bench.  Of course it will only have a 6" backrest :D :D :D

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Imasap on October 20, 2007, 08:33:58 PM

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: brdmkr on September 18, 2007, 09:57:19 AM

Is there much going on the 18th.  I have obligations on the 16th and 17th.  The other thing I might could do is come over for the afternoon of the 17th.  I could get there around 1:30 or 2:00. 

For those who have been, which would be better.  To be there all day on the last day of the event or to just be there for the afternoon of the second day?

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Stew (Radar67) on September 18, 2007, 10:00:30 AM

This will be my first year and plan to be there all three days. Make sure you look me and Don K up whichever day you come.  :)

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: ADAMINMO on September 18, 2007, 10:11:46 AM

They have different things going on during all 3 days.Every day there are alot of people and alot of stuff to see and do.Last year they had a few stock dog competitions with goats and sheep if I am thinking correctly.They usually have an antique tractor parade each day during the morning.Just alot of stuff to see and do.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Don K on September 18, 2007, 10:00:17 PM

We usually make all day everyday. Especially if we have a place to hang out. If you are inclined there is a ton of stuff to look at. I hit it hard last year and still didn't get it all.


Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Stew (Radar67) on September 18, 2007, 10:02:44 PM

Well we are going to have to double up this year then, cause I want to see at least 90 percent of it.  ;)

Do they have the old hit and miss engines there, like the Listers?

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Archive retrieving test bunny on October 20, 2007, 08:35:27 PM

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Don K on September 18, 2007, 10:06:24 PM

I'm not a big hit and miss fan or any type of motor nut for that matter. There are a few. Out of three days you oughta get in 90%

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Stew (Radar67) on September 18, 2007, 10:08:18 PM

I'm not a motor nut myself, but am very interested in the Listers for a proposed project I've been cogitating about.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: WDH on September 19, 2007, 12:01:41 AM

Quote from: woodbowl on September 16, 2007, 09:20:28 PM
I plan to be there, not sure which day(s).

Woodbowl, if we can work it out, maybe we can play some music.  I am not sure if I can come, and if I can, it will be early in the week rather than later. 

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: DanG on September 19, 2007, 12:08:23 AM

Quote from: brdmkr on September 18, 2007, 09:57:19 AM

For those who have been, which would be better.  To be there all day on the last day of the event or to just be there for the afternoon of the second day?

The thing to do, Mike, is come on Wed. afternoon, camp out with us that night, and stay all day on Thursday.

As far as activity is concerned, it goes full bore for all three days.  Remember, though, it isn't a festival, it is an agribusiness exposition.  It is a place for companies to display and demonstrate their products.  It's just that those of us that are interested in such find it very entertaining. ;)  Forestry is a type of agriculture, so there is a lot of forestry-related equipment being demonstrated, and that is the main attraction for our little group.  The old tractor parade is fun and happens twice a day.  The stock dog trials is actually the finals of the National competition, so it naturally progresses through the week.  There are a couple hundred acres of crops so the harvesting machines can be demonstrated.  The crops were planted in the spring at the Mini-Expo, where the planting stuff was shown off.

There is a wealth of information to be gleaned from talking to the company reps in the hundreds of booths.  You can make it a real learning experience without much effort at all. :) :P

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: woodbowl on September 19, 2007, 09:29:24 AM

WDH, I'm planning on bringing my twang boxes, you do the same and after we hook up on the first day, I'll show you where I'm camping. It's in some trees, there's only a few folks camping there, we can build a fire at night and it's free.   8)

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: WDH on September 19, 2007, 01:10:26 PM

I like the sound of that ;D.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: brdmkr on September 21, 2007, 10:07:14 PM

Quote from: DanG on September 19, 2007, 12:08:23 AM
Quote from: brdmkr on September 18, 2007, 09:57:19 AM

For those who have been, which would be better.  To be there all day on the last day of the event or to just be there for the afternoon of the second day?

The thing to do, Mike, is come on Wed. afternoon, camp out with us that night, and stay all day on Thursday.

That may just be an option.  If the weather is not too bad, I might enjoy that.  I'll get up with you to figure out where you will be camping.

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Imasap on October 20, 2007, 08:36:28 PM

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: dnalley on September 25, 2007, 09:45:13 AM

Are ya'll talking about Moultrie, Ga?  Still fairly new at this sawing thing and never having seen one of these shows I would sure like to try and make it.  What are the dates (may have already missed it--story of my life).  Camping area for a travel trailer?  Peaked my interest about the music maker from Perry.  I'm a "three chords and a capo" guy myself but I enjoy listening to others who really can.  More info please and thanks,  d nalley.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: ADAMINMO on September 25, 2007, 11:28:54 AM

Yes it is in Moultrie Georgia.The show dates are October 16,17,&18 .It is a big show with many exhibitors.You will have a blast I'm sure.Swing by the Baker Products tent and say hey.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: DanG on September 25, 2007, 12:01:44 PM

You ain't missed it, dnalley.  It must be're gonna be there. ;D 8)  Besides reading this whole thread, go to  and get the official info on camping.  I'd rather not trust my fuzzy memory for you to depend on.  The thing is held on an old military air base, so there is plenty of room.

There will be a small gaggle of FF members hanging around, mostly in the sawmill area.  Keep an eye peeled for ForestryForum hats, or look up Adam at the Baker tent.  If ya carry a cellphone, PM me yer number and I'll send ya mine. ;)

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: WDH on September 25, 2007, 10:35:35 PM

Quote from: dnalley on September 25, 2007, 09:45:13 AM
Peaked my interest about the music maker from Perry.  I'm a "three chords and a capo" guy myself but I enjoy listening to others who really can.  More info please and thanks,  d nalley.

I hope to come Tuesday the 16th and maybe even play some music (I am a bass player) with Woodbowl and others that evening if the stars all line up right :).  I know that would be fun.  DanG it, I have to be in Arkansas on Thursday, so I will not be able to attend all 3 days.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: customsawyer on September 26, 2007, 07:42:03 PM

Well I will be there don't know if I can make all three days but I should be able to make at least one and maybe two. Hey Pops are you becoming the spokes person for this show. :D

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: DanG on September 26, 2007, 10:11:41 PM

Quote from: customsawyer on September 26, 2007, 07:42:03 PM
Hey Pops are you becoming the spokes person for this show. :D

Ya DanG right, you young whippersnapper!  What ya wanta make of it?  They couldn't put that thing together without me givin'em the what for!  Whippersnappers, that's what they are! Just a bunch of whippersnappers!

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: WDH on September 26, 2007, 11:13:11 PM

Pops :).

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Archive retrieving test bunny on October 20, 2007, 08:37:35 PM

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: DanG on September 27, 2007, 12:02:09 AM

Dat would be me. ;) :D :D

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Jeff on September 27, 2007, 06:19:26 AM

Does any one have the exact dates for this so they can link it to the calendar?

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: ADAMINMO on September 27, 2007, 09:39:45 AM

October 16,17 &18 2007. That is a Tuesday , Wednesday , and Thursday. Not sure of the hours but I think 8 to 4.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Jeff on September 27, 2007, 10:04:03 AM

Linked to the calendar so a reminder shows the week before the show on the front page.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Stew (Radar67) on September 27, 2007, 08:24:33 PM

Here's a call to all the MS boys, LJ, Pinenut, Tony WSSJR, and I'm sure I missed some....

Any of y'all going?

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: PineNut on September 27, 2007, 08:39:16 PM

Don't believe I will be able to make it. With a marriage coming up in the family, if I left, I may as well stay. My wife would not let me back in the house.


Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: DanG on September 27, 2007, 09:25:14 PM

Same DanG thing happened to me at Sawlex, Pinenut.  I stayed here and went to the wedding.  I'm beginning to think I made the wrong choice. :-\

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: PineNut on September 27, 2007, 09:31:49 PM

But when my son is one of the prime players, you know where I stand.


Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Corley5 on September 27, 2007, 09:46:51 PM

Quote from: PineNut on September 27, 2007, 09:31:49 PM
But when my son is one of the prime players, you know where I stand.


Poor planning on his part eh?  :)

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: PineNut on September 27, 2007, 09:49:42 PM

This is farther than it has gone before. Don't want to take any chances with my interfering.

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Imasap on October 20, 2007, 08:38:41 PM

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: DanG on September 28, 2007, 09:15:58 AM

Yep, you gotta stay there. :-\  At least we might get to see a pic of you in a tux. ;D :D

Here's what ya do, come January;  Every time you see a calendar, even in somebody else's house, mark out the middle of October so they don't schedule anything big for next year.  Just tell'em way ahead of time that you won't be around that week. ;D

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: DanG on October 10, 2007, 11:08:22 AM

OK guys, this thing is getting real close! ;D  If you're gonna be there, PM me your cellphone number, and I'll respond with mine.  That's a mighty big place to try and find an individual!

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: beenthere on October 10, 2007, 12:31:36 PM

Are you hauling logs to Moultrie again this year? If I remember right, you were taking several loads prior years.
Hope to get there some year....not this'n.  ;)

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: DanG on October 10, 2007, 12:45:12 PM

No, BT, I'm not gonna haul logs up there this year.  My ol' truck is showing its age, and gas prices aren't helping matters either.  It is a 170 mile round-trip, so I think I'll leave it to the local boys.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Stew (Radar67) on October 10, 2007, 03:30:36 PM

So far the weather forecast looks good for the show. Mid 80s during the day, mid 60s at night and plenty of sunshine. Let's hope it holds.  ;)

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Don K on October 11, 2007, 11:28:51 AM

Is anybody coming in Mon. afternoon. Stew and me oughta be there early Mon. afternoon to get our campsite squared away.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: WDH on October 11, 2007, 11:56:09 AM

Where are y'all camping?

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Archive retrieving test bunny on October 20, 2007, 08:39:33 PM

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Stew (Radar67) on October 11, 2007, 12:00:50 PM

I don't know the name of the place, but it is a State Park close to the grounds. Don set it all up.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: DanG on October 11, 2007, 10:53:51 PM

Quote from: Stew (Radar67) on October 11, 2007, 12:00:50 PM
I don't know the name of the place, but it is a State Park close to the grounds. Don set it all up.

Huh?  Why ain't y'all campin' on the grounds? ???

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Stew (Radar67) on October 11, 2007, 10:55:57 PM

I've never been before and Don went last year. He stayed there and set up the reservations this year. Woodbowl mentioned something about a spot on the grounds.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: DanG on October 11, 2007, 11:02:57 PM

The State park may be a bit quieter, but WE'll be the ones making the noise, anyway. ;D :D  It would be neat if we were all together to blister a steak or burn a burger.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Don K on October 11, 2007, 11:03:54 PM

Danny,  We are staying at Reed Bingham State Park.

DanG, First year I went was by the seat of my pants with prospects of sleeping in my truck. DonE911 was kind enough to let me sleep in the back of his wifes new CLEAN horse trailer where at least I could stretch out. I am a person that doesn't care for suprises and I like to know where I'm staying when I head out. We can visit as long as  we all want to gab and cogitate because we will have a electronic code to get into the park after 10 pm.It is not that far from Spence field.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Stew (Radar67) on October 11, 2007, 11:04:40 PM

Don and I have discussed staying over and visiting with y'all.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: woodbowl on October 11, 2007, 11:06:21 PM

There's a good spot to camp in all right. It's just a hop skip and a jump from the showers too. I don't know it it's a bonified tent certified camping spot or not but there's several folks that pitch a tent there. I've seen the same folks every year. That's where I'll be again this year. Yall come!

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Imasap on October 20, 2007, 08:40:39 PM

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: WDH on October 11, 2007, 11:08:00 PM

I plan to sleep in my vehicle Tuesday night, just need somewhere to park it.  I PM'd woodbowl about the prospects of playing music, but have not heard from him yet.  A get together for supper and music would be nice if it works out. 

Woodbowl, will you be there Tuesday night?

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: DanG on October 11, 2007, 11:14:55 PM

That's what I'm planning too, WDH.  I'm gonna put my blow-up mattress in the back of the purple Caravan.  A friend suggested I get some of them rubber daisies like ya put in the bathtub, to stick all over it.  Ain't real sure I'm going for that idea, though. roll_eyes :D :D

Just come on in and give us a call when ya get there.  There's plenty of time to pick a camp spot after the show closes. ;D

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: WDH on October 11, 2007, 11:18:06 PM

A plan has been hatched :D.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: woodbowl on October 11, 2007, 11:30:44 PM

There's plenty of places to park a vehicle or camper. One night we parked our rigs on the tarmac last year and just slept in our own two vehicles. I got up the next morning, fired up the coleman stove and made  coffee. DanG got his snorin' carcas up, we had a cup of mud and headed for the gate.

The reason I like the other area is because there are several families that travel together and they build a big fire then pull out guitars and fiddles to play music. Don't foget your twang box WDH.  ;)

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Stew (Radar67) on October 11, 2007, 11:36:28 PM

Now y'all got me wishing I had picked up that acoustic bass I looked at last year. Oh well, it's been a while so y'all will be spared the pain.  :D :D

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: DanG on October 12, 2007, 12:42:30 AM

Not to worry, Stew.  Woodbowl usually carries one of anything that has strings on it.  A while back, he was sawing near here, so I dropped by to watch a little bit.  He shut down the Woodmizer, pulled out his fiddle and kept right on sawing, while me and the customer danced a little jig in the sawdust.  The boy know's how to have fun! 8) 8)

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Don K on October 12, 2007, 12:46:15 AM

Hey DanG,  We might need to sniff out one of them whatchamacallit thingamajiggys that mends stuff with wire. I think I might like to have one. I think ya'll posted a website last year.

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Archive retrieving test bunny on October 20, 2007, 08:41:35 PM
Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Stew (Radar67) on October 12, 2007, 12:49:05 AM

I'm glad you brought that up Don, I saw that post and thought that was the neatest gadget.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: DanG on October 12, 2007, 09:24:14 AM

Yup!  If they're there, we'll find'em. :)

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Corley5 on October 12, 2007, 09:53:44 PM

See you guys Tuesday  :) :)  We're heading out for Fl in the morning.  We'll get Grandma settled in at her place and then backtrack a bit to Ga.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Don K on October 12, 2007, 11:33:16 PM

Be looking for you.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: GW on October 14, 2007, 05:06:47 PM

Hey all, I've been busy with pond clearing lately and I haven't been following this thread. I'll be in Moultrie Tuesday, but I can't make it for the rest of the expo. If you see a skinny dood with a funny little beard and TFF cap on it might be me. :)

I may be in the company of a tall old dood with a large beard. :D

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: GW on October 15, 2007, 07:35:34 PM

...and by old I mean wise. Very wise.  ;)

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Corley5 on October 15, 2007, 09:53:42 PM

We should be there around 9AM tomorrow morning.  Looks to be about two hundred miles from our Fl camp  :) :)

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Imasap on October 20, 2007, 08:43:22 PM

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: DanG on October 15, 2007, 10:28:26 PM

I should be there by noonish.  It's 80 miles from here. ;D

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Furby on October 15, 2007, 10:39:34 PM

And you're leaving home around 11:45 am right! ;) ;D

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: DanG on October 15, 2007, 11:01:41 PM

Nawww Man!  I'll leave here about 9ish.  You fergit, I'm old and retired.  I drive 35mph and will need at least 3 bathroom breaks.

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Furby on October 15, 2007, 11:06:28 PM

Quote from: DanG on October 15, 2007, 11:01:41 PM
I drive 35mph..................

That's not what I recall being told! :)

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: Corley5 on October 17, 2007, 05:55:34 PM


Must be in catfish country  ;D ;D :) :)

Somebody at the Georgia Peanut Commission has been reading the FF  8) 8)

Woodbowl, WDH, and Dwight playing some tunes  8) 8) 8) 8)  A shower chased us to a BBQ in joint

From the left Stew(Radar67), Tom, Don K, WDH, Woodbowl, Me, DanG, My Dad and Mom, Dwight and his wife Gael. 

We had a super time.  The Sunbelt Expo is impressive to say the very least  8) 8) 8)  We saw most of it but skimmed over quite a bit too  ;)  The grounds are huge and filled with exhibits relating to all aspects of agriculture.  Two days are really needed to see it all.  We came back to our place last night rather than try to find a place to stay up there.  Next time we'll make some reservations and go back another like we kinda planned to do this year. 
The highlight was of course meeting up with old pals from the FF and putting faces and voices with names.  Glad to meet you guys in person Radar, Dwight and Gael  8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)  Mom was glad there was somebody of her gender to hang out with as was Gael  :) :)  It was nice day to.  Overcast with a breeze.  With sun it woulda been HOT.  It was 89 here a bit ago.  I'm ready to go back to Michigan for some fall weather  ;) ;D :)

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Archive retrieving test bunny on October 20, 2007, 08:45:15 PM

Title: Re: Moultrie
Post by: WDH on October 17, 2007, 08:03:26 PM

I enjoyed the show in Moultrie.  I met several Forum members for the first time:

DonK, DNalley, Adaminmo, Tom-in-Mo, and Woodbowl.  Here are some pics:

The Baker Boys, Tom and Adam.


Here is Dave Mann of Woodmizer talking to a customer.


Dave and I were looking at some logs to be sawn at the demo.  I noticed a nail in one of the logs!  Saved Woodmizer a blade ;D.


Here are my companions for the day, DonK and Stew.


A tailgate lunch....


Corley5 and his really nice parents.


Some weighty Forum matters were also discussed into the wee hours of the morning :)  Left to right...DanG, Tom, Woodbowl, DonK, and Stew.


Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Radar67 on October 20, 2007, 10:30:23 PM
In case you missed the links to the Forum Trio on Youtube, check this post.

Trio Post (

I had a real good time at the Ag Show. I met quite a few members for the first time, Tom, DanG, Adam, Tom Stout, Corley5, Brdmkr, and DNalley.

I took many pictures of the trip, far to many to post them all. Here are a few.

The Baker Boys just about had Don talked into taking that molder home and dealing with the devil (his wife) later.  :D

Here is DanG back at his place after the show. He left his windows down in the rain again. Woodbowl needs to tell the story of the first incident.  ;)

Here is the Forum Trio in full swing. This was just before the bottom fell out.

Here is the link to my GALLERY ( for more pictures of the Ag show and Don K and my visit with DanG and Woodbowl afterwards.
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Don K on October 21, 2007, 12:05:58 AM
Yep, that is a mighty impressive 4-head planer and I have a few samples to play with as well. ;) The Baker Boys have some well built, user friendly tools and I would definitely like to say that I would like to see one come home with me some day.

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: ADAMINMO on October 22, 2007, 11:14:51 AM
I would be more than happy to help you be able to take one of the moulders home. :D I bet your wife was happy to see those boards. I can't wait to see the finished product when you git er done.
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Don K on October 22, 2007, 11:29:11 PM
She was quite happy to see the moulding, but I had to draw the line at painting it black once finished. :o
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: ADAMINMO on October 23, 2007, 09:14:12 AM
I got some pine I ran that I'll trade if she wants to do that!!! That wood is too beautiful to paint any color.Light coat of stain and some clear coat and hopefully she changes her mind.Hope that line you drew was solid and not dotted!! :D
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Don K on October 23, 2007, 07:03:19 PM
It is strong and solid. Don't fret.
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Radar67 on November 02, 2007, 12:05:49 PM
While at the show, Don K and I visited the Lenox booth. While talking with one of the salesmen, we asked if they had any large bandsaw blades at the show. None were on site, but the salesman told us of a promotion they were running until the end of the year. They were giving away 5 blades. He took our information and sizes and promised to ship the blades out post haste.

I received my box yesterday. 5 brand spanking new Woodmaster C blades to fit my mill. I'm going to have some fun trying these blades out in the near future.
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Tom on November 02, 2007, 03:40:51 PM
I got the same spiel at Sawlex but never got any blades.   I figured they were after names and email addresses and never followed up when nothing showed up at the door.
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Radar67 on November 02, 2007, 03:43:27 PM
To be honest, I never really expected the blades to show...but they did, so I guess I was wrong.  ;)
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Don K on November 02, 2007, 05:28:15 PM
I got me 5 brand new blades yesterday too. I had forgot all about them. I'm going to sink them in some dry pine and see how they do.

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: ADAMINMO on December 18, 2007, 12:22:26 PM
Did ya get to use that trim for that mirror yet.Lookin forward to some pics.
Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: Don K on December 18, 2007, 01:22:47 PM
Adam it is in the shop ready to go. I have the measurements, just had to some Christmas wood projects out. I hope to start after first of the year. I need to be careful as I only have enough for one miscut. ;D ;D    Pics will be posted.

Title: Re: New Moultrie Dates Set (Sunbelt Ag. Exhibition 2007)
Post by: ADAMINMO on December 18, 2007, 02:45:50 PM
Don't make any miscuts as I do not have any more peices like that.I think you will do well with it.