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General Forestry => Sawmills and Milling => Topic started by: Jacar on March 24, 2003, 08:09:16 PM

Title: Cutting 2x4's
Post by: Jacar on March 24, 2003, 08:09:16 PM
Hey Pro's,

I have some SYP to saw into 2x4 & 2x6's for a project.  Is it best to saw the cants to full width,eg 2x10,12, stack it and let it dry, then saw to dimension later.  Or is it better to go ahead and saw to dimension and let it dry.

I will be using some as studs.  I will be drying the lumber in my solar kiln, because I need it soon.

Thanks for any words of wisdom, 8)

Title: Re: Cutting 2x4's
Post by: Tom on March 24, 2003, 08:52:03 PM
saw what you need the first time the log hits the mill.  There is little if any benefit to resawing later.  That's an opinion.
Title: Re: Cutting 2x4's
Post by: Minnesota_boy on March 25, 2003, 03:56:13 AM
I agree with Tom, saw what you want immediately.  Lumber saws much harder when dry, dulls blades more quickly and you can pull some twist from a 2x4 when you are using it, but you can't pull it from a 2x10 when you try to resaw it.  You also get faster drying from 2x4 than 2x10 (not much, but is is there).
Title: Re: Cutting 2x4's
Post by: Jacar on March 25, 2003, 06:16:12 AM
Thanks for the advice.  I'll get my materials list ready and saw what I need.