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General Forestry => General Board => Topic started by: Left Coast Chris on June 29, 2007, 12:06:22 PM

Title: Exposure to Fungus --- what are the symptoms?
Post by: Left Coast Chris on June 29, 2007, 12:06:22 PM
Last Saturday,  I was helping a guy come up with structural repair solutions in an empty older building from the 50's that has extensive water damage and associated rot.  Its dry now but has alot of decaying framing.

I was using a screw driver to detect the extent of the rot in framing and did some picking around in the enclosed building without a dust mask.

An hour or so later my nose began running excessively.  The next four days I had severe cold like symptoms, runny nose, sneezing and now a sinus infection.  Last night I had a 102.5 temp and now this morning a 101.5 temp.

I got a doctors apointment today........ :( :(

Anyone have sickness from fungus exposure?    What were your symptoms?

Title: Re: Exposure to Fungus --- what are the symptoms?
Post by: Woodbender on June 29, 2007, 12:14:14 PM
Do NOT miss or cancel that appointment.  Fungus infections have killed people dude! If you start feeling respiratory distress call for help.  Sounds like you only got grazed but for heaven's sake check it out and tell us what's going on.
Title: Re: Exposure to Fungus --- what are the symptoms?
Post by: Left Coast Chris on June 29, 2007, 09:08:40 PM
Doc visit turned out pretty good.  He gave me some antibiotics and said that I do not have the bad fungus but just likely a sunus infection (sinusitus/rhinuitus).  He said I could have an alergic reaction to some type of fungus or other airborne particles but its hard to say. 

He did say if you have a bad fungus reaction the lungs and/or throat will be greatly affected and mine are pretty good.   The strange thing is the fluctuating temps Im having......... 97.6 at the docs office and 103.4 later today at home.

Cant wait to be up and around again.
Title: Re: Exposure to Fungus --- what are the symptoms?
Post by: jerry-m on June 29, 2007, 11:13:38 PM
I'am no doctor, but with that temp. fluctuation I think I would get a 2nd opinion...

Just my 2 cents, Jerry
Title: Re: Exposure to Fungus --- what are the symptoms?
Post by: Don_Papenburg on June 29, 2007, 11:34:57 PM
Planed some walnut with a very small amount of yellow ish streaks of surface mold ended up with flu like symtoms with out the trots .   I was weak and
sore and had a hard time breathing , I did not remember a fever though. 
Doc had me take some pills and come in for a shot every other day .
Title: Re: Exposure to Fungus --- what are the symptoms?
Post by: Furby on June 30, 2007, 03:38:18 PM
Sure sounds like you've got the sinus cold/colds that have been going around the country.
Title: Re: Exposure to Fungus --- what are the symptoms?
Post by: Left Coast Chris on June 30, 2007, 07:03:13 PM
Day two of the antibiotics:  Nose dried up, head feals much clearer, no sneezing, temps back to normal.   What ever it was it must have been bacterial because the antibotics are kicking it hard.   ............ feel MUCH better.  Might be out in the shop tomorrow.
Title: Re: Exposure to Fungus --- what are the symptoms?
Post by: jerry-m on June 30, 2007, 11:15:05 PM
Glad to hear you are doing better 8)  Sounds like you will be fit as new in a day or two  :D

Title: Re: Exposure to Fungus --- what are the symptoms?
Post by: Woodbender on July 01, 2007, 12:19:46 PM
That sounds more like it.  Thanks for keeping us posted!

Quote from: farmer77 on June 30, 2007, 07:03:13 PM
Day two of the antibiotics:  Nose dried up, head feals much clearer, no sneezing, temps back to normal.   What ever it was it must have been bacterial because the antibotics are kicking it hard.   ............ feel MUCH better.  Might be out in the shop tomorrow.
Title: Re: Exposure to Fungus --- what are the symptoms?
Post by: Left Coast Chris on July 01, 2007, 02:38:20 PM
Jerry and Woodbender,  thanks for the support.............

Im doing much better.......... day three after the antibiotics, sinusus clearing out...still a ways to go but made it to church today.  At least Im not sleeping 16 hours per day.  Strength is coming back and am heading out to the shop this after noon.   

I will be wearing a dust mask in dusty old places from now on!
Title: Re: Exposure to Fungus --- what are the symptoms?
Post by: brdmkr on July 01, 2007, 04:47:08 PM
You may want to get checked for allergies.  I kept a sinus infection until they found out that I am allergic to everything.  I take a shot once a week and no more sinus infection.  The allergy caused my nose to run and given enough of that, a bacterial infection can set in.  I have not been treated for a sinus infection in more than a year.

Sounds like the Dr. has you on the mend 8)
Title: Re: Exposure to Fungus --- what are the symptoms?
Post by: low_48 on July 01, 2007, 11:31:22 PM
Glad it wasn't the fungi that got you Farmer77. Kind of reminds me of the time I thought I blew my back out from lifting some heavy bowl blanks. I was cutting up some big stock for the Oneway most of the day. As the day ended my back started to hurt. By 7:00 that night it was getting to toe curlin' pain. Turns out I was in the hospital for a while with a kidney stone. Now I know what child birth feels like except the pain doesn't cycle off and on like child labor. :o Seems we can associate pain or sickness with the last known work cycle.