The Forestry Forum

General Forestry => Urban and Community Forestry => Topic started by: andysheffield on July 31, 2007, 08:32:50 PM

Title: Backyard Charcoal
Post by: andysheffield on July 31, 2007, 08:32:50 PM
I've attempted my first backyeard charcoal production today, using alder in 1/4s of 18 inch rounds seasoned for only 4 months

I've gone with a basic pit method, get it on fire then drop a metal lid on it and cover it with soil and leave a single chimney.

I'll know if it worked in a day or too...does anyone else make their own charcoal?
Title: Re: Backyard Charcoal
Post by: Larry on July 31, 2007, 09:18:17 PM
Yes, I have made charcoal with mixed results on a small scale.  I'm thinking it might be a product that would complement my BBQ wood sales so I have been doing a little research.

You may find this site interesting.

Iffen your on dialup takes a while. ::)
Title: Re: Backyard Charcoal
Post by: Daren on July 31, 2007, 09:48:31 PM
I make my own charcoal with cherry/mulberry (personal use, much smaller scale in a 35 gallon drum. Mill slab, stuff I buck, but it works ?), I also cook with those and other fruitwoods like apple/pear/peach... Start a fire in the pit and after they burn down to coals throw a fat steak on. Throw some wet chips in for smoke.  digin1 I can't do hickory though, gives me terrible heartburn, don't know why but it does.

Larry, that was a cool link, thanks.
Title: Re: Backyard Charcoal
Post by: Furby on July 31, 2007, 10:17:17 PM
Here's a link to a thread in the "general board" you may find of help. :)
Title: Re: Backyard Charcoal
Post by: jim king on August 01, 2007, 02:56:07 PM
Nothing to it .  Just pile up fresh wood cover with banana leaves and grass then a layer of mud and then frame it in with sticks so nothing collapses.  Start it on fire and tend it 24 hours a day for a week so it doesnt burn to ashes.  After it is ready close the air holes and let it cool a week.  Then put it in gunny sacks and carry it a few miles to the nearest road.

After this you take it to town and sell it to the Chinese restaurants for about $20.  You have just lived a two week span of a slash and burn subsistance farmer.



Title: Re: Backyard Charcoal
Post by: ADAMINMO on August 01, 2007, 04:32:13 PM
No help here.....I have a charcoal plant a few miles from my house and go get a 30 gallon trashcan full every month or so.Dont cost a thing as long as I dont abuse the privlege and sell it on the side.I only get enough for me to use from time to time.