The Forestry Forum

General Forestry => Ask The Forester => Topic started by: peter nap on November 27, 2007, 07:01:30 PM

Title: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: peter nap on November 27, 2007, 07:01:30 PM
Hello everyone. First post.

I have a 125 acre farm that I purchased last year to retire on (someday maybe). 50 acres had been logged before I bought it and I'm clearing the sprouts and blackberries from selected spots for game patches and to grow something or the other. That leaves about 30 acres on that section that I'm letting go back to mama. I am building a post and beam house, completely off grid on 5 acres of this remainder. This is why this forum looked like a slice of heaven.

The other 75 acres is a tree farm planted in loblolly pine. One half is 25 years old and the other is 35 years old.
All trees are healthy and doing well so far. It looks like it needs to be thinned though. I hired a forester to help manage it but all he did was a survey. I haven't been able to get any advice from him at all. It seems that he only wants to deal with the sale of the timber.

Nice fellow and did a good survey but I need some direction. I'm in no hurry to log it first because the prices are very bad now and second, I want this for future income with minimun impact on the wildlife.

Where can I go for some management advice?

Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: Tom on November 27, 2007, 07:10:32 PM
I don't know where you are located, but you might get some help from your County Forester.   If you can't locate him, get in touch with your Agricultural Extension Agent, propably under County Gov. in the phone book.

You might get a management plan written and a lesson on available Gov. Plans like The stewardship program or the American Tree Farm System.
Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: peter nap on November 27, 2007, 07:33:18 PM
Thanks Tom. I just updated my profile. I'm in Virginia.
I'm a Master Gardner in Va so I'm part of the extension agents office. I was amazed that they were absolutely no help. I haven't tried talking to Tech directly yet and that may be the best route.

The State Forester is only interested in the section that's already been logged.
Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: Tom on November 27, 2007, 07:40:03 PM
Well, this will be a good experience for you and a chance to see the "dept." as the public sees it.  :)

Your State Forester might be under restrictions placed upon him by "upper management", still, it would behoove you to aske about a management plan and introduction into one of the Forestry societies.  They are usually incouraged to help out new owners with consultation and recommendations.
Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: peter nap on November 27, 2007, 07:55:34 PM
I'll give the State Forester another try. Don't get me wrong, I'm not criticizing either my Forester or the State Forester (It's a she by the way).
We just seem to be on two different roads. They've both been as pleasant to work with as can be.

One is interested in sales only and the other is interested in replanting only.

I'll call her tomorrow.
Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: Tom on November 27, 2007, 08:06:07 PM
Tell them that you are interested in the whole ball of wax.  You want a management plan. :D
Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: rewimmer on November 27, 2007, 08:55:01 PM
You may try contacting Dr. Bond at Virginia Tech. He was very helpful to me with plans for a solar kiln. <>
I live about 20 minutes from Tech. Also I think you can contact his services on the VT web sight. I know some of his projects were listed there.
Robert in Virginia
Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: Ron Scott on November 27, 2007, 10:04:25 PM
Phorester may be able to help you some when he comes on. He's a service forester in Virginia.

You need to spell out to the forester that you want a Forest Landowner Stewardship Plan completed before any timber harvesting is done. Contact your local DNR service forester who should be able to provide you with a list of forester's certified to do such plans.

Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: WDH on November 27, 2007, 11:29:07 PM
Some pics of your property and the timber stands would be very helpful for us in helping you ;D.  Learn how to post pics, and lets see your property!!
Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: Phorester on November 28, 2007, 09:30:42 PM

.....and here I am!  ;D   (Sorry, couldn't resist)  I expect that VA Tech will just refer you to us, the VDOF.

I'm sorry that you haven't received good help from us yet.  Could be that you and the county forester are not quite on the same wave length yet.  I sometimes have to talk to a landowner a couple times before he/she and I get together on what they are looking for.

As Ron says, call your county forester back and tell her you would like a Forest Stewardship Plan.  That should clue her in that you want a management plan for the entire property to meet your goals as landowner.

If you would rather have another forester write a plan for you, the county forester can give you a list of consulting foresters who cover your county that write those. 

If you are still frustrated, you can contact me through my profile and we can have a private discussion if you'd like.
Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: peter nap on November 30, 2007, 10:26:04 AM
Thanks everyone! :)

I'm sorry that you haven't received good help from us yet.  Could be that you and the county forester are not quite on the same wave length yet.  I sometimes have to talk to a landowner a couple times before he/she and I get together on what they are looking for.

I think it's a case of the busy leading the blind.

If you would rather have another forester write a plan for you, the county forester can give you a list of consulting foresters who cover your county that write those.

I got the forester I used from a list she sent me. Again, I think it's me not being able to convey what I'm after. (Makes sense since I only have a vague idea what I'm after anyway)

If you are still frustrated, you can contact me through my profile and we can have a private discussion if you'd like.

I may do that.

I'll try to get some pictures this weekend and post them.

This is one of the small spots that were just planted a couple years ago (and a few of my bears ;D
[img width=500 --Photos MUST be in the Forestry Forum gallery!!!!![/img]http://This gives an idea of the older sections:
[img width=500 --Photos MUST be in the Forestry Forum gallery!!!!![/img]

and again in a brand new section (and deer)
--Photos MUST be in the Forestry Forum gallery!!!!!

HMMMM guess I'm going to move some pictures here
Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: verb on December 01, 2007, 06:32:47 AM
I am a consulting forester in Virginia and a forest landowner in four counties in Virginia.  What county are you located in? 

You need a stewardship plan.  You need to write down your broad objectives first.  I usually write down my objectives for the next 5 yrs, 10 yrs, 15 yrs, and 20 yrs.
Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: peter nap on December 01, 2007, 07:04:23 AM
I'm in Lunenburg, Verb.

--Photos MUST be in the Forestry Forum gallery!!!!!

Still can't post a picture. When I try to upload it, it says file size too large but the file size is only a little over 3kb.

The link above is to --Photos MUST be in the Forestry Forum gallery!!!!!--. If you browse all the pages you should see a picture or two that shows the older pine sections and easement separating them.

Darn....that didn't work either
Copy and past everything between the () and it will take you to a picture....I hope

--Photos MUST be in the Forestry Forum gallery!!!!!

*DanG! :-X
Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: Furby on December 01, 2007, 09:21:53 PM
Peter, you must use the forum gallery for pics.
Pics must be less then 400 pixels on the widest side, and around 40k in file size.
Under the help button at the top of the page is instructions for uploading and posting pics.
When optimizing the pics, you need to first get the pixels under 400 on the longest side and then compress/optimize the file size for best results.

Feel free to send me a message if you need any help figuring things out. :)
Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: verb on December 02, 2007, 05:03:04 AM
I am extremely interested in solar power.  You mention that your place is going to be off the grid.  Are you going to use solar or a generator?


Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: peter nap on December 02, 2007, 04:16:16 PM
It's 80% solar and 20% wind right now Verb. I have it set up at my camper there until I get the place built. My batteries are still to light but I have forklift batteries coming. The big advantage to them is the lifespan. I'll be dead before the batteries need replacement. I may in the future add a small hydro generator. I have the water and building the generators is reasonably cheap, I just have a lot on my plate right now.

My current system produces a tad over 1K.

I guess I've become a treehugger (no pun intended). I have a couple of miles of riverfront on the Meherrin river. I consider this one of the few truely unspoiled rivers in the state and am careful about what I put in it. I designed and built a composting septic system because I felt the soil was unsuitable for a conventional system (Even though it passed health standards. When I say off grid....I mean OFF GRID.

When I leave this world, I plan on my kids getting that farm in better condition than it was before I got it. 8)
Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: peter nap on December 03, 2007, 02:18:57 AM
Let's see
[img width=107;msg=408921;topic=28424.0;sesc=c75c88b471522b3a36f03dc1dc1707aa
Modify message][/img]'s a picture anyway..


That's better...Ok here are two pictures taken this spring and summer.
Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: verb on December 03, 2007, 07:55:59 AM

Would you be willing to give me a tour of your place?  I am very interested in the alternative energy.

I own 81 acres in Prince Edward County that is 39 year old pine and was thinned 7 years ago.  I could give you a tour if your interested.

Email me at if you are interested.


Paul Verbyla, CF, ACF
Consulting Forester
Mathews VA
Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: peter nap on December 03, 2007, 08:34:04 AM
Sure thing Paul...I'll email you this evening!
Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: peter nap on December 05, 2007, 04:59:54 AM
Well, Verb came over yesterday to look at the solar system. Started the day off wrong because I misunderstood the meeting place and was in the wrong spot. After we got there, he looked at the system. I think he was expecting something more complicated.

Anyway, we talked solar a little and then walked around. I wasn't feeling well yesterday and was flat worn out when we left.

He was a wealth of information and answered all the questions I've had about the trees. Thanks Paul!

If you read this Paul, I spent a couple of hours crunching the numbers for the type of system your look for and have a rough plan for a grid tie that should do just what your looking for. I'll try to clean it up and get with you next week!

Thanks again...both Verb and everyone else!
Title: Re: First post and a couple of questions
Post by: Jeff on December 05, 2007, 06:24:18 PM
Quote from: peter nap on December 05, 2007, 04:59:54 AM
Well, Verb came over yesterday to look at the solar system.

Ah!  Astronomy! ;) :)