The Forestry Forum

General Forestry => General Board => Topic started by: treecyclers on December 06, 2007, 12:24:18 AM

Title: Can I get your opinion please?
Post by: treecyclers on December 06, 2007, 12:24:18 AM
Folks, I am here to ask for a selfish and self promoting thing, but I am going to ask anyway.
I just launched my ecommerce website, and I want your honest, unbiased opinion, no holds barred.
If you like, tell me what you like, and also vice versa - if something stinks, I want to know.
THe other things I want to know are how you feel about using it, does it work for you, what do I need to put in, take out, streamline, expand, and whatnot.
I want to know your honest opinion, gang. And, if there ever was a group of folks that I could trust to give me that feedback, I know it's ya'll.
Here's the link:

And, if you would be so inclined, sign in and create an account so I can also check on my back office workings as well.
And, as always, I sincerley appreciate all your help in helping me make my site the best it can be!
Title: Re: Can I get your opinion please?
Post by: Roxie on December 06, 2007, 05:52:50 AM
I created an account, and wow....nice work!  Your product and your website are great.

The things that I noticed are:

When you click on the sofa table, it dosn't take you to an enlarged picture.

You give the dimensions of the picture frame, but not the size of picture it will hold.

You requested a birthdate to register, and most folks don't like giving that out

I really like that the produts are displayed on the home page, it gives you an 'at a glance' information about your product. 

You will get an order from me for some of those frames...they are awesome!
Title: Re: Can I get your opinion please?
Post by: Roxie on December 06, 2007, 05:58:11 AM
By the way....a very nice email confirmation showed up in my mailbox within seconds of registering.   :)
Title: Re: Can I get your opinion please?
Post by: Cedarman on December 06, 2007, 06:39:14 AM
One of the things I look for in a web site is the location or locations of the business and a name and phone number for contact.  I always have questions the website cannot answer and I hate to dig for that info.  By knowing the location, then I know whether something will have to be shipped or I can drive by and check things out.  These are things I like to see on the home page.  IMHO

What you have looks nice.
Title: Re: Can I get your opinion please?
Post by: sprucebunny on December 06, 2007, 07:13:20 AM
Yes, very nice.

I agree with Cedarman about location.

Your pictures got squished. One pic of an item has different ht/width ratio as another pic of the same item.

The larger picture ( of the frames, anyway) wasn't much larger and didn't show alot of detail.

I couldn't find a button to return to the main page of the catalog.

I realize that you use some kind of form to build this. If you can, move "United States" to the top of the countries list.

Very attractive items !
Title: Re: Can I get your opinion please?
Post by: scsmith42 on December 06, 2007, 08:45:54 AM
First off - very nice site and very nice products!

To addd to the previous comments, the image resulting from the "click to enlarge" function is too small (and in some instances blurred).

The fields for entering name/address, etc are a bit narrow.

USA should appear at the top of your list.

When I was entering the country, I hit the "U" key and Uganda popped up.  I hit the "down" arrow to scroll to US and was taken back one screen.  When I came back, all of the info that I had previously entered was gone.

On the Treecycler's home page, when I click on the "services" button I am taken to some type of script about creating the web page.

There also seem to be two different web sites.  If I go to "" there is no catalog option button - seems to be a different web host or something.

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Can I get your opinion please?
Post by: wesdor on December 06, 2007, 09:27:23 AM
Very nice website.

I agree with others regarding the location being needed on the catalog site.

Seems to me that you are responding rapidly to comments here.  When I tried some of the buttons others have referenced, they didn't have the same problems. 

As SCSmith said, you needed a link from the treecyclers home page to the catalog, and by the time I checked it out it was there. 

Not only nice work, but I really like your idea of using trees for something other than firewood or burn wood.

Title: Re: Can I get your opinion please?
Post by: metalspinner on December 06, 2007, 09:48:56 AM
I like the little stories about the tree's and wood and where they came from.  Lot's of people really like that kind of "history" in their furniture.  You also have a good diversity of product, from turnings to caskets. :)  The prices are also reasonable considering it's all handmade.

The font seemed on the small side.  My eye's are not very good and I really needed to be deliberate to read the text.  Often when I am scanning info, I do just that - scan.  If something peaks my interest, I will read the text.  The small font did not allow me to scan.  Maybe that is what you wanted?

Overall I like the product and the philosophy of your business.
Title: Re: Can I get your opinion please?
Post by: treecyclers on December 06, 2007, 09:56:04 AM
Gang, I knew this was the best place to get my site tuned up properly!
Yes, I ma working feverishly in between playing with the dogs and phone calls this morning to take everyone's input to heart.
I so appreciate everyone taking a little time out of their busy day to help me, even in the slightest capacity.
Honest feedback is a rare thing, as so often people are afraid to tell the truth in fear of hurting someone's feelings.
Keep the feedback coming, and know that I am working hard on fixing the photos problem. I just found some new software that will allow me to put multiple photos on each item page, which will also auto-size them to the file instead of cramming a given photo into a fixed dimension box.
I'll see what I can do about enlarging the font for you Metalspinner. Or, if you find something you like, send me an email and I'll copy it into a page expecially for you that's more appropriate and easier on your peepers!
Thanks so much!

Oh, before I forget - those of you kind folks that have created an account to help me test my backoffice side of the software, stay tuned for something special in your email box (assuming that the email address you entered is valid).

Title: Re: Can I get your opinion please?
Post by: SwampDonkey on December 06, 2007, 10:10:53 AM
Looking good Dave. I can't add much to the comments. I don't think I would make a good judge about website design. But if it loads quick, has quality imagery, has contact info and isn't a nightmare to navigate through it's going to be fine I think.  ;)
Title: Re: Can I get your opinion please?
Post by: sgtmaconga on December 06, 2007, 05:14:16 PM
everyone covered most of what i found. i would sug. (post code) be changed to (postal/zip+4 code) or what ever works for you. we always know what the zip code is.
Title: Re: Can I get your opinion please?
Post by: thecfarm on December 06, 2007, 07:55:35 PM
I made an account this morning before going to work.It loaded up fast and I have dail up.That really helps out alot.Good luck.
Title: Re: Can I get your opinion please?
Post by: isawlogs on December 06, 2007, 08:23:21 PM

I am on dial-up hand crank , it loads real quick , faster then the forum  ;)  I also found that the pics had little issues , but seams you are already onto that . I dont really like the idear of giving a phone number out ... But now I guess ya can give me a hollar if youwant  :D :D :D

    Great looking site over all .  8) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Can I get your opinion please?
Post by: dancan on December 06, 2007, 08:41:25 PM
looks good , a few different and successful retailers in my area have been using a similar type of webpage for a while .
the only issue i have is that the pictures are to small and a user does not have the choice to view more , one equipment website that i have visited ( link their photos on flickr (don't know how it works) and that gives a good view of what they have to sell but their webpage is plain and i can't get the email to work but the old fashion telephone works fine so that proves the point about making contact info easily found.
i think that you should have a statement as to why login or not and what you do with the info and how you protect any personal stuff .
my 2 cents  ;)