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General Forestry => General Board => Topic started by: Qweaver on December 09, 2007, 08:12:13 AM

Title: Why it's called huntin' not shootin'
Post by: Qweaver on December 09, 2007, 08:12:13 AM
Yesterday was the last day of "gun" deer deason in WV.  So since I'd only bagged one deer thus far, Uncle Lowell and I headed out to Cousin Arthur's hunting camp where there are so many deer that it could be called shootin' not huntin'.  Now we have plenty of deer here on the family 26 acres where I'm building our cabin, but those kind of fit in to that "pet" category (pests when they start eating gardens and pine saplins) so I'm a little reluctant to shoot them.  Long story short...after two days of cold, wet, miserable hunting at the farm and only seeing three deer that were far out of range, we gave up, loaded up, closed up and headed home.  Now home is only 17 miles from the camp so not a long trip but a bitter one non the less with no deer to show. 
As I'm pulling into the family "haller" I spy Cousin Rodney and stop to tell him the sad tale of our deer hunt.  He listens and then says "Why don't you just shoot that one standing there".
Well, I guess I'd better stop typing and get out there and skin that "pet" that's hanging under the big pine. ;) :D ::)
Title: Re: Why it's called huntin' not shootin'
Post by: JAMES G on December 09, 2007, 08:55:07 AM
I have been  around moundsville "shooting" with a friend the past couple of years and have to say that is some pretty country up there.Got to track my first deer in the snow and harvest it and have to say for a Florida boy it was a treat and a thrill.
Title: Re: Why it's called huntin' not shootin'
Post by: KGNC on December 10, 2007, 11:39:28 AM
A few years ago I was driving down a back road late one morning. I saw two hunters packing up, leaning on their truck and just sort of hanging out after an unsuccessful morning.
They where at the lower edge of a field with a fence at the upper woods line.
Just as I got even with the hunters I saw 3 deer run across the field, 2 jumped the fence. The 3rd jumped and missed, fell back into the field got up and jumped again and cleared the fence.
The 2 hunters didn't see a thing going on 100 ft behind them.
The whole event stroke me as so funny, I guess because that could have been me.
Title: Re: Why it's called huntin' not shootin'
Post by: CLL on December 10, 2007, 11:22:12 PM
My son and myself decided to move my tree stand after opening morning in Missouri. Since it was only going to take 15 minutes and we would be less than a 100 yards from the truck, in our brilliance we decided to leave the guns in the truck. Oh by the way his 9 year old son was with us. We took the stand down carried it to where we wanted it, was making a brain hurting decision on which tree to put it on, looked up and there was one of the niciest wide 8 point bucks I ever saw. SHOOT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I say we left our guns in the truck.
Title: Re: Why it's called huntin' not shootin'
Post by: ARKANSAWYER on December 12, 2007, 06:58:25 PM

  Well here it should be called shooting instead of hunting.  About all I hear is shooting.  Not just one to two shots but vollys of 5 to 10 rounds at a time.  Some folks must see lots of deer in their area as I hear lots of shooting from the same area.  Not that many deer killed (or maybe I should say tagged) in the county for all the shooting going on.  We will have a lead problem here like CHINA does now.  ;D  Every thing will be full  of lead.  Three years ago I did have to shoot one twice to get it down.  But I did not miss either shot.  Just one tough little buck.  Wife got one in town the other night with her .04 and it was some torn up.  It is eating OK but the $4,700 to fix the van makes it the highest priced meal we's ever eaten. 
Title: Re: Why it's called huntin' not shootin'
Post by: Slabs on December 12, 2007, 09:40:49 PM
Waaal now yall,,  I reckon I orta join the "shootin" group since I look out the back door and see "mammy" , a yearlin(must be last year's yungun still hangin around) and a fawn grazin on my Red Tops and Azelias in the yard.  Hard to get anything going when it gets et' up before it can get established.  Ain't got a lot of room in the icebox in the fridge but a small freezer would be a good investment.  That yearlin might be a good target.  Just need some cool weather to chill the carcass overnight.

Florida panhandle just been too warm to plink off a round.
Title: Re: Why it's called huntin' not shootin'
Post by: Part_Timer on December 15, 2007, 09:10:51 AM
It always amazes me that pet and pest is only one garden munching away