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General Forestry => Tree, Plant and Wood I.D. => Topic started by: Tom on July 21, 2001, 07:34:35 PM

Title: Solved: Virginia Creeper
Post by: Tom on July 21, 2001, 07:34:35 PM
                     YIKES ! !
                                What's this ?


Title: Re: ID Just for fun 18
Post by: L. Wakefield on July 22, 2001, 12:02:26 PM
   I've seen that called Virginia creeper (I always called it WV creeper, but that's unofficial). It's not poison ivy, it's not multiflora rose,  and it's not smilax virginiana, (formerly known as blaspheme vine, or greenbrier or catbrier), so even tho it's tough as nails to pull out as a weed, it was always ok by me in comparison.
Title: Re: ID Just for fun 18
Post by: marc on July 22, 2001, 12:44:04 PM
That stuff is as hard as heck to get rid of you have to pull the roots out at least 5 times before it dies, That is if you are trying to get rid of it.
Title: Re: ID Just for fun 18
Post by: Tom on July 22, 2001, 02:51:04 PM
Doesn't Poison Oak have 5 leaves?
Title: Re: ID Just for fun 18
Post by: CHARLIE on July 22, 2001, 07:18:52 PM
Tom, the first thing I thought of when I saw that was "POISON OAK!!!"  That was before I read your note. So, my answer counts.

Reminds me of the time Cousin Ben and I decided we weren't allergic to poison ivy and commenced to rip the vines from a huge live oak that was heavily laden with the stuff wearing only shorts and barefeeted. His ma (my aunt)ask what us boys had been up to. When we told her, she immediately put us in a bathtub of water and bleach. Toooo late. Worse case of itch I think I've ever had:D :D ;D :'(
Title: Re: ID Just for fun 18
Post by: Tom on July 22, 2001, 07:48:56 PM
Charlie, I remember that all too well.  It wasn't just yours and Bens idea, It was Uncle Pete's.  I seem to remember that there was a salary envolved, like .10 an hour or something like that.  I helped him drag it to a burn pile and you boys were up in the tree.  It never did and never has, knock on wood, effected me.  You two spent the better part of the week in bed and I remember the Doctor coming to the house to check on you several times.  Ben got it worse.

That pile of poison ivy was burned.  It's a wonder we lived through it.  I learned later in life that one should never, ever burn poison ivy because the caustic oils enter your lungs and cause the same kinds of lesions inside as you suffered from outside.  People die....DIE...from the pneumonia caused by breathing poison ivy smoke.

Now you would think it would be easy to stay away from that smoke, but what happens if a neighbor 2 miles away is burning it and you are down wind?  

Think of the poor Rangers who fight forest fires and spend days in smoke from burning poison ivy, poison oak and Lord only knows what other kinds of caustic fumes caused by the fire.

Scary, isn't it?

I was always told poison oak had 5 leaves.  They told us in Boy Scouts and R.A.'s and many other organizations I was concerned with that had first aid classes.

Now, I find on the web that both poison ivy and poison oak have 3 leaves (leaflets). Was I wrong all these years?  I guess it was better to be safe than sorry.  Also I don't ever remember being instructed in Poison sumac other than to be told it was not to be taken internally.  Now I find it has the same oils as the other two.

Glad I looked that up !  :-[
Title: Re: ID Just for fun 18
Post by: swampwhiteoak on July 22, 2001, 09:09:14 PM
I'm near 100% certain that you got Virginia creeper.

I got poison ivy terrible, nearly every year until I started learning botany.  Maybe had it once or twice since.  

My favorite line to hear from someone who doesn't get out in the woods much,
QuoteI don't get poison ivy, watch this!
(I think some people are a lot more immune than others, but many aren't as resistant as they think.  I wish I had Tom's resistance! Not fair!)