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General Forestry => General Board => Topic started by: GF on October 23, 2008, 03:50:56 PM

Title: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: GF on October 23, 2008, 03:50:56 PM
Thought I would never feel earthquakes in Oklahoma.  I woke up in the middle of the night from sleeping to large sounds in the ground and feeling the house shake from the foundation up and doors rattle.  On Oct 21 they recorded 9 earthquakes in my area, we had several that afternoon, my wife called me at work and said I need to come home, that it felt like someone ran into the house, the house shook and the items on the wall shook.  The Geological survey sadi the first ones were around a 3.2, they are still working on the graphs for the others. 

Two woke me up last night, and my Dad called to say they had one that shook the house and rattled the doors this afternoon.  The Geological Survey said there were three today and the epicenter is near me.  They have confirmed them as earthquakes and not any type of ground fracturing of any type.

Two of them I actually heard the rocks shift deep in the ground and could hear the sound coming from the epicenter at a high rate of speed, its definitly different.  There has already been around 14-16 since tuesday morning around 1:00 am.

The worst part is that I got a copy of my house policy on the 21st in the mail and was looking at, one of the options that caught my eye was earthquake insurance option, I asked my wife why would you need earthquake insurance in Oklahoma, and then to be woke up that same night by something I had never felt in my life.   People within several miles around are hearing and feeling them also.

Guess its a kind reminder from mother nature who actually still has control of the world.


Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: Warbird on October 23, 2008, 03:54:33 PM
Lots os small earthquakes is good.  That is pressure being relieved in a safe manner.  It's when that pressure isn't let off a little at a time that things get dangerous.  I went through a 7.9 up here a few years ago.  Any time the earth quakes, little or small, it is a definite wake up call.  Glad you guys are handling it all right.  :)
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: okmulch on October 23, 2008, 04:07:39 PM

I did not hear or see anything on the news here in Stillwater about them. Of course I could have missed  it on the news I tend to focus on the weather more than anything.
I guess since they were so small we did not feel them in Stillwater.
Hope there was no damage to anything and all is well. :)
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: ely on October 23, 2008, 05:15:10 PM
maybe gary failed to mention that he has been making wine and they have been sampling pretty heavy here lately. :D

i am just funnin ya, in the past we have felt a few  minor ones here in the SE part.
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: beenthere on October 23, 2008, 05:27:00 PM
Reported here.

Glad all are ok, in OK.
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: okie on October 23, 2008, 11:04:47 PM
I live in Locust Grove; didnt feel a thing. Where did this take place?
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: js2743 on October 23, 2008, 11:15:38 PM this show all quakes but shows nothing for OK.
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: GF on October 24, 2008, 01:51:15 PM
Had a couple of more last night.   Talked to the geolical seismo graph people who report these for Oklahoma that is located in Tulsa and the main seismoligist was kileed in a car accident a couple of months ago so they are trying to get all the info together.  They said the news channels had been contacting them but they have not released any info since they are still putting everything and trying to locate the exact epicenter.  Below is the chart from the seismographs from Tulsa for the one that happened at 12:45 yesterday. Its just a different feeling not ever feeling an earthquake. They are still also determining the strength of the others.

okmulch, Everything is fine and no reports of damage as of yet from anyone.

Okie,  The loaction is NE of Oklahoma City about 18 miles in that area.

Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: beenthere on October 24, 2008, 03:40:47 PM
Those aren't just oil geoligists exploring or loosening up underground oil and gas deposits?

;D ;D

Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: GF on October 24, 2008, 04:10:47 PM

I asked them that question.  They have drilled about 14 natural gas wells about 7 mile from where I live.  These 14 wells are in a about 1 1/4 X 1 1/4 mile area, some well are about 300yards apart.  I thought they maybe doing some kind of fracturing but they said they do not do the fracturing that close together.  I still think they are pulling so much natural gas out of the ground that its casuing things to shift below the surface.  Anytime you remove something from underground something settles.
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: TexasTimbers on October 24, 2008, 10:48:01 PM
I was discussing fault lines in the US with my MIL about a month ago, and sent her several sites. One shows all the latest earthquakes There are hundreds a day worldwide, and dozens daily right here in the US. Hope y'all don't get a big one. Been in quite a few in Japan, none major but as few big enough to rattle your cage. It's a feeling you can't describe to someone who hadn't felt it.
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: GF on October 24, 2008, 11:45:45 PM
Its friday night and we had a pretty hard one at 9:57 pm.  I called my contact at the Geological survey center in Tulsa that monitors them to let them know.  She was out camping just south of Tulsa and prior to me calling her right afer it happened they were wondering why the horses were going crazy, then I called and she already new.  Tulsa is about 60 miles from me.  She said the animals can sense these when people cant.  I the dogs in the neighborhood were going crazy.  I hit pretty hard, shaking the house and the hutch on my sons desk.  People around several miles felt it.
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: TexasTimbers on October 26, 2008, 03:33:40 PM
The Memphis fault (has a different name I forget it) that runs from the Memphis area up to St. Louis I believe is due within the next day to 100 years or so. We have one south of us about 50 miles that's due also. Was one of the biggest ones on our continent around 500 years ago. New York sits on one as well I think.

Have you had any since your last post?
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: GF on October 26, 2008, 09:03:56 PM
Had a small one today at 4:20, it just vibrated the floor a little.  The state USGS out of Tulsa lost there 40 year veteran seismologist in August to a car accident.   They said he had all the system encrypted and password protected, the people working there are working on getting into the systems and they are having hard time.  Hopefully they start releasing some info to the media, they have given all the charts to the federal USGS to look over them to get a second opinion.  Hope to here something before long.  I talked to the county sheriff yesterday and they got a alot of calls into 911 abotu them.  It seems like the news would be more on this to get some information, but apparently they are waiting on the USGS.

They say earthquakes are normal in Oklahoma, but having som many in one area is not normal.  They said they evenutally should go away and there shouldnt be any large ones.  My concern is they dont know why we are having som many and so far have no explanation, so I hope so large one does not just show up.  I talked to a person today and he heard and felt the one we had on friday night and he lives about 25 miles away.
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: OneWithWood on October 27, 2008, 11:18:21 AM
TT, I believe you are referring to the New Madrid fault.  A real monster that will do untold damage to the midwest when it lets go. 
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: TexasTimbers on October 27, 2008, 02:27:31 PM
yeah the New Madrid. I saw a special on it some months back. They have been repairing bridges and retrofitting them with earthquake-resistant engineering for about the past 4 or 5 years I think they said, in hopes that one or more might survive. They said the whole area is apt to be leveled, and none of the bridges are likely to survive but they are making a feeble attempt anyway. Widespread devastation and mucho muarte to the peeps. Another thing to put on Tom's List of Worries.

Probably will let go about the time we are all getting around in aircars powered by micro nook-yah-leer reactors, when all of the bridges have long since been recycled into tin cans for snow peas. ;D
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: GF on October 28, 2008, 07:19:43 AM
Had another at 4:07 this morning, caused the house to shake, and I woke to a bed like someone was shaking it hard as they could.  Called several people around me and they woke to their beds shaking like mine also.  If there was not a fault where I am at now, I would almost say their is one now.

Tornadoes aren't to bad you have advanced warning, these things you hear a large rumble in the ground and everything shakes within a second.
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: beenthere on October 28, 2008, 10:20:06 AM
Seen any large cracks opening up?  either in the ground or the highways?

As long as your neighbors feel it too, then it may mean you are not sitting on top of it.  ::) ::)
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: Warbird on October 28, 2008, 10:48:24 AM
How big are these quakes. GF?  Here are a few pics of that 7.9 quake we had in Alaska quite a few years ago.  These pics were taken on the main road connecting Fairbanks to Anchorage.  If memory serves, they were 100 to 150 miles outside of Fairbanks.

A few homes in the outlying areas took bad hits but we were mainly okay here in Fairbanks.  It got really scary because it lasted so long.  It shook hard for over 30 seconds.

Again, many small quakes is very much preferable to the alternative, that being 1 huge one with large aftershocks.  You do get used to them after a while.



Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: GF on October 28, 2008, 11:30:59 AM
No visable damage yet, the one that occured at 4:07 they said was a 2.8 which is small so must have been about on top it it or pretty close.  I went to work at 5:00, and got a call at 6:30 and they said had another and it was worse than the 4:07 one.   There was another lighter one about 7:40 said it just vibrated the floor. 
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: Warbird on October 28, 2008, 12:10:57 PM
2.8?  Wow.  Those must be *very* shallow for you to be feeling them that much.  Have they told you what depth the epicenter has been at?  One good thing is that they are being felt large distances away.  Much more likely to be an actual earthquake, as opposed to the military doing any testing or anything like that.
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: GF on October 28, 2008, 03:42:12 PM
Warbird,  the people they have reading the graphs dont even know how to update the images on their website with the new data since the veteran died in a car accident, they are asking me how.  In all honesty I think they are guessing at the 2.8 and the epicenter.   I could hear the rocks shift from SW of me and the rumble though the ground coming from that direction (only a second or two), and they are saying the epicenter is NE of me a couple of miles.  The directions they gave me from two towns is not even possible since the directions were both east,west and no north south from either town.  Anyway I put earthquake insurance on my structures effective this morning, its only $31 a year.  Others have called in yesterday and today doing the same.  Figure in a year or so I could drop it off, at least I will sleep better knowing if something happens its covered.  I have everything paid off and sure wouldnt want to start over again.
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: GF on October 28, 2008, 04:45:21 PM
Below are the date and times of the occurances for my area, it does not list some of the light ones.

Earthquake information:  All original times are in UTC/GMT    15 total
> so far.
> Oct. 21 2008
> Station D378D0
> 05:15:00  or 12:15 AM CT
> 05:33:31  or  12:33:31 AM CT
> 05:55:40  or   12:55:40 AM CT
> 06:02:17   or 1:02:17 AM CT
> 06:43:45   or 1:43:45 AM CT
> 09:29:35   or 4:29:35 AM CT
> 14:12:15  or 9:12:15  AM CT
> 17:41:20  or 12:41:20 PM CT
> 19:05:39  or 2:05:39 PM CT
> Oct 23 2008
> 05:50   or 12:50 AM CT
> 17:45   or 12:45 PM CT
> Oct 24 2008
> 23:47  or  6:47 PM CT
> Oct 25 2008
> 21:24:30    or 4:24:30 PM CT
> Oct 28 2008
> 09:07:11   or 4:07:11 AM CT
> 11:33:40    or 6:33:40 AM CT
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: Larry on October 28, 2008, 04:50:01 PM
The guy at the lumber yard thought I was nuts when I asked for them new earthquake nails to hold our house together...had to order online.  Send us just a little tremor so's I can get even with him.

Earthquake nails (

Well I suppose you can also use em for hurricanes. ;D
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: Warbird on October 28, 2008, 06:40:41 PM
Just to clarify, they are measuring on the Richter magnitude scale, right?  What you describe sounds way more powerful than a 2.8.  Or it is the most shallow quake I have ever heard of.
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: moonhill on October 28, 2008, 07:57:05 PM
Warbird, those pictures remind me of the roads here in the spring as the frost goes out.  Well, maybe not quite that bad but close.       Tim 
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: GF on October 29, 2008, 08:32:50 AM
Yes they are measuring the with the Richter scale, I think they are estimating the magnitude myself, it sounded like and explosiong went off and the bed shook like someone grabbed ahold of it and shook as hard as they could for a few seconds, this is the same thing people around the area felt and experienced.  Last night we did not have any large ones I hear a distant rumble but did not feel the house shake.  The ones yesterday morning they said were a 2.8 shook more than the one last week they said was a 3.4, could have been where the epicenter was located.  The epicenters are in all different locations but in a general 5 X 5 mile square area.
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: logwalker on October 29, 2008, 12:29:06 PM
GF, I would be leaving that $31 earth movement rider in place for years. That is such cheap insurance when you think about it. Do some research on the New Madrid quake. My understanding is that in some areas small quakes are good but can leave adjoining sections of the fault hanging until they let loose with a major. You were wise to get the insurance.
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: TexasTimbers on October 29, 2008, 09:37:30 PM
I'm with Warbird I did not know you could feel a 2.8 unless you were standing on top of it, and it was within a half mile  of the surface. I think the Oklahoma seismograph office is not used to having to actually read their equipment. ;)

Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: GF on October 30, 2008, 08:45:00 AM
Quote from: TexasTimbers on October 29, 2008, 09:37:30 PM
I'm with Warbird I did not know you could feel a 2.8 unless you were standing on top of it, and it was within a half mile  of the surface. I think the Oklahoma seismograph office is not used to having to actually read their equipment. ;)

I agree, especially if they dont know how to update their own webpage with text information.  What is real interesting is it finally made it to the news, I had to prod them to release information to public, once they did two days ago hadnt felt the earth move since.  My opinion now is they knew what was causing them and was not telling, since it made it to the public so far in two days nothing not even a slight vibration, time will tell. 
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: GF on October 30, 2008, 01:29:32 PM
Guess I was wrong, had another at 11:26am this morning.  SHook pretty good and was load.
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: GF on October 30, 2008, 01:38:52 PM
When an earthquake occurs is it normal to be real loud?  Or does the loud sound mean you are close to the epicenter?  The one today along with some others were loud, while the house shook. 
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: Warbird on October 30, 2008, 01:44:09 PM
Based on this and other research I've read in the past, a 2.8 will not be felt in the ways you guys describe: (

Scroll down to the "Earthquake Effects" chart.

If it were me, I'd be asking some serious questions of city and state leaders.
Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: Ianab on October 30, 2008, 06:21:54 PM
I think you must be getting some very shallow and locallised earth movement. You will feel and even hear a 2.8 if it's very close and near the surface. But a landslide, big explosion or even a large plane crash will generate a 2.8 shake.

The good news is that it's probably relieving tension in small stages.

It generally has to be over 5 to make the news here, and it takes about a 4 to even wake me up. ;)


Title: Re: Earthquakes in Oklahoma
Post by: SwampDonkey on March 13, 2012, 05:29:00 AM
Residence of McAdam, NB. have felt several booms over the last several days. Officials say on Sunday morning a 2.4 earthquake was recorded. Residents have reported several tremors since. One resident thought it was his wood pile falling in the shed.

The city of Fredericton about 40 minutes away sits on an ancient fault line.

The University of Maine recorded it as well as natural Resources Canada.

It may possible be cryoseisms common at this time of year when frozen ground cracks and gives way.

CBC article (