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Outdoor topics => The Outdoor Board => Topic started by: pigman on December 02, 2008, 11:29:21 PM

Title: Outside cat inside house
Post by: pigman on December 02, 2008, 11:29:21 PM
We have a stray cat that decided to live at our farm. She had kittens just after her arrival  last winter and one of the toms is still around but somewhat wild. Tonight after supper when my wife went out to feed the strays the tom cat somehow got in the door without her knowing. After a while we heard a cat squalling in the house. Seems my daughter's inside cat (that has been here for four years) found the outside cat. The cat first ran up the curtins , then it tore down some Christmas decorations on the wall. I opened the outside door and got the broom, the cat went under the bed and out the other side. After ten trips around the house I finally got the cat to run into the sunroom. I then opened two doors to the outside and the cat found it's way outside in a flash.
Afer thirty minutes of putting curtins back up and repairing Christmas decorations everything is back to normal.

Anybody want a good cat. You catch and you can have. ;D
Title: Re: Outside cat inside house
Post by: Radar67 on December 03, 2008, 12:01:31 AM
I seem to recall woodbowl had some cats a while back... maybe they need a little company this winter. You might have to stuff that cat in a box and send it to him though. I've got his address if you decide you need it.

Might be a good surprise... we have to do something to this year to keep him from feeling blue. You know, last year he got a cant hook in the mail. That cat might be close enough to do.  ;D
Title: Re: Outside cat inside house
Post by: beenthere on December 03, 2008, 01:07:48 AM
Maybe tack it's hide to the back barn wall... ;D
Title: Re: Outside cat inside house
Post by: Gary_C on December 03, 2008, 02:03:22 AM
You should have sent the dog in to get the cat.  :D :D

I used to have a Black Lab that could catch any cat around. She got her nose scratched a few times, but she considered that a small price to pay. She would not eat them though.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Outside cat inside house
Post by: SwampDonkey on December 03, 2008, 06:08:08 AM
I hope the barn cat made the exit and not the daughter's cat. :D

Maybe it was a good time to rid the house of all cats. ;)

I have stray cats here to. Early this morning I was outside cleaning the pockets out of my cruise vest and a cat exited from underneath my steps. I know there are 3 adult cats and 2 half grown up kittens. They usually arrive each evening around supper time when I throw scraps out. Maybe the neighborhood fox will get one or two eventually. Been about a month since I seen him after one in the yard.  ;D
Title: Re: Outside cat inside house
Post by: Norm on December 03, 2008, 08:01:38 AM
I'll tell an add-on story to that. We had a stray cat living in the saw shed eating the barn cats food. Could never get a good shot at him but one night Patty saw him eating at the bowl with the other cats. She reached down to grab it by the neck to have it latch on to her hand with ten claws and a bunch of teeth. Luckily she knew enough to throw it into the cat carrier that was down there. When I got home she was soaking her hand in peroxide. I mentioned you know they carry rabies and you should call the Dr to see what to do. So totally ignoring me and my yelling about it being my job to dispatch varmints on the farm she calls her Vet. He insist she go to the ER because cat bites are the worst animal bite you can get and to just keep the cat in quarantine for ten days to see if it shows any signs of rabies, she ignores him too. ::)

Next morning I mention I'd better go give that cat some food and water so it doesn't starve to death and she mentions that oh yeah after I shoved it in the cage I gave it a good hard toss into the driveway. Now it was freezing rain and windy overnight so when I walk out sure enough there's the cage upside down out in the drive. As I get closer I can see the stray four feet straight up in the air stiff as a board, I'm thinking to myself well this isn't good. So inside I go to tell Patty and to suggest that maybe we'd have done better to not toss the cage with the cat and leave it out in the cold, I got the look. So she calls the vet again who says bring in the dead cat so he can remove the head to have it checked for rabies and oh yeah now you need to call the Dr because it's now a public health risk. Of course he's ignored.

Next day she has to take the boxed up cat head to ISU vet school to have it checked and spends the next 2 days wondering if it's got rabies. Luckily is doesn't and my guess is that after that and all of my yelling about how it's my job to do varmint control she'll not grab one again. As for the farm we now have one cat that has it's rabies shots up to date and any others that show up get lead poisoning.

My point for this long winded story is be careful, if she hadn't caught the cat she'd have the pleasure of rabies shots. 
Title: Re: Outside cat inside house
Post by: pigman on December 03, 2008, 08:19:44 AM
Radar, I have woodbowl's address, but I will need Patty to come and catch the cat for me since she has practice at catching wild cats. ;D
Gary, we don't have a dog, that is the problem. With the economy down, maybe someone will drop off a dog for us. ;D
SD, yes, the correct cat went out, but sometimes I wish the inside the cat would run out also. ;)

My vet said that I should have the cats "fixed". I told him that Norm's method would be faster and a lot cheaper. ;D
Title: Re: Outside cat inside house
Post by: Gary_C on December 03, 2008, 08:59:02 AM
Quote from: pigman on December 03, 2008, 08:19:44 AM
Gary, we don't have a dog, that is the problem. With the economy down, maybe someone will drop off a dog for us. ;D

If you wern't so far away, I could find a dog for you. One of the neighbors has one that will not stay home.  ::)
Title: Re: Outside cat inside house
Post by: DanG on December 03, 2008, 09:27:13 AM
Pigman, you're lucky it was just a cat.  The neighbor of a friend of mine decided to get himself a goat or two.  The day after he brought the first one home, his dogs got after it.  He ran out to rescue the goat and left the door standing open, so the goat took refuge in the house.  He penned the dogs up, then went to get the scared goat out of the house, but the goat had different ideas.  He wasn't just about to go back out there where all those dogs were! :o  The guy finally hemmed the pore goat up in the bathroom, but not before it virtually destroyed the inside of the house.  That was some really expensive goat-burgers!
Title: Re: Outside cat inside house
Post by: stonebroke on December 06, 2008, 10:45:56 AM
I once had to remove a squirrel from one of my mothers friends house. You would not believe what a little squirrel can do.  Also how long its takes before they decide to do out the sliding doors.

Title: Re: Outside cat inside house
Post by: zopi on December 06, 2008, 11:22:47 AM
I woke up this morning to a couger tap dancing on my butt...'s why I was up at 0200...Trefoils had
caught a fieldmouse which had migrated inside for the winter and was amusing himself by chasing
the little bugger up and down my back...grabbed my work gloves and caught the mouse and put it out...then petted trefoils and told him he was a good boy...and shut him out the bedroom door...