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General Forestry => Ask The Forester => Topic started by: The-Burl-Hunter on January 26, 2009, 09:49:06 PM

Title: anyone know where to get sugar maple seeds...
Post by: The-Burl-Hunter on January 26, 2009, 09:49:06 PM
does anyone know where a person could buy some good 2008 sugar maple seeds to start indoors. the trees should maby be from a northern climate because that is where they will eventually be planted. thanks, any websites or ideas on maby where to get some started plants or seeds would be great thanks again for the help :-\
Title: Re: anyone know where to get sugar maple seeds...
Post by: ahlkey on January 27, 2009, 03:42:53 PM

I would contact your nearest State Nursery.  In Wisconsin we have three State run sites and they sell seeds by the pound at reasonable prices.   They also have a program for purchasing seeds so if they do not have a particular seed for you I am sure they can recommend someone to you. 

Good Luck
Title: Re: anyone know where to get sugar maple seeds...
Post by: SwampDonkey on March 21, 2009, 07:07:34 PM
You could go and collect them next October in the local maple bush. Or this spring after the snow melts off the ground you can gather them before they sprout. It won't be long though, and they will sprout as soon as the wild flowers begin to poke out of the leaves. ;) Some years they bare heavy and it's like picking peanuts off the ground. Keep in mind only half will be fertile. They grow in pairs (double samara) one is always a dud. Give them a light pinch, the ones that collapse, toss. One fella brought be a whole 100 lb burlap sac full one fall. :D I gave'm $160 a bushel. I was hoping to get them stored at the seed centre, but they didn't want to store large hardwood seed. I lost them to mold and fermentation as they should have been spread to dry to a brown color. One clue where to look are the trees will still have the little stems that the seeds attached to the branches. And before some one wise cracks, make sure your in a sugar maple bush. ;)