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General Forestry => General Board => Topic started by: fishpharmer on March 01, 2009, 08:22:44 AM

Title: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: fishpharmer on March 01, 2009, 08:22:44 AM
My wife woke me up about an hour ago.  Said, look its snowing.

Surenuff.  I mean about an inch.  :o

A regular Mississippi Blizzard.  ::)

Still coming down in big flakes.

I will post pictures after I build a snowman with my daughter.  She wasn't this excited at Christmas.

Anyone else getting snow south of Mason-Dixon Line?

Stay tuned for your weather update ;) 8) 8)
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: SwampDonkey on March 01, 2009, 08:27:11 AM
I couldn't be more proud for ya son. ;D

Sun shining here, but cold, warming up though.
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: Sawyerfortyish on March 01, 2009, 09:03:36 AM
How do ya figure its getting warmer when it's snowing in dixie
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: beav39 on March 01, 2009, 09:51:41 AM
globel warming actually means colder wheather go figure ???
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: Banjo picker on March 01, 2009, 10:11:26 AM
We were coming home from Memphis last night.  The wife was driving thankfully we got behind a snow plow for about 20 miles through the worst of it.  Staying home today.  I bet you yankees didn't know we had snow plows down here.  They are probably few and far between.   :D 
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: WDH on March 01, 2009, 10:28:13 AM
Snowing here too.
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: stonebroke on March 01, 2009, 10:49:00 AM
Us northerners are real proud that You southeners are smart enough to buy snow plows instead of just waiting for it to melt. Maybe we should start buying tornado shelters, We get a tornado every few decades.

Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: SwampDonkey on March 01, 2009, 10:51:18 AM
If ya ever run short down there, we'll send ya's some real plows, not Tonka toys.  :-X  :D :D
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: DanG on March 01, 2009, 11:06:41 AM
I hope that nasty mess doesn't make it down this far.  It looks and feels like it could, though. :-\

I gotta pick a bone about the title of this thread, though.  What you're seeing is AlGore Global Warming.  If we had DanG Global Warming, we'd all be outside in t-shirts and shorts. ;) ;D :D
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: chevytaHOE5674 on March 01, 2009, 11:14:12 AM
Quote from: SwampDonkey on March 01, 2009, 10:51:18 AM
If ya ever run short down there, we'll send ya's some real plows, not Tonka toys.  :-X  :D :D

X2, if you need a real snowplow just let me know.
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: Radar67 on March 01, 2009, 11:42:15 AM
Well fish, just 90 miles from you, the wind is blowing and the sun is shinning.  :)
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: Riles on March 01, 2009, 11:49:23 AM
Calling for 6 to 8 inches, starting tonight.
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: SwampDonkey on March 01, 2009, 11:58:34 AM
I'll just be basking in the sun in on it's glory on this SUNday. Just got back from a 4 mile walk. :)
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: Tom on March 01, 2009, 01:16:14 PM
Quoteglobel warming actually means colder wheather go figure  ???

That's how people with unproven theories cover their bases.  You get wet when it rains and you stay drier if you walk slow in it.  Well, I guess, if you stand real still you won't get wet.  So, When it rains you might get wet or dry.  ??? :D :D
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: fstedy on March 01, 2009, 01:56:38 PM
Looks like it comming our way. Time to dust off the 4X4!!!
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: fishpharmer on March 01, 2009, 03:16:13 PM
Okay, I stand corrected. 

I was trying to be facetious or sarcastastic or some other big word I can't spell, in my title.

Please take no offense Mr. DanG.  I was using official cussword form of those same letters in your name. 

You folks are indeed right it was Al Gore Global Warming..  Come to think of it "Al Gore" should be a cuss word too. ;D

You yankees are gonna laugh but we don't get snow much. 


enjoy.  I will try to post more later.

Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: DanG on March 01, 2009, 03:44:58 PM
That mill otter cut better than everybody else's mill now that it thinks it is a yankee sawmill. ;D

Not to worry about using the official cussword, Fish.  I am always here for you, but I reserve the right to make the occasional comment. ;) :D  (You would like my version of Global Warming better, though.)

At least y'all got something different to look at.  It's just plain miserable here.  Has barely made 40 degrees and the wind has been 20 gusting to 30 all day long.  Can you say, "BORING"?  I've been sitting here just waiting for somebody to say something.  I even got on Google Earth and tried to find Wenrich's sawmill, but didn't have any luck.  Other than that, the main excitement has been the cat barfing on the rug, and the puppies were practicing their humping technique outside my window. ::) :D
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: SwampDonkey on March 01, 2009, 04:59:15 PM
Well I for one am real happy for ya'll, no matter which fella sit'n in the saddle cursed ya with global gobblely gook. Err, we call it snow up here, some of us call it poor man's fertilizer if we get it in potato planting time.  ;D :D
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: thompsontimber on March 01, 2009, 09:39:50 PM
We are getting it here in NC as well, calling for about 6 inches I think...we got about 1 at the moment, but its coming down hard.  Already got 9+ inches at Beech Mnt.
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: Don K on March 01, 2009, 09:41:37 PM
Got a little dusting here this morning. That makes two yrs in a row. Might be going for a new record. :D

Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: fishpharmer on March 01, 2009, 10:24:58 PM
 These were taken about 7:00 am  by 10 am it was all gone, and sunny the  rest of the day.
That was the best snow ever if you ask me. 8)  Came and left in a matter of hours. ;D

DonK I would be happy with just a dusting, glad we didn't have an ice storm.  Thompson thats six inches too much for me.
Swampdonkey thanks for the support in our time of need. :D
Mr. DanG, well, your the man. 8)  Sometime I want to hear your version of Global Warming.

Supposed to hit 26 F tonight.  My little girl had a blast with snowballs thrown at me, wasn't really enough for a snowman.

The back forty


Snowy sawmill again, really need to build a shed or something to cover it.


Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: sawmilllawyer on March 01, 2009, 11:29:49 PM
Fish, you would think that with the new and much improved sawmill a cover would come next, heh? Well we got the cold 25F yesterday and this morning but not one single flake of snow. Right now about 35F.
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: ScottAR on March 02, 2009, 12:55:18 AM
We got around seven inches which is the most I remember for a
very long time...  At least it wasn't ice this time...  I hate winter!
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: TinMan on March 02, 2009, 12:56:35 AM

Thats about what we get here in southern Orygun when it snows in the valley. Still fun tho 8) 8)

Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: Nomad on March 02, 2009, 01:00:36 AM
     Winter too cold?  Yup.  I'm still in Hawaii right now.  Got right chilly this morning.  Got down to about 66 before sunup, and windy too.

    Now that I stuck that thorn in it, you haven't heard a lot of the "global warming" bunkies talking much for the last couple of months, have you?  My home in North Florida has been pretty DanG chilly for the last couple of months, from what I'm told.

    BTW...  I thought that name WAS a cussword.  And I don't mean DanG.
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: fishpharmer on March 02, 2009, 04:10:18 AM
There is one thing I like about the sure covers up my junk and makes it look purty-er (or is that 2 things?)

Sawmilllawyer-it took me three years to get the saw running.  So shouldn't I get three more years to build a shed?

ScottAR-you keep sharing those stories and keep the snow up your way ;D Seven inches of snow would paralyze my town.  If there is a snow plow owned by the city or county it probably wouldn't run from setting up so long.  I have never seen one.

Tinman-I am glad your a southerner too. :D :D  Hows the swingill coming along?

Nomad you are just wrong.  :D  Nah.  I would probably say the same thing if I could.

Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: IMERC on March 02, 2009, 05:02:47 AM
Quote from: beav39 on March 01, 2009, 09:51:41 AM
globel warming actually means colder wheather go figure ???

sounds like an oxymoron...
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: DanG on March 02, 2009, 07:48:22 AM
Fish, I'll go ahead an' splain DanG Global Warming to ya right quick.  By the proven scientific method of anecdotal history, we have learned that the Earth warms itself by cooling off.  One time it got so hot, the whole bloomin' Earth froze over, and the ice got so bad it pushed rocks up in big ol' piles and made the mountains!  But sure as shootin', it warmed up just like Al said it would.  It's been doing it on a regular basis ever since.  Kinda like electricity, nobody really knows why this phenomenon exists, but we have a basic notion of how it works.  Ya ever heard of Gyroscopic Precession?  Well, that don't have nothing to do with it, but I wanted to see if you were paying attention.  The Earth is like a giant(by our standards anyway) propane refrigerator.  When it gets real warm down south, like in Australia and places like that, the man-made gases from down there expand and creep up here into the Northern Hemisphere.  When it gets up here, it cools things down and makes us light a bunch of fires to stay warm, which makes a bunch more man-made gas up here.  Well, as you might figger, that don't do nothing but expand those gases again and push them back to the South, and that continues until we start running low on firewood.  When folks start getting nervous about their dwindling woodpiles, they start letting the fires burn down, and that stops the expansion of the man-made gases, and it warms up.

Now that you have a better understanding of how the whole thing works, I'll make a prediction, again based on anecdotal evidence.  I've been watching the woodpiles around here, and I think we're gonna run out of wood pretty soon.  Us lazy, no-account Southerners didn't put much wood by, so it will probbly warm up here in a couple of weeks.  The more industrious and energetic yankees put up a whole bunch of wood, so it'll be a while before they get low enough that they'll have to let their fires go out.  It might be a month or two for some of'em.  Wherever you are though, when you run out of firewood and stop expandin' them gases, it'll warm up again, and that is what is called Global Warming.

Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: Banjo picker on March 02, 2009, 08:06:16 AM
Quote from: SwampDonkey on March 01, 2009, 04:59:15 PM
Well I for one am real happy for ya'll, no matter which fella sit'n in the saddle cursed ya with global gobblely gook. Err, we call it snow up here, some of us call it poor man's fertilizer if we get it in potato planting time.  ;D :D

My dad always said a good snow would put nutrients in the ground.  I thought maybe it was just an ole wives tale.  Any body got any backing for that.  Tim
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: stonebroke on March 02, 2009, 08:28:25 AM
They just said on the news that the global warming protest in D.C. today was going to get snowed on.

Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: Woodcarver on March 02, 2009, 10:42:15 AM
Quote from: Banjo picker on March 02, 2009, 08:06:16 AM

My dad always said a good snow would put nutrients in the ground.  I thought maybe it was just an ole wives tale.  Any body got any backing for that.  Tim

There's nitrogen in snow.  Spring snows after the ground has thawed contribute to the spring "green up". 
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: sharp edge on March 02, 2009, 11:50:50 AM
Rain and snow have nitrogen in them. Air has a lot of (N) in it, so on the way down it rubs off on the rain or snow. Rain water seem better than well water in garden. My .02

Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: ARKANSAWYER on March 02, 2009, 01:43:34 PM

  We got 3 inches of snow and are just below the Mason Dixion Line.
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: Tom on March 02, 2009, 03:35:10 PM
there's all kinds of nutrients in the air.  There's dust from the road, dandruff from millions of heads, pollen, volcanic ash, smoke, sand from storms a continent away and even detrious from outer space.  The rain and snow cleans the air and deposits the nutrients on the ground.  Ever notice how much healthier your porch plants look after a good rain than they do after a good watering from the kitchen sink?  Your Dad was right, Banjo Picker.  :)
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: SwampDonkey on March 02, 2009, 03:45:14 PM
Rain or snow along the coastal areas are also charged with potassium off the ocean. All that stuff floating up there is "condensation nuclei" (look it up) for all forms of precipitation. Without it we'd dry up.
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: breederman on March 02, 2009, 04:19:54 PM
I always herd it called "poor mans fertilizer"

Dang - yer brilliant  :D  Have you given any thought of going into teaching?
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: ErikC on March 02, 2009, 10:04:13 PM
  Some of the well water around here is pretty nutrient-rich.  :D
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: ID4ster on March 02, 2009, 10:06:31 PM
Must be downhill from the outhouse.
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: ErikC on March 02, 2009, 10:36:51 PM
 :D :D Not my well, but true enough
Title: Re: Its Snowing in Dixie. That DanG global warming!
Post by: sawmilllawyer on March 02, 2009, 10:57:36 PM
Well now that you mention it Fish, probably it will seem like three years to build that shed but will be more like five or so. Who's in a hurry? But seeing how Dang explained the global warming thang, maybe you will need a shed roof when things start warming up so you can capture some of that cold air for summer time.