The Forestry Forum

General Forestry => Forestry and Logging => Topic started by: troys on September 26, 2009, 10:13:56 PM

Title: red oaks growing
Post by: troys on September 26, 2009, 10:13:56 PM
In 2002 I planted 2500 red oak seedlings @6'x10' spacing for future logging. Over 90% of the tree survived & are now 2'' in caliper and 15 to 20 feet tall.  All the trees look good except for about 100 that have been buck rubbed.  Do I need to go back into the field and thin the trees or will it be ok to let them all continue growing.
Title: Re: red oaks growing
Post by: beenthere on September 27, 2009, 12:25:08 AM
Welcome to the Forum.

Where are you located?

Sounds like you are getting good growth on the red oak.

Which red oak are they? Northern red oak or another ?
Title: Re: red oaks growing
Post by: fishpharmer on September 27, 2009, 05:32:32 AM
Welcome to the forum Troys.

Title: Re: red oaks growing
Post by: Magicman on September 27, 2009, 01:49:41 PM
Welcome to FF Troys.  Sounds like very good height growth.  Thinning schedules depend upon the growth rate and the trees naturally pruning.  Thinning too quickly allows the trees to "limb out" which isn't good.  Too late and you loose growth because of overcrowding.  7 years seems early for thinning.
Title: Re: red oaks growing
Post by: WDH on September 27, 2009, 07:52:50 PM
Keep the live crown ratio (the live crown length divided by the total height of the tree) at least 40%.  Leaves grow wood, so if they get too crowded and the live crown becomes too reduced, growth will suffer. 
Title: Re: red oaks growing
Post by: troys on September 27, 2009, 08:45:49 PM
The trees are northern red oak , located in southern Michigan. the tree have been trimed twice once winter of 2004 and again winter of 2008. I fertilized the field in the spring of 2007 according to soil sample, and apply round-up for weed control once or twice per season.
Title: Re: red oaks growing
Post by: SwampDonkey on September 28, 2009, 04:10:50 AM
With the spacing you used, I wouldn't thin until they reach about 40 feet assuming you have no in growth of competitive trees. If you get aspen in growth I wouldn't worry too much unless they look like they will whip/rub the oak tops.