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General Forestry => Sawmills and Milling => Topic started by: oregonsawer on June 06, 2010, 11:50:30 AM

Title: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: oregonsawer on June 06, 2010, 11:50:30 AM
I have a firm in china wanting me to ship thousands of bdf of lumber to them.
Has any one had any dealing with china?
should I deal or no deal?

Please let me know what you think!
Title: Re: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: jim king on June 06, 2010, 12:30:42 PM
The local mills here have no other market than China.  They pay on time but they grade hard.  Good thing is they buy down to 2 feet long and 2 inches wide.  They pay good prices also.

Here the price varies on many things but generally speaking $1.20 to $1.60 rough cut green.

All experiences here have been good.  Since I started up again all my production is for China.  Yes , they will buy all you can produce.
Title: Re: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: Larry on June 06, 2010, 03:23:28 PM
Me and another guy sent some lumber to China but we were paid by a broker.  The lumber all had to be sawn to meet comsel standards.

I do know a guy that exports walnut logs to China that might be helpful.  PM for his name and number if your interested.
Title: Re: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: oregonsawer on June 06, 2010, 09:22:39 PM
Hey Larry I would like to have that ph. number
Also does any know who to contack about shipping .
Thank you in advance

Title: Re: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: SwampDonkey on June 07, 2010, 03:31:45 AM
China is hungry for dimension lumber. The province of BC is pushing hard to sell there. One outfit bought up 10 sawmills here in the east because we are going to need more production (softwood) in NA as the China market mushrooms.
Title: Re: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: Ron Wenrich on June 07, 2010, 05:46:49 AM
We've sent logs to China and lumber to Vietnam and Pakistan.  For the logs, either they come in and scale, or a broker does it.  Same went for the lumber.  We also send export logs to Europe. 

Everytime we're paid before the logs leave, and they arrange shipping.  We have to load the containers.  For logs, that means we have to load with a knuckleboom, and push the logs in with a loader with fork extension.  For lumber, we use two loaders.  Figure out how you're going to load those containers or you'll have some extra shipping charges to go to someone who can.

You can deal with the Chinese, but they are tough businessmen.  They are looking for ways to fill up those containers for the return trip to China.  They don't want to bring them back empty. 
Title: Re: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: terrifictimbersllc on June 07, 2010, 07:31:15 AM
Are there heat-treating or sterilization requirements for exporting wood?
Title: Re: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: tazz on June 07, 2010, 11:48:13 AM
How does one get involved in this?
Title: Re: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: Ron Wenrich on June 08, 2010, 05:39:23 AM
We don't heat treat anything.  There are some logs that need to be inspected by USDA as we are in a quarantine area for gypsy moth.  That hasn't been a big deal.  I think the heat treat only pertains to pallets.

I'd suggest getting involved with export with a broker.  But, you have to have the production to support an order and the loading capabilities.  They aren't going to drop a trailer and let you fill it at your whim. 
Title: Re: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: paul case on June 08, 2010, 09:13:02 AM
if you look around there may be one in your area.i have  a broker 6 miles from me and an exporter 14 miles away. the broker doesnt pay as well as the exporter, who by the way offers  the best pay around for grade oak or walnut. thats quote. i havent sold to either but many of my neighbors have.they will take pickup truck loads  or more of grade lumber or logs from other mills like mine. pc
Title: Re: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: Cedarman on June 08, 2010, 11:17:33 AM
Exporters can be anywhere.  They are the go between.  They arrange shipping, money, phyto certificates if needed.  You should be able to load a container in an hour or 2.  You have about 39 feet of usable space.  You can put 2  42" packs side by side and about 7 1/2' of headroom.
We built a loading dock that we set the lumber on making a stack full height with one end of the lumber setting inside the trailer.  We put a bolster on the end of the forks, go under the unit and push it into the trailer as far as it will go.  We push a second bundle in beside the first.  Making sure as it goes in it will pass the first bundle.  We do this until the trailer is loaded.  The entire load should be staged to make sure it will fit before loading the first bundle. 
Steel straps should be used or very heavy duty plastic.  Make sure the broker tells you how the packages must be bundled.  Also any dunnage left in the trailer should be the same species as you are shipping.  Or heat treated material.
Title: Re: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: red oaks lumber on June 08, 2010, 12:55:20 PM
go for it, just be careful. once russia and china can workout their tariff and duties disute, most of our wood export will be replaced by russia again. until that happens take advantage of it
Title: Re: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: Cedarman on June 08, 2010, 06:16:38 PM
US is only country with ERC for now.  Russia can't compete and Chinese cedar isn't pink.
Title: Re: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: SwampDonkey on June 08, 2010, 06:53:50 PM
Not exactly the only country, but certainly the only country with significant quantities. ;D

I don't know if Russia will ever get it together. I think there are still elements of the "old ways". They have a large population themselves. They got some freedom, but many are poor and almost worst off, no job. Russia of all other places on the globe should be a rich nation.
Title: Re: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: SwampDonkey on January 12, 2011, 03:44:20 PM
Canadian softwood lumber exports to China was 188 million board feet in September 2010, up 10 percent from August, and 90 % higher that the same period in 2009. September export figures represent 18.1% of BC's production for the month, up from 11.6 % in July.

[Source: Atlantic Forestry Review January 2011 issue]
Title: Re: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: kderby on January 13, 2011, 12:24:40 AM
I had some request for overseas lumber (Korea).  It was a phishing excursion(scam) or they were just out of my league.  I kept asking for specific detail and they kept sending various dimension and volume information.  They never would answer about payment or shipping details.  I had been repeatedly courteous as I did not want to wreck a real opportunity.  Finally, I asked bluntly for them to issue a purchase order with specifics......not another word.

A fancy new customer is a dream.  I hope this is a good dream and not a nightmare.


Title: Re: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: critter on January 13, 2011, 03:55:56 PM

      Hi here are some figures from oct/nov issue of Logging & Sawmilling
      Journal. In 2008 B.C. shipped 700 million bf. to China, in 2009 they
      shipped 1.2 billion bf. in 2010 they think the numbers will come in at
      2.6 billion bf. The forests minister said that B.C. has three mills totally
      dedicated to sawing for the China market. Two Tolko mills and one
      Canfor mill. He said the goal was to ship four billion B.F in2011 and
      six billion B.F. by 2013. I took this out of text.They said that their 500
      million Chinese moveing to cities needing homes. Seems there should
      a market for our lumber some where in China.
Title: Re: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: SwampDonkey on January 13, 2011, 04:33:54 PM
3 Billion bf is more than all 3 provinces in the Maritimes produce.  ;D
Title: Re: Lumber orders from China?
Post by: fuzzybear on January 13, 2011, 05:05:49 PM
   British Columbia has a massive resource for SPF thanks to beatle kills.  There is enough wood to supply China for a little while.   I had a little trip through the Peace River Valley this fall and was just amazed at the destruction those little bugs do.  As far as you could see every spruce was dead,  the whole forest was gone. And this went on for 100's of km.
   The Yukon is trying to reform it's Forest Resources Act to try and prepare for what they see as coming economic boom. The problem here is transportation costs.  We are just so far north and there is only one production mill here at the present time, and they cant keep up with orders.
   I believe that it is only a matter of a short time until the Chineese make a bid here in the north. They have been buying up gold claims here like crazy.  I had inquires into the forestry already. But I had to turn it down at the present time. 
    I would like to see this happen here but it is going to take alot of capital to get to the production levels that they are looking at.