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General Forestry => Forestry and Logging => Topic started by: Screaming Detroit on October 28, 2010, 07:45:59 PM

Title: Starting out logging for the first time
Post by: Screaming Detroit on October 28, 2010, 07:45:59 PM
I have been contemplating getting out of the car buisness and going to do my dream job, Logging. Now I'm not totaly new to the woods buisness My father has been doing it for over 30 years and I logged with him a short time. I have been thinking about talking to some of the loggers around here I know to try to get a job with them. To kinda show me the ropes and help me to get on my way. I will get my own skidder to hopefully make it easier to get a job with somebody. I would try to work with my father but we dont see eye to eye and he wants me to stay working on cars, but the older I get the more I want out. Now what do you guys think do you guys think this is a good way to get into logging or if not any help will be great thanks.
Title: Re: Starting out logging for the first time
Post by: mtngun on October 28, 2010, 08:13:29 PM
Your local conditions may be different, but in general, this is a terrible time to get into logging.   
Title: Re: Starting out logging for the first time
Post by: Screaming Detroit on October 28, 2010, 08:17:48 PM
I was thinking about next summer maybe, just doing some recon right now. I know the timing will have to be right I dont want to jump into a big flop.
Title: Re: Starting out logging for the first time
Post by: Ron Scott on October 28, 2010, 08:45:03 PM
Quote from: mtngun on October 28, 2010, 08:13:29 PM
Your local conditions may be different, but in general, this is a terrible time to get into logging.   

Ditto! Not the best time for loggers under the current economy. Most of my reliable loggers have gone out of business here. Be sure of your local wood sources and markets. You have the right idea by talking to the local loggers and working with a good mentor first.
Title: Re: Starting out logging for the first time
Post by: Ed_K on October 28, 2010, 08:59:49 PM
 I worked construction and machine shops for yrs,before going on my own.Wish I had done it sooner. But right now would be real hard,I don't see real profit till 3qt 2011 in the forest industry.
Title: Re: Starting out logging for the first time
Post by: Screaming Detroit on October 28, 2010, 09:34:11 PM
Thanks for the replies, I did'nt really think heading into winter with a slow market and mud season right around the corner was good. I've made it this long so alittle while longer should'nt
Title: Re: Starting out logging for the first time
Post by: treefarmer87 on October 28, 2010, 09:57:30 PM
good luck. no one would hire me 2 yrs ago on a crew, so i went into it myself. i had maybe one person working with me but i mostly did it all myself. it is tough in SC and VA the wood business is dropping. most mills in SC have gone out of business, va market is a little better. i sold my loader and truck to a good friend i went to school with, he wants to go into it for himself. i will say this, it is MY FAVORITE JOB. i went to college to be a lawman, but i chose logging instead. it was fun. im not hanging it up though, im keeping my c5 so i can do firewood. i am probably going to my a bigger loader with a sawbuck, and a nice log truck. hope everything goes ok :)
Title: Re: Starting out logging for the first time
Post by: northwoods1 on October 30, 2010, 08:05:36 AM
Quote from: mtngun on October 28, 2010, 08:13:29 PM
Your local conditions may be different, but in general, this is a terrible time to get into logging.    

ha ha, when I started out I had to listen to all the old guys tell me about the good old days and how its so how hard to make a living doing it now days much less try to be starting out. Now I'm the old guy talking about the good old days and how hard it is these days to make a go of it :D no doubt now though that things are royally in the crapper. We don't have many mills left up here. Most smart guys are diversified somewhat and aren't sticking out there necks to far these days.

All I'll say is if your day did it for 30 yrs and he knows a little bit about it. But I also think some folks are just cut out for working in the woods it can just be in a persons blood. Times are tough now in the wood products industry but if you work hard and stay flexible and have your priorities straight you could make it work no doubt. As far as how difficult a time you will have well that all depends on your current local condtions and what it is you specifically intend to do, just cutting and skidding for someone else who will treat you right is a good way to start.