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General Forestry => Sawmills and Milling => Topic started by: jander3 on November 16, 2010, 09:40:56 PM

Title: Winter Storage for the Sawmill?
Post by: jander3 on November 16, 2010, 09:40:56 PM
This is the first year I've had my TimberKing 1220.  I only run it every 2nd or third weekend over the summer and I expect to run it one or two more weeks and then I will not run it much (if at all over the winter).  Any suggestions on the best method to put the saw up for the season?  For example: Jet fuel, stable, or drain the gas tank?    Pull the battery?   How do you keep the mice away?   etc.

I would like to put the saw up such that if I decide to cut one or two days over the winter, it could be done without too much effort.

In Minnesota, plenty of snow.   January temps right around 0 degrees.  Often we have a couple of weeks in the -10 and -20 range.
Title: Re: Winter Storage for the Sawmill?
Post by: bandmiller2 on November 17, 2010, 07:15:45 AM
Jon,in light of the adultirated gasoline we get now I'd drain and run dry.Marine stores sell fogging oil ment for outboard winter storage use that.Best if you have a roof over it as plastic wraps attract and hold moisture.Mice, try mothballs or pepermint extract or just open the cowling in the spring and blow it out. Frank C.
Title: Re: Winter Storage for the Sawmill?
Post by: Chuck White on November 17, 2010, 09:16:24 AM
I put my mill in the garage for winter storage and the first thing I do is remove all of the shields.

I check the complete mill for alignment while it's in the garage.

As long as the mill is "wide open", the mice won't build in there.