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General Forestry => Timber Framing/Log construction => Topic started by: jander3 on January 24, 2011, 11:05:38 AM

Title: Google SketchUp with TF Rubies
Post by: jander3 on January 24, 2011, 11:05:38 AM
TF Rubies
Since it is a little cold to work outside, I've been learning to use Google SketchUp.  I also located TF Rubies (a SketchUp add on) that really simplifies TF design.  And, TF Rubies makes shop drawings out of the completed structure automatically.  This way, I can move all the parts in the 3D drawing to get the design correct, and then use the software to make shop drawings and add the measurements I want for the shop work.

Overall, I am very pleased with this software. The steps I used to understand how the software functions are listed below:

10' x 12' Shed with 1/2 Loft

Shop Drawing: Tie Beam
I have not, yet, added the dimensions to this drawing
Title: Re: Google SketchUp with TF Rubies
Post by: Jasperfield on January 24, 2011, 09:47:11 PM

Just very briefly; what are the major differences between SketchUp 7 and SketchUp 8? If you've not used version 7 you don't need to reply relative.

And, did Clark's rubies integrate with version 8 easily?

Was your trip to Clark's office for the one-to-one session worth the trip?

I've been thinking about going up for the TFG meeting specifically for the SketchUp info. and if need be, hanging around for more specifics.

Have you generated shop drawings and how did that go?

Thanks for your post. It's just what I've been looking for (sic).
Title: Re: Google SketchUp with TF Rubies
Post by: jander3 on January 24, 2011, 10:36:15 PM
No major differences in the SketchUp, some basic improvements I think.

I used SketchUp 8. Clark's webpage ( has instructions for installation of TF Rubies which I followed (just place the files from the webpage it in the SketchUp directory on your computer). Then, when I opened SketchUp, the TF Ruby application was integrated.

The trip to Clark's shop was very worthwhile. I paid for an hour and 15 minutes of one on one instruction (after messing around with the software for a day or two ahead of time).   After that, I was up and running.   Very worthwhile.   I used the one-on-one option as I had some questions (well, actually many questions), but wanted to use my time for what I needed.   I think Clark runs the SketchUp seminars at Guild meetings and I'm sure those classes would be useful.  

Note: If you take a class, make sure you ask about through tenons, as to make the TF Rubies work for these, there are a couple of extra steps.

The shop drawing in my post (2nd drawing) was generated with one click of the mouse.  To finish it, I will need to go in and add the dimensions using the SketchUp dimension tool.  I figure it will take less than 5 minutes per drawing. Which is great as I was doing these by hand with graph paper and that took, like, forever.

Title: Re: Google SketchUp with TF Rubies
Post by: witterbound on January 25, 2011, 09:19:20 AM
Clark taught a course at his shop a few years ago.  It was great.  But to get much out of it, you need to be familiar with how sketchup works.  I spent about 30 hours learing and playing with it before the class, and I think that was time well spent.