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General Forestry => Urban and Community Forestry => Topic started by: gspren on March 07, 2012, 05:18:29 PM

Title: How to kill cherry stumps?
Post by: gspren on March 07, 2012, 05:18:29 PM
We have several small cherry trees that have come up in our shrubs and against some of the pines in our yard and past experience when you cut them off they send shoots up quickly. What can be painted on the stumps when you cut them to kill the cherry whithout killing the shrub?
Title: Re: How to kill cherry stumps?
Post by: rocksnstumps on March 07, 2012, 10:25:47 PM
Ive used a stout mix of generic roundup to treat autumn olive stumps and such applied from a spray bottle. Concentrated product is usually 41% glysophate by volume and I'll mix 50/50 with water. I just try to spray close to the cut end and avoid anything green in the area. Roundup will not translocate like some herbicides might. You might also just try to find some brush killer type product, a name like brush bgone comes to mind. The local farm supply store has it in spray bottles for just small quantities needed.
Title: Re: How to kill cherry stumps?
Post by: MHineman on March 07, 2012, 10:31:48 PM
  First question is do you have other Cherry trees you want to keep?  If so then using a herbicide can damage the other Cherry trees by "flashback".  That is when the roots of different but same species trees connect.
  If no other Cherry trees to protect, I prefer glyphosate 25% painted or dribbled on the fresh cut stump.  There's no soil activity with this, so no danger to other plants except by contact with the herbicide.
  In the spring it can be very hard to get herbicide control as the rising sap pushes the chemical out.  Late summer, fall, and winter works better as the chemical will be drawn in and kill the roots.
  Other herbicides can move through the soil and have a bad effect on the surrounding plants.
Title: Re: How to kill cherry stumps?
Post by: zopi on March 07, 2012, 11:20:58 PM
Nuclear weapons, apparently. Not fond of black cherry here.
Title: Re: How to kill cherry stumps?
Post by: woodmills1 on March 08, 2012, 07:39:08 PM
I have had much luck using #10 cans to cover cut small stumps of unwanted species

cut them and cover with the cans 

next year they send a few so cut and cover again  most times 2 years gone

was poplar I learned this on
Title: Re: How to kill cherry stumps?
Post by: Norm on March 09, 2012, 06:42:55 AM
Use tordon RTU but be careful to not slop it around just paint the outside layer on top of the stump. Never had it kill anything other than what it was put on.
Title: Re: How to kill cherry stumps?
Post by: WDH on March 09, 2012, 07:11:16 AM
I have used Tordon as well.  Be careful because unlike Round-up or Garlon, it is soil active.
Title: Re: How to kill cherry stumps?
Post by: shelbycharger400 on March 09, 2012, 08:58:53 PM
bore a hole in the center..  fill it full of diesel or oil.  do this a few times..  then gas it and torch it!   fire_smiley
If you have a farmer buddy, im shure they have some farm rated round up!
stepdad usto use round up, and mixed it with gasoline years ago,
  i remember people using lots and lots of drain oil, it worked ok, kinda hard on the environment.   heck, back in the early 80's they usto spray the gravel road with it, it was tar black almost year round!
Title: Re: How to kill cherry stumps?
Post by: gspren on March 09, 2012, 09:34:38 PM
The problem with torching or drenching with oil is that one is grown inside a clump of Lilacs and some are under some large pines that are a windbreak in the yard and I don't want to kill anything but the cherry. I want to get some of the Tordon RTU if you don't need a license to buy it and then hope I don't kill the lilac, or I'll be in deep stuff with the woman. >:(
Title: Re: How to kill cherry stumps?
Post by: shelbycharger400 on March 09, 2012, 09:41:17 PM
yea, you would...  chances are you will kill the lilac with the spray

go with the can method!!!
Title: Re: How to kill cherry stumps?
Post by: Norm on March 10, 2012, 07:46:26 AM
It is not restricted and the rtu comes in a bottle with a pop up head. I've never had it travel from the stump but I'd sure hate to see you lose the lilacs if it did in your case. I'd go with some glysophate full strength just in case.
Title: Re: How to kill cherry stumps?
Post by: Al_Smith on March 10, 2012, 10:46:38 AM
If you have enough stump sticking out of the ground put a steel chocker on it and pull it out of the ground .

If they are small enough you just run the chocker over a block of firewood or something to create some lift and up and out it comes .

Then too here's another .Drill the stump full of holes and spread powdered milk over it ,lots of it .Wet it down and cover it with a tarp .In about a week it will grow a crop of mushrooms and in about a year the stump will be gone .I doubt it would hurt lilacs but I don't advise eating the mushrooms .

Title: Re: How to kill cherry stumps?
Post by: WDH on March 10, 2012, 11:00:04 PM
I would not put Tordon in a flower bed.
Title: Re: How to kill cherry stumps?
Post by: beenthere on March 10, 2012, 11:32:35 PM
I don't know, either Tordon or run the lawn mower through.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: How to kill cherry stumps?
Post by: Clam77 on March 29, 2012, 11:20:58 PM
Farm grade Malathion works good if you can still get it anywhere.  But again it'll be rough on the shrubs if it transfers..   :-\
Title: Re: How to kill cherry stumps?
Post by: beenthere on March 29, 2012, 11:23:42 PM
Isn't Malathion an insecticide? Seems I recall mixing it in with the orchard spray back in the day.
Title: Re: How to kill cherry stumps?
Post by: Clam77 on March 29, 2012, 11:33:28 PM
It's meant to be yeah but I can remember ringing thorn trees out on the pasture ground and spraying that stuff mixed with diesel on them... killed them in under a month every time. 

Also remember using 2-4-D... that stuff is nasty as well.  I don't think I'd use either one in his situation though... don't wanna chance it leeching.