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Forum Help => Technical Support Topics => Topic started by: Jeff on March 08, 2012, 03:56:37 PM

Title: Fighting an infection
Post by: Jeff on March 08, 2012, 03:56:37 PM
Last night I was watching a rerun of a show called "An Idiot Abroad, The Bucket List"  THey have this character that goes around experiencing things that are on other peoples bucket list, not his.  Anyhow, at one point he was talking about his girl friend, and it made me wonder what the heck she might look like. So I came out and googled Carl Pilkington's girlfriend, Saw a likley looking link, and clicked on it.  Well, I had all kinds of pop ups and alarms going off on my computer, so I got the heck out of there. To late, What ever security systems I had on my main computer were not enough.  I've got some sort of browser hijacker that keeps sending me through search   

I've been working since yesterday evening trying to get it cleared off, and the dang thing is still hiding somewhere.  I'm posting this from my hated laptop.  Jeremy came over and worked for about 6 hours on the thing. We may have got it, but not sure. We were sure 3 times already today and that got  us no where. Jeremy had to go, and I'm running another scan with the paid version of malwarebytes to see if there is anything still there.

Most of the time, I'm a rather gentle person, but I swear, if I had access to the freaks that create this crap, I'd have no mercy. It's not only sucked up my time, it's making me ill in mood and body. >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: Fighting an infection
Post by: Texas Ranger on March 08, 2012, 04:02:50 PM
Tsk,tsk, tsk.  (Shaking finger) and u da pro.  I stopped going to unknown sites because of that.  Some thing perfectly innocent in appearance, and bang, the bells go off.  I researched a lot on guns and equipment, and am just about to give that up.
Title: Re: Fighting an infection
Post by: Magicman on March 08, 2012, 09:11:47 PM
Ya could AXE um while you still have it.  Nah, that would be too good for them.
Title: Re: Fighting an infection
Post by: Jeff on March 08, 2012, 09:37:49 PM
After about a total of 20 hours of messing with this stupid thing, and about a $100 worth of software registrations. it looks like it's finally clean. We were one step from reformatting the dang thing.