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General Forestry => Forestry and Logging => Topic started by: woodtick#2 on April 02, 2012, 07:48:15 PM

Title: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: woodtick#2 on April 02, 2012, 07:48:15 PM
Well today I was cutting hard maple on the job.  I finished marking the log and limbing out the firewood.  I walked to my next tree and was mapping out in my head where to put it when something caught my attention, I looked up and there was a coyote (around 50 lbs probably) running right to me.  When our eyes met he was just as startled as me and turned and took off........just one of those times I wish i had my 30.06
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: Autocar on April 02, 2012, 07:53:06 PM
When I went to bed last night one started up and a half hour later there must of been a half dozen talking to each other.
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: woodtick#2 on April 02, 2012, 07:59:34 PM
Yeah it got to the point where I leave the gun in the pickup because theyre everywhere
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: bushmechanic on April 03, 2012, 06:42:12 AM
Here in Newfoundland we never had any coyotes about ten years ago and now there right accross the island.Were not used to them,do you guy's have much trouble with them on job sites?A local outfitting store in the central part of the island offered a prize for the biggest coyote and a guy from close to my area sent in one 82 pounds.Well that's all I need sniffing my butt when I'm under a machine!
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: wheelinguy on April 03, 2012, 07:20:14 AM
In the past two years coyotes have taken two deer within 100 yards of our house, sometimes i get a little nervous letting the dogs out at night.  A little while ago there was a dog barking in the woods at night, didn't sound like a coyote,  i went to investigate got close couldn't see it, i spoke and whistled it got real quiet and bolted.  Note to self take a sidearm next time, not just a flashlight!
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: DeerMeadowFarm on April 03, 2012, 02:52:23 PM
Quote from: wheelinguy on April 03, 2012, 07:20:14 AM
  i went to investigate got close couldn't see it, i spoke and whistled it got real quiet and bolted. 

I think there's a Squatch in these woods!  :o
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: 54Dutchman on April 03, 2012, 03:57:17 PM
We have an over abundance of them.  About 4 years ago you saw pheasants everywhere and now you are not seeing very many at all.  At night it sounds like there are about 4 or 5 groups of cyotoes talking very close - that why I got the Plott hound ;)
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: Stephen Alford on April 03, 2012, 08:06:45 PM
Hey Mr. Bushmechanic, was that the one shot by Joe Flemming near Halfway Pond on the Bonavista Peninsula.  He was a brute.  I can understand  your concern about being sniffed.  Best bet would be to eat lots of roughgrub with turs and brown beans and beers. Keep butt upwind you will be fine bye. Oh yes "safe ma dear" for sure.  ;)   :D :D :D.
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: bushmechanic on April 03, 2012, 08:15:33 PM
Yes that's the one Mr. Alford,I live in the Clarenville area which boarders on the Bonavista Peninsula.I understand that's pretty big for a coyote and the wildlife department sent it away for DNA testing.Ha rough grub is all we have here along with fine weather.
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: Stephen Alford on April 03, 2012, 09:28:29 PM
 Well Mr. Bushmechanic, in addition to roughgrub and fine weather, Newfoundland has some of the greatest folks I have ever had the pleasure of working with.   I had a coyote walk right up to within 30 feet of me on a skid trail. I was setting on the blade of the skidder sharpening the saw.  He sized me up, then walked off, guess he was on a low chloresterol diet.   ;D 
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: woodmills1 on April 04, 2012, 09:40:59 PM
coyote  will walk right up next to you with chainsaw running, or walk by the tractor at 2300 rpm and tip their hat and say

you should be glad we don't like to eat humans
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: Stephen Alford on April 04, 2012, 10:14:53 PM
  There has been one fatility and a serious attack on a young camper in the past couple of years in Nova Scotia. Google Coyote attacks girl in Nova Scotia National Park. 
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: Clam77 on April 04, 2012, 10:37:20 PM
Girl I know up in upstate NY up by Glens Falls had one come after her and her dog when they were out in the driveway.. chased them into the house and left a dent in the screen door tryna go in after them.

Think I'd have some kind of sidearm on me at all times after that.    :D
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: cutterboy on April 05, 2012, 09:09:37 PM
There are plenty of them here as well. I hardly ever see any cotontails any more. I can't leave sheep out at night any more, a friend of mine who lives close by lost several of them. On the plus side, there aren't many woodchucks around any more. I don't think they like me because they crap on my driveway all the time. :D
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: Taylortractornut on April 05, 2012, 09:14:29 PM
I watch them at work theres one that will follow the tractor and bushhog   for field mice.    We re getting too many here again.    The other night I was  helping a friend get in some   coon dogs he  lost.     We  were on the road  near Banjo Pickers  place and   got the 2 pups that had treed.      Coming out of the woods we had one trailing us.  THey   had been  onto the pups trail.      We turned the spot light on the one the came out and he was a big pretty thing.   

I had a friend that had some kill his  fiest dog.    We got a   hold of a large airbag out of a car and pladed it with a chicken carcass on top of it.       We had two long wires to it to the house.   When mister yote  put his head down to get the  chicken he    got to do a power backflip. 
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: mahonda on April 19, 2012, 01:22:46 AM
I'll  take the coyote any day. You can have our wolves. Been coming in over two hundred pounds and killing cows and mules just for fun.
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: leeroyjd on April 19, 2012, 04:02:53 AM
I can't say this will work everytime, but I have had two yotes stop after running at my sight by meowing.
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: Clam77 on April 19, 2012, 10:09:54 PM
That works pretty good here leeroy - just about any small animal in distress like a rabbit or cat.  They actually make battery powered squealers you set out somewhere and hit a button and they'll play sounds to call em in..   
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: colinofthewoods on April 20, 2012, 02:09:44 AM
I saw two big cougars right by my salvage area 3 weeks ago,  just stood there staring at me.  It makes for lousy production when I have to look over my shoulder all day.
I work by myself in the middle of nowhere,  the cougars are like phantoms , they appear and disappear in the slash.

A week later saw a huge wolf,  I saw it driving out about 3 miles from my work spot. Got to work and started bucking a nice 4' sitka spruce up on a bank. I was almost though my cut when I see it trotting down the road toward me.  I don't think it knew where the sound was coming from.  I finished my cut and the log rolled down the bank which spooked the wolf and it went the other way. It was a biggie,  had the look of murder in its eyes , ha ha very cool. 

Still haven't seen my first bear of the spring,  lots of poop around though.

I've been dying to tell my wolf and cougar story on here, ha ha, makes me love it in the bush
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: Ron Scott on April 20, 2012, 01:17:08 PM
Viewing wildlife makes for a good wood's experience.
Title: Re: Had an unwanted visitor today
Post by: Clam77 on April 20, 2012, 11:15:03 PM
That'd be neat to be able to see that any given day Colin..  I don't think they have a smiley for envy..   :D