The Forestry Forum

General Forestry => Sawmills and Milling => Topic started by: stickbilt on December 17, 2001, 06:09:55 PM

Title: how many bdft in standing tree
Post by: stickbilt on December 17, 2001, 06:09:55 PM
I tried the search feature for this question but came up blank. I was looking at trees on my 5 acre lot today in a whole new light. I measured the biggest pine at about 32" DBH. Standing back, I would estimate at least three 16' logs as the tree is very straight. I would like to know a simple way to figure the board feet in the tree. I know that the formula involves the taper of the tree. I probably wouldn't harvest the tree because I have many others that should go first, but I am very curious as to the bdft. Also, approximately how old is the tree? I have read that eastern white pine used to grow up to 300 years old.

I'm fairly green but starting to dry :D
Title: Re: how many bdft in standing tree
Post by: Jeff on December 17, 2001, 06:53:59 PM
Actually White Pine can grow older then that I have heard 400.

Now the question on Board foot. You have come to the right spot my man.

The Forestry forum is the illigitimate step child (Not really) of "The Timber Buyers Network" The forestry forum was spawned from that site. Any how you will find a series of calculators there written by yours truly and none other then Mr. Ron Wenrich, (also a forum admin.)that figure all sorts of wood volumes, including a tree calculator, with a built in chart for figuring form class for species of different geographical regions. Go to to find the list of calculators.

Let us know if you find them useful, as it is Christmas, and Ron and I could always use more thankyous and bows and praise ::) :D ;)

The tree volume calculator says your tree has:
Doyle = 1137
Scribner = 1151
International = 1213

You would need an increment bore to get a close estimate on the age of the tree
Title: Re: how many bdft in standing tree
Post by: woodmills1 on December 18, 2001, 03:35:29 AM
try this one also
Title: Re: how many bdft in standing tree
Post by: Tom on December 18, 2001, 08:38:06 AM

Did you know that other site is using Timberbuyers calculators? ;D  They reached an agreement with Jeff a few months ago to list the calculators that he and Ron Wenrich developed  :P in return for a link to  and saying that they came from Timberbuyer.

Jeff has put a lot of really neat things on and any new members who have not looked should take a tour.  :) There is a chainsaw safety course, contacts to Foresters, web pages(developed by Jeff) for companies who are members, who advertise their sawmills etc.and just a lot of interesting stuff.  8)

It was first developed as an aid for landowners to help get their logs to market and give the buyers contact with the market in Michigan, but I think could serve a purpose nationwide with the proper support.  

As members of The Forestry Forum, a sister site, we have many opportunities to spread the good word about  A lot of the folks who visit us don't know of it and could really benefit.

Check out this link- The Timber Buyers Network -at the bottom of each of our forum pages it makes it easy.
Title: Re: how many bdft in standing tree
Post by: woodmills1 on December 18, 2001, 12:32:15 PM
WOW! :-[  i cant believe i didn't even notice the timber buyers name at the top of the page before.  i am so used to filtering out things on the screen that i am not looking for i didnt even read it, and it is in bold BLUEsort of like what i do when i read the newspaper without ever noticing the adds. :D lets hear it for timber buyers.
Title: Re: how many bdft in standing tree
Post by: Gordon on December 18, 2001, 03:33:06 PM
Small world ain't it. The same question was brought up on the other tbn--tractor board a couple of months back. I gave the timberbuyers link to the calculators. Of course the Woodweb calculators came up as the best thing since sliced bread. I chuckled and did another post to clarify where they really came from.  ::) ::) ;)

The forum has really grown over the past year and alot of the newer bunch don''t even know that timberbuyers exists. There is alot of good information packed into that site and shouldn't be overlooked.

One last thing that some of you might be overlooking is the Knowledge Base. HUMMMM where is it located you ask. Well it's simple just look at the upper left of this very page. All you have to do is double click your mouse on the key words KNOWLEDGE BASE. Has some good info as well. 8) 8) 8)

Title: Re: how many bdft in standing tree
Post by: timberbeast on December 18, 2001, 03:50:03 PM
You can also have your own page on the web through Timberbuyers,  just get ahold of Jeff!!  Great Stuff!!
Title: Re: how many bdft in standing tree
Post by: Ron Wenrich on December 18, 2001, 05:59:06 PM
I'd like to point out that Woodweb used only 4 of our calculators and made 7 of them.  

Interesting that they didn't pick up our tree volume calculator.  That was one of our biggest accomplishments.  It took those log calculations one step further, and put them into the tree.  Factored in taper and form class. 8)