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General Forestry => Sawmills and Milling => Topic started by: OlJarhead on May 22, 2013, 10:25:34 AM

Title: I'd rather be milling!
Post by: OlJarhead on May 22, 2013, 10:25:34 AM
Here I am sitting at my computer desk starting my day as a 'Telecommuter' which many may think is a dream job.  After all, my commute is from my coffee pot to my desk and I can work in any attire I desire (as an old jarhead that means fully dressed with a belt and my shirt tucked in but I COULD wear something else! lol).  I have an 8 core AMD processor with 500 gigs of drive space, 16 gigs of ram, great graphics card, two nice monitors and can run all kinds of things remotely but spend my days on conference calls and working on spreadsheets.  I'm doing contract work for Centurylink which means it's probably even more of a dream job for some.


I'd really rather be making lumber and often look out at my mill longingly like a kid might look at a baseball field from inside the classroom or a teenager might look at a red sports car from the back seat of his mom's SUV....I just want to go crank the mill up, roll a log onto it and start making lumber!

However, I have to sit here and 'work' on my computer instead :(

Anyone else feel that way?  Like they'd rather be milling?
Title: Re: I'd rather be milling!
Post by: orion388 on May 22, 2013, 10:31:03 AM
YUP... Just finished an annual Boiler inspection on a 850psi, 100K/hr Boiler and all I could think was I would rather be watching that LT35 throw saw dust off to my side. Oh well, another day at the drug plant !
Title: Re: I'd rather be milling!
Post by: OlJarhead on May 22, 2013, 10:39:52 AM
I am not alone! lol

Title: Re: I'd rather be milling!
Post by: GDinMaine on May 22, 2013, 11:01:07 AM
No!  You are not!  I'm actually about to go mill some 2x6,8,10 hemlock, BUT!!!!  It is my weekend.  Saturday and Sunday I will be at the day job day dreaming and planning about putting sawdust in my pocket.
Title: Re: I'd rather be milling!
Post by: steamsawyer on May 22, 2013, 11:26:30 AM
No you guys are not alone... I suppose that is the way most of us here feel.

I think we need some hats and coffee cups with that saying on them... I'd rather be sawmillin'.

This is the tag on the front of my dually... Imagin this with a sawmill on it instead.


Title: Re: I'd rather be milling!
Post by: OlJarhead on May 22, 2013, 11:50:55 AM
Yup I need one of those!!!
Title: Re: I'd rather be milling!
Post by: taylorsmissbeehaven on May 22, 2013, 12:30:13 PM
Just rolled in to eat lunch and check FF. Its the closest I will get to milling today, but Saturday is coming......  Brian
Title: Re: I'd rather be milling!
Post by: beenthere on May 22, 2013, 02:11:28 PM
But Oljarhead has the advantage that his son is running the mill while he is 'jus wishin he was there to help.  8)
Title: Re: I'd rather be milling!
Post by: kensfarm on May 22, 2013, 03:12:01 PM
Yes..  me too..  but I do the commute..  spend most of my time fixing code bugs in software systems.  Planting soybeans is taking all my free time now.. when its not raining.   I did cut & drag 4 cherry logs from one section of woods that will not be accessable once the fields are planted.  Tractor or mill... both are better then sitting in front of the computer screen.  I try not to complain about being employed... keeping my mouth shut seems to be the hardest part..  I'd rather be working for myself.  Hope is alive.. long weekend on the way.
Title: Re: I'd rather be milling!
Post by: Tom L on May 22, 2013, 03:47:35 PM
what about lunch hour. there is time to cut a log, make some boards and back in the office

should make you feel better.
Title: Re: I'd rather be milling!
Post by: OlJarhead on May 22, 2013, 03:52:51 PM
Quote from: Tom L on May 22, 2013, 03:47:35 PM
what about lunch hour. there is time to cut a log, make some boards and back in the office

should make you feel better.

You have NO idea! lol -- well maybe you do ;)

Actually I spend my lunch hour walking 4 miles so I can lose the weight I've gained over the years....and Josh?  Ya he runs the mill but I am RIGHT there :D
Title: Re: I'd rather be milling!
Post by: AdamT on May 22, 2013, 04:45:14 PM
Every second of every minute, while at my day job, I wish I was sawing. Hopefully one day sawing will be my everyday job!

A bad day of sawing, is still better than a great day at work!

Title: Re: I'd rather be milling!
Post by: Delawhere Jack on May 22, 2013, 05:12:32 PM
My mill hasn't seen action in 20 days... I think I'm learning what withdrawal symptoms must be like..... smiley_tom_dizzy01

Sharpened some bands today, that helped a little..........

Where's Poston? I need a hug......... :(
Title: Re: I'd rather be milling!
Post by: duke on May 22, 2013, 11:30:19 PM
 :D :D :D Yap rather be milling too, but for one little thing,LOL ??? ??? ??? ;D Did I mention Oh Yeah I still need too get a MILL, Maybe one will be under the tree this Year,LOL. Oh yeah work on a computer to, at a great place 575 acres of woods gardens and even a castle to boot, but lately I don't get out of my little office much,LOL. Have fun all and keep on dreamin. 8) 8)
Title: Re: I'd rather be milling!
Post by: Tree Feller on May 22, 2013, 11:58:37 PM
I have a sawing job tomorrow. It started out as a blowdown Cedar...sure, I'll mill it for you. While I've been recuperating from my jointer mishap, it has since evolved into two Cedars, a large Oak and a Hickory. I don't even know if the trees are bucked into logs but I'll be taking the Stihl just in case.

The "customer" is a long-time acquaintance and the job is a free-bee. There will be a couple of helpers and it should be a great day sawing and jawing.   :D
Title: Re: I'd rather be milling!
Post by: Geeg on May 23, 2013, 12:36:47 AM
Yup, I'm with you on that one OlJarhead, every min of every waking day.

The only thing that kept me going last night while I was at 40,000', flying from Korea to the UAE on the 10 hour flight with light to moderate turbulence most of the way, a couple of sick passengers, dodging thunderstorms, trying to digest the rice and noodles I had for dinner and landing with the sun in my eyes as it was just coming up over the horizon was the dream of actually owning my own mill.

I do however keep all of my Sawmill & Woodlot copies very close by at all times with me on my iPad. I just love flicking to the TimberKing page when I get that feeling and dreaming of the day it comes rolling down my driveway ;D
Title: Re: I'd rather be milling!
Post by: schakey on May 23, 2013, 11:51:27 AM
You are not alone,every time that I am driving in Chicago or NYC I dream about
being on top of our hill in Wv taking down the trees,milling them and building
our home.  smiley_smash. Retirement can't get here soon enough smiley_sun
Title: Re: I'd rather be milling!
Post by: Rando on May 23, 2013, 01:12:25 PM
I try to get out to the mill every day. Today I spent time stacking lumber.
Now it's quite black out and rumbling with thunder so guess I won't go back out.
I've got to figure out the picture thing as I have a 30 mile or so view from my mill. Mill and great view, what a life!