The Forestry Forum

General Forestry => Drying and Processing => Topic started by: Kelvin on May 05, 2004, 04:03:28 PM

Title: Whats the word on carbide insert tooth planers?  
Post by: Kelvin on May 05, 2004, 04:03:28 PM
Maybe this topic has been brought up, but i was looking at buying grizzlies 20" carbide insert planer for $2100.  People have said its not as good a surface as sharp steel blades, but how long are the knives "sharp"  The insert teeth sound superb w/ 4 sides, and wear like "iron?" or "carbide?  My carbide blades all seem to work well, and cabide straight blades are used in jointers and planers.  I know you can't sharpen it as well as steel, but it stays at that "not as well" sharpness for 10x as long as that steel, and with spiral inserts you supposidly won't have trouble with grain direction, and you can simply turn the inserts 4x's!  What could be better?  What has anybodies real life experience been with this type of cutter?  Gotta be a catch, or everyone would have one already.  Any ideas?  Thanks