The Forestry Forum

General Forestry => Forestry and Logging => Topic started by: timberlinetree on July 20, 2014, 06:48:08 AM

Title: scared of the woods!
Post by: timberlinetree on July 20, 2014, 06:48:08 AM
I know sometimes working alone at nite in the woods can be a little spooky.when my brother died I didn't like the woods. Not to long ago when I was hit by a tree I didn't like that spot in the woods. I have been working down south in Va.and Nc. For the past few weeks and something got me that I didn't even see. CHIGGERS! All along my ankles,waist,etc. With the heat and the itching I was going mental. I don't like these things and am not that much of a wuss puss but I am a little scared of        the woods these days! Stay safe :)
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: LeeB on July 20, 2014, 06:53:16 AM
Chiggers will make anybody scared. I'd rather do battle with the ticks than with chiggers.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: Ed_K on July 20, 2014, 08:37:51 AM
I used to soak in a bathtub with clorax bleach in the water, got a lot working in north Tx.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: SwampDonkey on July 20, 2014, 09:47:55 AM
Want nothing to do with them. Deer flies are bad enough, I'm staying north. :D
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: treeslayer2003 on July 20, 2014, 10:26:11 AM
welcome to the south :D

if you think you got um crawling on ya, shower with flea n tick shampoo as soon as ya get home. it will get rid of most of um.......once they in yer skin, yer stuck with um for a few days.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: terry f on July 20, 2014, 01:17:57 PM
   What are chiggers?
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: mesquite buckeye on July 20, 2014, 01:28:10 PM
If you insect repellent your ankle, beltline and around the openings of you shirt they aren't too bad.  ;D 8) 8) 8) :snowball:

I don't like it when I find a couple hundred of them on me at once. >:(
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: CCC4 on July 20, 2014, 02:09:56 PM
I eat a lot of hot sauce on meals and a lot of spicey seasoning. I think this helps to some extent. I am not bothered with chiggars as much as I am seed ticks. After being hospitalized the week of my 30th birthday due to tick fever, I crenge when seeing a blob 500+ of seed ticks moving up my leg. It makes me wanna puke honestly.

+1 on the bleach bath...scrub till you bleed and get in a hot bleach bath! You might wanna squeal if no one is within hearing distance! LMAO!
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: LeeB on July 20, 2014, 02:13:17 PM
Quote from: terry f on July 20, 2014, 01:17:57 PM
   What are chiggers?

Evil little beasties about the size of a pin head that bite and feed on blood. Like all other blood suckers, they leave behind an itch. The itch comes from the tube that is created by a chemical in thier saliva that hardens to keep the tube open while they feed. Also know as redbugs. You won't ever get just one. Usually they attack by the dozens. They are fond of tall grasses and open brushy areas. I hates chiggers.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: luvmexfood on July 20, 2014, 02:53:46 PM
They are the devil themselves. Itch is similiar to poison.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: LeeB on July 20, 2014, 03:06:33 PM
I don't know if it's similar to poison, but it'll sure make you think about swallowing some to make it stop.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: clww on July 20, 2014, 03:12:36 PM
The job we're finishing this week was loaded with chiggers AND ticks. I hate them both right down there with leeches, mosquitoes, horse flies, and fire ants. >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: Magicman on July 20, 2014, 06:16:20 PM
Quote from: LeeB on July 20, 2014, 02:13:17 PMEvil little beasties about the size of a pin head 
Lee, I would think more toward the pin "point" than head.  They are best seen by holding a flashlight and shining across the red spot.  They mostly stick where hairs emerge or at a point where clothing fits tightly.  Think elastic.  The color can vary from red to orange, yellow, and sometimes white.  I hates chiggers too.  chigger (
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: red oaks lumber on July 20, 2014, 07:29:52 PM
yuuppp, living up north when you freeze your twig and berries you have no chiggers . ;D i think i just convinced myself i like winter? :D
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: drobertson on July 20, 2014, 09:13:57 PM
they are horrible!  Flowers of sulfur works pretty good around the waist line and ankles.  But once they get you its over for day or few.  Seed ticks,, are not much better, at least if found soon enough and a bleach bath is close by you can do some good that way.   Spray and dust, or stay away from their domain. 
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: Maine372 on July 20, 2014, 09:37:44 PM
I can understand being scared of the woods. I worked for a short time marking timber. I was literally going woods crazy. every noise, every shadow started to make me nervous. had a dead rotten birch fall over near me one day. I never did see if an animal tried to climb it and that's why it fell or if it was just a freak thing. I just couldn't take it anymore. I can work alone logging just fine. I guess the machines keep my company. but to just be me in the woods alone all day, no thanks.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: WDH on July 20, 2014, 09:41:04 PM
One way to recognize a rookie Forester in the Deep South was when he/she sat down on the pine straw in the woods.  Redbugs love pine straw. 
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: Barney II on July 20, 2014, 09:52:26 PM
The only thing that we really have to deal with up north here  is the big foot  and they only come out in the winter.  You can tell their track because they wear a size twelve 5 buckle overshoe.  I understand that most of them are a little south of here-----Spooner I think someone said. :D  8) ;D :)
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: gfadvm on July 20, 2014, 09:58:15 PM
Chiggers are the larval stage of grass mites.

The best prevention I have found is to spray my pant legs and socks with a PineSol/water mix (1:2) before going in the grass/brush. Off works also but gets a little pricey.

Once you have been attacked, triamcinolone crème works great to stop the itch and allow you to sleep. It requires a script but not too expensive.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: Jeff on July 20, 2014, 09:58:46 PM
I experienced Chiggers after visiting Brother Noble several years ago down in Drury Mo. They struck the day I got home. He thought it was pretty funny when I called him.  I loved Noble. :)
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: BargeMonkey on July 20, 2014, 10:19:50 PM
 Besides maybe the occasional tick we dont have it to bad for bugs up here. The bears, mountain lions and snakes are what you really wanna watch for. DEC wont admit that they have helped re-introduce the mountain lions into NY but we are getting closer to having dead proof. Lots and lots of bears.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: mesquite buckeye on July 21, 2014, 09:53:29 AM
When somebody hits one with a car it is hard to hide. ;D No doubt somebody's pet escaped. ::)
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: BargeMonkey on July 21, 2014, 11:24:54 AM
Quote from: mesquite buckeye on July 21, 2014, 09:53:29 AM
When somebody hits one with a car it is hard to hide. ;D No doubt somebody's pet escaped. ::)

The one they hit in CT recently had been tracked from CO ? They knew it was headed this way, but publicly deny it. We had a problem 3yrs ago with a guys beef cows down the road, kept finding pieces of calves in the trees. The state did everything they could to ignore it, but it wont be a problem till they eat a few city children then oh my god do something. 
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: enigmaT120 on July 21, 2014, 12:11:46 PM
Man I think I'll stay home.  Few ticks, and none of that other stuff.  Rattle snakes are very rare my side of the Cascades.  Yeah we have bears and mountain lions, no biggie.  The only real thing to worry about is idiots with guns, whether due to stray rounds or fires they start.

Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: terry f on July 21, 2014, 08:20:36 PM
    I've said before, how do you guys in the upper Midwest and Northeast not have Mountain Lions with all the cover and deer you have. Loggers in the West have worked around them for a 150 years, and so far we haven't lost a logger to a Wolf or Lion yet.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: ozarkgem on July 21, 2014, 09:05:22 PM
got a few chiggers as we speak. Use a good high deet insect repellent around and on you socks and boots and tuck your pant legs in your boot or got some old military blousers and take a shower as soon as you get home. Only a few will get through that.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: Alligator on July 22, 2014, 06:12:10 PM
Quote from: terry f on July 20, 2014, 01:17:57 PM
   What are chiggers?

I think they are what we call "Red Bugs"  in the south. A spot of clear fingernail polish on each one will kill them.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: Ron Scott on July 22, 2014, 06:20:08 PM
The Meth labs and Pot growers are our biggest problem in the woods and elsewhere.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: mesquite buckeye on July 22, 2014, 06:36:08 PM
Quote from: terry f on July 21, 2014, 08:20:36 PM
    I've said before, how do you guys in the upper Midwest and Northeast not have Mountain Lions with all the cover and deer you have. Loggers in the West have worked around them for a 150 years, and so far we haven't lost a logger to a Wolf or Lion yet.

Several joggers have been killed by mtn. lions in CA. There have been attacks in AZ. My rancher friend's late father shot one in the face as it was midair jumping him.

I'm betting loggers, with all the noise make poor lunch targets. ;D 8) 8) 8) :snowball:
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: BargeMonkey on July 22, 2014, 08:21:24 PM
Quote from: Ron Scott on July 22, 2014, 06:20:08 PM
The Meth labs and Pot growers are our biggest problem in the woods and elsewhere.
We dont have a problem with the local growers, and I know enough to stay clear, its the old trailers way out in no where that scare me. I was riding wheeler a few years ago, out on the state on a road 6-7 miles from nowhere and came on some shady individuals, we get "gypsies" every once in a while hiding out on the state. Ive got something "black", high capacity with an acog optic behind the seat of the truck 100% of the time just for that reason. They just busted a bunch of idiots cooking meth in an apartment 250' from the county court house, I have no love for drug addicts.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: samandothers on July 22, 2014, 08:29:58 PM
Past in 2 of my last 3 trips to camper in Va. I have seen bears.  First time was near end of June near noon I was on the tractor and saw a large bear as I approached the camper.  This past weekend I saw a pair as I was on the tractor heading toward a ridge above our camper.  It was early afternoon.  Had seen evidence of them around before but not seen them.  Makes me think I need to carry while out and about.  I keep figuring if I am on the tractor they are not likely to approach the big noisy orange thing. 
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: clww on July 22, 2014, 08:49:21 PM
Guy I work with was on a weekend hike with his wife two weeks ago on the Appalachian Trail just over the border in West VA. They saw eight bears in a one hour period. Two were sows with little cubs.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: enigmaT120 on July 23, 2014, 11:03:52 AM

At least 20 in North America since 1890.  Want to compare that to something dangerous like bees?

At least I've never found pot grows or anything up in the woods in my area.  Every time I think about those big pot farms on MY (national forest) land in Northern CA, it makes me a little crazy.  We should have a hunting season on those guys.  I don't even care about illegal drugs, I just don't like them trashing public land and threatening legal recreation on the land.

Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: SwampDonkey on July 23, 2014, 05:07:03 PM
I've been hearing an old owl in the woods at night, pretty scary. ;D
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: Hilltop366 on July 23, 2014, 07:30:40 PM
Out canoeing and slept in a tent on the side of a river and just as I was sleeping good a Saw-whet owl started calling about 20 feet behind my tent, had to yell and scare him away after a while or I never would have got any sleep at all.

Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: terry f on July 23, 2014, 08:39:52 PM
   There's not a critter in the woods as scary as the ones walking on two legs.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: WDH on July 23, 2014, 08:46:26 PM
The coyotes were yowling last night.  Scares my little beagle puppy. 
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: M_S_S on July 23, 2014, 08:50:14 PM
Quote from: ozarkgem on July 21, 2014, 09:05:22 PM
got a few chiggers as we speak. Use a good high deet insect repellent around and on you socks and boots and tuck your pant legs in your boot or got some old military blousers and take a shower as soon as you get home. Only a few will get through that.
The loins out here don't eat loggers or cowboys, just joggers and bicyclists. Ed
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: Den Socling on July 23, 2014, 08:57:15 PM
When I was a kid, I got chiggers every time I went rabbit hunting. Made me itchy in the privates. Couldn't complain to my mom.  :(
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: WDH on July 23, 2014, 09:44:03 PM
I found a tick in one of those private nether regions last Sunday  :). 
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: Offthebeatenpath on July 23, 2014, 11:25:59 PM
I had a new experience in the woods today- headed back to my tent on the Maine/NH border where we have a base camp set up for work and it was trashed- poles broken and tent fly ripped to shreds. Moose prints all around it.  The only things in the tent were a book and a sleeping pad...
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: SwampDonkey on July 23, 2014, 11:42:44 PM
I've had to drive moose away from my tent area to. They will run into a tent on there way over there to the maple tree with leaves and stems they want.

Saw 3 bulls this week on the woods roads. ;D

Never had a bear touch anything. There's lots of bears to. Moose are as dumb as a hammer, bears are smart. ;D
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: lmo506 on July 24, 2014, 07:40:36 AM
Quote from: SwampDonkey on July 20, 2014, 09:47:55 AM
Want nothing to do with them. Deer flies are bad enough, I'm staying north. :D
I'll second that!
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: enigmaT120 on July 24, 2014, 11:32:57 AM
Quote from: M_S_S on July 23, 2014, 08:50:14 PM
The loins out here don't eat loggers or cowboys, just joggers and bicyclists. Ed

And I do both of those things up in the woods.  Oh well, cats like salty things.

Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: Jeff on July 24, 2014, 04:38:28 PM
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: SwampDonkey on July 24, 2014, 06:02:10 PM
This one's part billy goat (,5134.msg69483.html#msg69483)

:D ;D
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: timberlinetree on July 25, 2014, 05:22:39 AM
Scary!! (To limb up) would have to put the face screen down on that one! :)
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: timberlinetree on July 27, 2014, 05:46:43 AM
I think I cut down a relative of the witch tree!



Scary driving into this, thought for sure was going to hit bees and since it's on a hill shifting into low reverse and crawling up the hill while getting stung would not be fun. Got lucky on this one! :)




I even came out with some souvenirs



Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: WDH on July 27, 2014, 07:33:45 AM
I have never seen anyone camouflage a skidder  :D.   
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: Ed_K on July 27, 2014, 10:36:33 AM
I hate wire in a saw  :( hope it didn't tear the clutch apart.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: clww on July 27, 2014, 12:08:50 PM
+1  >:(
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: timberlinetree on July 28, 2014, 05:45:55 AM
It's OK but stopped quick like hitting chaps. Thanks again ed k for helping us out with the chains on the skidder we REALLY appreciate it! :)
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: Wudman on July 31, 2014, 04:12:32 PM
From a print I have around here somewhere:

"Real Foresters dislike Yankee accountants, redbugs, cottonmouth moccasins, and that order."

Seriously, permanone in my opinion is the best deterrent for chiggers and it will do a number on the ticks too.  I apply it to my pants and boots.  Prior to permanone, I could pick 100 seed ticks any given night.  The chiggers were horrible.  Now, I seldom have a problem with either. 

Be sure to read the label.  It does come with some precautions.  I handed the can to a coop student one time and he read the label and handed it back to me, stating that he may want to have kids one day.  Early in my career, I was treated for both Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme disease.  I'll take the permanone over the chiggers anyday.

Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: Southside on July 31, 2014, 08:52:50 PM
I started to use "Bronco" fly spray this summer.  We put it on the horse and it works for him so I figured why not try it?  We buy it in gallon jugs and transfer it into a bottle sprayer.  I apply it to my pants and shirt, helmet, in the morning and I am really happy with the job it has been doing.  The biting flies stay away and maybe one tick a day most of the time is all I find. 
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: thecfarm on July 31, 2014, 09:21:34 PM
Southside logger,probably the Bronco is cheaper too. I use to use it on our horses too. But I had to spray it on my hands to apply it to the horses. I never could get them use to the noise of that spray bottle pointing at them. At my hands was fine,but point it towards them,and they would take off.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: beenthere on July 31, 2014, 09:31:20 PM
I see that Permanone and Bronco both have pymethrin in them. Maybe that what is good for ticks.

I use Deet for the chiggers, and seems to work ok.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: Magicman on July 31, 2014, 10:35:39 PM
But the Permanone does not go on your skin.  Clothing only.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: beenthere on July 31, 2014, 11:03:59 PM
Right... that is what they say.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: timberlinetree on August 27, 2014, 07:38:25 AM
Well this is a new one! What got me you cant see. I was stupid stupid stupid. Can only blame my self although wish forester had warned me in the cutting plan!Was in the er all day yesterday. Was kinda scared and was setting off 3 alarms constantly for a while. Two of the nurses looked worried. Think the doctors thought I was full of it since 3 different doctors wanted to hear my story! One of the nurses said I should be on a weird er room show and said the name but we don't have TV so didn't recognize the name. They say never seen a test like mine before and was really weird. I frogot my phone so I'll post pic tomarrow and see what everyone thinks? I'm getting a late start and don't want to go to the job site. I only have one day of skidder work and 2 days of spraying and then forester approves and big payday! But I'm really scared to go up there! The fire wood on the landing that was going to be processed think I will move with the forwarder to another location costing time/$ but don't like this place anymore! Its taking a lot to go up there today but need a pay ck! Today I'm really really scared of the woods!
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: sawguy21 on August 27, 2014, 09:57:10 AM
I am not scared of the woods but do have a healthy respect for the forest and it's natural inhabitants. I stay aware of my surroundings and make sure I know where I am. Only been been scared by a bear once in camp, got between a sow and a cub, but she was more interested in the garbage cans.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: John Mc on August 27, 2014, 04:07:47 PM
Quote from: Magicman on July 31, 2014, 10:35:39 PM
But the Permanone does not go on your skin.  Clothing only.

I had heard the reason for that was because pymethrin breaks down on contact with your skin, losing its effectiveness -- not because of any concerns about toxicity.  However, now I'm wondering if I heard wrong.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: timberlinetree on August 28, 2014, 06:43:22 AM
Well this is what I think got me radio waves or emf or something. My heart was fine until started parking in front of it and now my heart is pumping funny. Feels like I having a heart attack!


Stupid me didn't read warning signs




This one in fine print on bottom says serious injury




In the hospital they also put the heart jump start pads on me!


This thing really messed me up( I think) and I don't like it one bit! If anyone is working near these things, be careful!
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: timberlinetree on August 29, 2014, 06:12:19 AM
Talked to someone finnaly from the tower! They say its leased then sub leased and is going to try and contact the owner. Then he wanted to know if we were in front of it, how close and how long. I don't like this thing one bit! Yesterday my heart started skipping instead of overheating. I can hear it through my earmuffs when I stop.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: timberlinetree on September 01, 2014, 06:00:32 AM
Well they didn't get back to me. Not shure what to do now. Science I haven't been around the tower I'm getting better. Was real happy to wake up and not feel my heart pounding out of my chest.not shire how far away I need to be from this thing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: BargeMonkey on September 01, 2014, 07:06:23 AM
Wow.  Hey at least your alive, yeah thats really something. Wow.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: Kodiakmac on September 01, 2014, 07:43:41 AM
"...Like all other blood suckers, they leave behind an itch...."

Oh, those things.  in Ontario we call them Liberal politicians.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: Maine logger88 on September 01, 2014, 07:20:29 PM
Glad to hear you are feeling better! I have no clue on the tower never been around one. Stay safe!
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: thecfarm on September 01, 2014, 08:15:11 PM
I have never been around one. But if I felt like you did,I would keep away from them things!!!  They could find you dead in front of that tower.  :o
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: ScottAR on September 01, 2014, 08:50:43 PM
Emf is nothing to scoff at...  Some of the big ones can kill birds.

For the itchy chigger bites, take a warm bath with epsom salts.  calms the itch down a lot.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: timberlinetree on September 07, 2014, 06:41:58 AM
Thanks everyone! Well my heart is like a nicely tuned Detroit 353 at an idle, nice and steady. Didn't even need to go to the cardiogist because I'm feeling great. I got a hold of the tower people and wished Marcia talked to them since I got a little confused. Never found out who's using the tower, that it shoots signals, don't go in front of it, and didn't find out what serious injury you could get from this thing. Somewhere along the line he said the radiation word like that's around it? Not sure if Marcia homemade laundry soap works on that stuff so if anyone knows about radiation and could chime in that would be great. I know it's bad and stay away which I am doing. After I got off the phone I realized this guy was an expert at beating around the bush. Maybe he thought I was a sue happy person. If I sued all the people I could have I would be overweight from to much steak and have heart problems so I don't take that route especially when it's my fault. I am almost done with job! Should I call the DEP about the radiation to see if that stuff is around? I don't want to be bringing this home and don't know anything about radiation.Thanks
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: beenthere on September 07, 2014, 08:29:02 AM
Relax a bit, and don't get too hyper.   ;D

Seems you are throwing a lot of things together that may just be partially true because (as you admit) it is confusing. i.e. there are different kinds of radiation, some good, some not so good.

Keep looking into this, but I'd suggest you avoiding the immediate area of the "beast" would be your best bet. And seeing a Dr. to get checked out would be your second best bet.  ;)
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: treeslayer2003 on September 07, 2014, 09:11:02 AM
timberline, was it hot when you had that episode? i have had my heart do that from happens fast and you don't really feel thirsty. if you sweat like i do, ya can't really drink that much water fast enough.........keep hydrating at home in the ac.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: lopet on September 07, 2014, 10:05:45 AM
Don't know much about radiation either, but sounds scary enough, to take it serious.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: BargeMonkey on September 07, 2014, 11:25:12 AM
 Those big satellite's are similar to a marine radar unit, dont get anywhere near it.  The path of "projection" can burn you, and from what I read cell phone towers emit much higher EMF than say an X-ray machine at a hospital. Good to hear your alright but I would not hang around on that job forever, some of the effects ive read are quite nasty.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: Hilltop366 on September 07, 2014, 12:03:32 PM
If it was that bad you would think a larger area would be fenced off to actually keep (most) people away.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: timberlinetree on September 08, 2014, 05:48:21 AM
Sorry to go on this whole star wars zapping radio waves thing really got me nervous especially when in the er. Will do been there and Marcia agrees. Tree slayer my heart was overbeating for a week and half +/-  until went to er I was drinking lots of water and wasn't to hot but that might do it glad your OK! Hill top I think the problem was being in front of it! To be honest I was parking right in front of it . durning lunch I was getting really tired and taking naps it got bad and I was up to an hour and half . the more time I spent in front the more tired(really tired) I got. Now no need for nap! We just have to cut/split 2 full cords of green,deliver the split stuff and as soon as we get the forwarder move the rest of the wood down the hill. Found out the owner gets 20k a year for having this on his land!  Becarefull out there! Thank everyone!


Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: treeslayer2003 on September 08, 2014, 04:31:16 PM
timberline what exactly did they do to you in the er and what did they say was wrong? sorry, i didn't really get it out of your earlyer post. i am curios, i have had that a couple times myself.
Title: Re: scared of the woods!
Post by: timberlinetree on September 11, 2014, 06:39:32 AM
Tso3 hope u get better and can figure it out! The tower is a microwave antenna not a cell one different beast! Some people have lots of problems because of this just Google. In the er I had an iv, heart JumpStart pads on and hook up to the heart monitor. I set off 3 different alarms almost constantly for awhile and I think they thought I was on drugs , talked to 3 different doctors. Was there all day. This is what I got out of it.

1 the erg technition (nurse) said they have never seen a heart doing what mine was doing and I should be on some weird er room TV show.

2 the doctors said don't know what is causing it or what it is but I'll be OK for now? That made me feel good, but guess they we're right I'm here.

3 doctors are busy or not that important have an appointment in Nov with heart doctor.

I went to heart overbeating for at least a week and half to skipping a beat for about a half a week. Hope this helps and work safe!