The Forestry Forum

General Forestry => General Board => Topic started by: island boy on September 24, 2014, 08:16:58 AM

Title: Missing Person
Post by: island boy on September 24, 2014, 08:16:58 AM
Wondering if any one can help?
Got a call last night from my sister who told me her 19 year old son is missing.
He was traveling from RI, cross country with his sister and were camping at Wapati Campground just east of Yellowstone. They woke up yesterday, had breakfast together and while still in his long underwear, crocs and jacket told his sister he was going to check out the campground (which isn't very large). He never returned.
Park County ,WY SAR searched all day yesterday into the night. Search will resume this morning. My sister who lives in RI is on plane out to Cody, WY at this time.

I'm wondering, with the FF community being as good a group as you can find online, I was thinking of trying to connect with a member from the Cody area.

How can I find out if there are any forum members out in this area.
Thanks, Geoff
Title: Re: Missing Person
Post by: LeeB on September 24, 2014, 08:30:07 AM
Check the member's map. Hope everything turns out ok.
Title: Re: Missing Person
Post by: sandhills on September 24, 2014, 09:38:36 AM
Praying for the best, hope you have good news for us today.
Title: Re: Missing Person
Post by: yukon cornelius on September 24, 2014, 10:46:04 AM
Prayers sent for the family!
Title: Re: Missing Person
Post by: hardtailjohn on September 24, 2014, 11:35:43 AM
Wow..hope it turns out ok!!  I'd say check the members map and see who's the closest and go from there. Sounds like he's got the best already on the job... my prayers to him and the family!
Title: Re: Missing Person
Post by: Yoopersaw on September 24, 2014, 11:55:17 AM
You might want to try posting here also since a lot of fly fishing going on there.
Title: Re: Missing Person
Post by: island boy on September 24, 2014, 02:45:59 PM

Looks like they're doing everything possible at this point.
Title: Re: Missing Person
Post by: sandhills on September 24, 2014, 03:22:00 PM
Prayers still coming, they definitely are putting forth everything they got, please keep us updated.
Title: Re: Missing Person
Post by: goose63 on September 24, 2014, 03:32:37 PM
Praying thy soon find him safe and healthy
Title: Re: Missing Person
Post by: island boy on September 24, 2014, 03:54:58 PM
Heard again from my sister:

SAR team found his jacket and long underwear rolled up neatly and stashed (it was in the 80s there yesterday) in a remote area some miles from the campground. He apparently was also wearing shorts over his long underwear and they were not with the stashed items. This is a good sign for several reasons. It indicates he is out there and not stashed in someone's trunk. Also, they can refocus the search which has been a general large scale grid search pattern.
Hopefully better news to follow.
Title: Re: Missing Person
Post by: island boy on September 24, 2014, 04:53:20 PM
Just got good news!

SAR found him about five miles from the campground. He had gotten turned around and disoriented in the backcountry and when he got hot he stashed the warm cloths. Fortunately he stumbled upon a cabin and spent the night and today until they found him.

He's never going to hear the end of this experience.

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers.
Title: Re: Missing Person
Post by: on September 24, 2014, 06:20:35 PM
Easy to get turned around, I've done it a few times but always managed on my own. Glad to hear he is ok. Maybe his uncle should get him a good compass?
Title: Re: Missing Person
Post by: island boy on September 24, 2014, 06:36:44 PM
Good idea
I can pass it on to him along with some of my own hard learned wilderness experiences.
Title: Re: Missing Person
Post by: thecfarm on September 24, 2014, 06:39:25 PM
Good news!!
Title: Re: Missing Person
Post by: Stroover on September 24, 2014, 07:03:18 PM
I'm glad they found him. Being a former member of a SAR team, I didn't want to say anything to alarm you, but shedding clothing like that is usually a sign of hypothermia, which could have been very  bad news if they didn't find him soon. I know it sounds backwards, but in laymen's terms what's happening is that your inner core is getting colder than your outer layer (since your blood is pretty much around your outer skin, feeling warmer), so you think you're getting very hot and start taking clothes off. If you're ever in this situation, please try to remember this, and instead of shedding clothes, if you feel you must remover layers, don't drop them on the ground, but rather tie them around your waist. Because before you know it, you'll start shivering, and at that point you need to start putting your layers back on.
Title: Re: Missing Person
Post by: LeeB on September 24, 2014, 07:32:41 PM
What a relief to have a good ending. Glad all is well.
Title: Re: Missing Person
Post by: island boy on September 24, 2014, 08:24:36 PM
Final wrap up to the story:
Title: Re: Missing Person
Post by: WmFritz on September 24, 2014, 08:26:15 PM
Glad for a happy ending.

Like I've been turned around a few times. Each of them without my compass.  smiley_dunce

The first time I was 15 or 16 in the U.P.  I got turned around tracking a deer in a cedar swamp. What saved me was I had a couple inches of snow on the ground and when I picked up my own tracks, I got back on my own. After that experience, I followed my Grandpa's example and sewed a compass on my hunting jacket.

Twice I've been lost on the Saginaw Bay ice. The first time, my friend and I were 4-5 miles offshore sitting in a portable shanty. The weather came up and we packed it in. We didn't get far before the snow was blowing so hard, we lost sight of shore and were turned around. Before long, it got dark, so we decided to put the shanty back up and ride out the night. At sun up we found a Sheriff Deputy sitting next to our pickup.
The second time we went out at dawn on a cold, crisp morning. As we sat fishing and the sun got higher, a heavy fog rolled in. We couldn't see 15' in front of us. We tried to head into shore without a compass and found a pressure crack, which meant we were going out instead of in. We stopped, drilled new holes and fished till about noon when a breeze blew the fog out. Now, I carry a compass on any outdoor activity; hunting, fishing, boating and snowmobiling.

Good advice Stroover.
Title: Re: Missing Person
Post by: Ron Scott on September 24, 2014, 09:01:29 PM
Thankful for the happy ending!