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General Forestry => Ask The Forester => Topic started by: postville on June 09, 2015, 02:07:31 PM

Title: Honeysuckle battle
Post by: postville on June 09, 2015, 02:07:31 PM
I have been working on a honeysuckle invasion. Tried foliar spray of glyphosate first year. Got some kill but some bushes resprouted.
Tried tryclopyr and diesel basal treatment next, somewhat better results.
This year I missed the early spray time window and wound up brush cutting the bushes as they were flowering. Will this be effective?
Title: Re: Honeysuckle battle
Post by: brianJ on June 09, 2015, 06:54:35 PM
Mowing an already weakened plant from prior treatments of Garlon and Roundup will do a lot of damage to them, but I would be hesitant to say it would finish them off.    The good news is  you couldn't  have picked a better time to mow them  as root reserves should be near their lowest of the year and growing  compettion the most severe.

I would think that after a new flush of growth a final application of Roundup would finish them off.   But stay vigilant new ones will germinate over the next several years and even decades into the future from bird droppings.

Title: Re: Honeysuckle battle
Post by: Autocar on June 09, 2015, 07:25:06 PM
I was in a woods today you couldn't see ten feet any direction it was so bad about the size of your wrist and in plces almost had to crawl on your hand and knees. They say it is heading north further every year I sure hope it dosen't make it this far.
Title: Re: Honeysuckle battle
Post by: DaveP on June 10, 2015, 07:44:51 AM
     I use CROSSBOW mixed in diesel fuel on honeysuckle and buckthorn and get great results.  Spraying the trunks of both will usually kill them.
Title: Re: Honeysuckle battle
Post by: BBK on June 10, 2015, 09:48:41 AM
X2 on the crossbow and diesel.
Title: Re: Honeysuckle battle
Post by: AnthonyW on June 10, 2015, 12:56:11 PM
I saw a suggestion once, to fill a small plastic water bottle with your choice of weed killer. Then put the cap on an cut a small X in the top. Cut the vine and stick it through the X and into the weed killer. Now it has no choice but to drink. It is supposed to be very effective with the side benefit that it does not kill everything else around it. For some plants, it is listed to spray them 2 or 3 times in 1 or 2 week intervals. I am trying to push the african violets out of my yard. I have sprayed them twice at one week intervals, and I am aiming for a third spraying after a 2 week gap.
Title: Re: Honeysuckle battle
Post by: bucknwfl on June 10, 2015, 03:48:34 PM
Try a foliage application of imazapyr ( arsenal ) it is taken up by the leaves and translocated to the roots.  But as always read the label.  It is a non selective herbicide
Title: Re: Honeysuckle battle
Post by: curdog on June 10, 2015, 05:51:45 PM
Quote from: bucknwfl on June 10, 2015, 03:48:34 PM
Try a foliage application of imazapyr ( arsenal ) it is taken up by the leaves and translocated to the roots.  But as always read the label.  It is a non selective herbicide
I use arsenal as well, but be careful with the soil activity if there is desirable hardwood trees surrounding the honeysuckle. I've seen it kill oaks and hickories with a dbh of 12 -16 inches without ever contacting the foliage. It seems to not move far in the soil, but it will stay for a while.
Title: Re: Honeysuckle battle
Post by: Peter Smallidge on September 27, 2015, 09:57:57 PM
Glyphosate should work.  Mix it as concentrated as possible.  In NY honeysuckle leafs out before other plants. I had good success with glyphoste at 4% active ingredient (8% solution of Rodeo) in early spring.

An earlier post suggested spraying the sprouted clumps. That's a good idea.  Revegetate with something else or other invasives may establish.
Title: Re: Honeysuckle battle
Post by: Texas-Jim on September 28, 2015, 11:32:11 PM
Remedy is probably the best poison to use, it killed a 75 foot fence row of the stuff in one spraying.
Title: Re: Honeysuckle battle
Post by: John Mc on September 29, 2015, 11:17:25 AM
Can't get much of anything other than glyphosate here in Vermont unless you have a commercial applicator's license. 

I'm stuck mainly with mechanical means, though I do use glyphosate on cut stumps. Like my signature line says: When the only tool you have is a hammer...