The Forestry Forum

General Forestry => Sawmills and Milling => Topic started by: 1-2 Tree on June 30, 2015, 08:57:10 AM

Title: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: 1-2 Tree on June 30, 2015, 08:57:10 AM
I nave been prowling around here learning from all the post . But I started building a mill carriage for my mill 21" blade wheels a 16 hp briggs and electric feed drives . my son Connor has laser metal cutting machines press brakes and all the machines needed for this endeavor . So half way done syp on the ground I became impatient and started looking to buy a mill first I looked at Harbor Freight and I am not cheap but they say that the coupon they sent me in the mail was useless so a stern thank you very much and out the door ! Well next I looked into one  of those Canadian mills I just wanted a basic mill 6 to 8 weeks oops next plan. Mister Sawmill he had a great deal if I could wait a few weeks . Now the fun begins I was back on my build so the local bearing house was called pulleys calculated, belts ordered, bearings and keyed shafting . I get home my wife says she is having all the 100' pines cut down around our house so I panic , get my trusty lap top out and on craigslist and low and behold a mill shows up about 150 miles from me its a Norwood LM 29 just about the size I wanted it was kept in a shed not used very much but the man that had it for sale was a cancer survivor and a super nice guy he said the base would no hold up so I noticed it was sitting on pallets ,not good .I paid the gentleman brought my new toy home with a stop by my sons shop ,he looks at it and sees that it needed more support so he builds me a skid out of 6" channel with jack bolts so we get out the string ,tape and level let the games begin ! While he had it he built me a 4' extension to the bed. Now for the 3 strikes I get it on the trailer happy as a little kid at Christmas. To the farm I go new toy in tow. Then I get it set up checking everything blade, lube, and  tension and away I go ,what a felling saw dust flying my first strike back support boy that was a little scary so new blade and back to work this is great . Well strike 2 don't backup with the head down .Strike 3 over confident a trailer full off 1x12 pine if find out that bed clamps make good targets ! What I have learned this weekend is look, watch and plan your cuts I know there is more mistakes to be made but man I am hooked !Thanks for all the information and help here . 1-2 Tree
Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: plowboyswr on June 30, 2015, 09:45:33 AM
Welcome and congratulations on the mill.
Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: 1-2 Tree on June 30, 2015, 09:55:04 AM
Thank you I have a lot of respect for all the people on here after reading the post and reply's I believe that this is the most informative forum I have read. When I am not being a termite I build old cars but the doctor said I needed some exercise boy this is sawmill is a workout ! but it's fun 
Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: gww on June 30, 2015, 10:45:36 AM
I don't know if anyone has told you but we love pictures, or at least I do :).  I just started cutting myself, watch out it is kind of addicting.  Welcome and congradulation.
Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: LittleJohn on June 30, 2015, 10:52:24 AM
Not a real sawyer, until your mill tastes metal (...cause we have all done it, or at least lie about not doing it) regards to strike #2,  :-[ I may or may not have done the same thing the first time I was using my mill
Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: goose63 on June 30, 2015, 11:15:22 AM

 ( I have done it lots of times think my kill hates back stops
Have fun and be safe
Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: dboyt on June 30, 2015, 11:35:18 AM
Three strikes and you're IN!  Won't be your last, but they'll become less frequent.  There are lots of other ways to mess up, like rolling the log off the back side of the mill (either forgetting to put the stops up when you load it or when turning it), forgetting to put the toe rollers down, and putting the blade on with the teeth pointing the wrong way.  As long as you keep all your fingers & toes, it's all good!
Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: 78NHTFY on June 30, 2015, 12:30:25 PM
Welcome to the Forum!  Read your post and sounded like you said everything in one breath--you are hooked! :D :D :D.  Hey, if you were bowling, three strikes is good, right? ;D.  You can learn tons on this Forum, it's the best, but no substitute for doing it yourself.  Looking forward to the pics.  All the best, Rob. 
Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: GAB on June 30, 2015, 03:48:30 PM
Now the only question is what type of learner are you.
If you never repeat those strikes then you are a fast learner.
If more frequently (like me) then you are a slow learner.
Distractions are common and do not count.
Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: Magicman on June 30, 2015, 04:18:04 PM
Welcome to the Forestry Forum, 1-2 Tree.

That was a very nice introduction.   smiley_thumbsup
Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: sandsawmill14 on June 30, 2015, 06:07:08 PM
congats on the mill and welcome :)  i havent hit a backstop in over 3 weeks now ;D
Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: 1-2 Tree on June 30, 2015, 06:23:47 PM
Well Guys I work 60 to 80 hour at  work then to come home and make sawdust makes me happy .I will post some pictures I have been learning about blade types and uses .My wife made me takeoff a few days so I went to the antique store with her and we are walking through it and low and behold in the corner like standing there Excalibur was a cant hook worn smooth from years of use 30 dollars later its mine it looks to be hand forged the pin is a hammered rivet. This area of East Texas was a large logging area a lot of it went to build Dallas 
Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: Kbeitz on June 30, 2015, 07:43:55 PM
I think I will be the first to say that I don't think I will ever cut into a back stop.
When I made my mill I put a heavy iron bar in front of the blade that will stop the mill
if one of my back stops is to high to clear. I made this because of all the people on this forum
talking about sawing into them. Cant be done on my mill.

Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: Magicman on June 30, 2015, 08:03:30 PM
I don't believe that your rusty blade would have cut it anyway.  ;D   :D
Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: thecfarm on June 30, 2015, 09:09:11 PM
1-2 Tree,welcome to the forum. What's all the lumber going to be used for?
Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: 1-2 Tree on June 30, 2015, 10:50:20 PM
Thecfarm I have a cabin on lake Hawkins and it was built in the 50s it just has 1 bed room and my wife wanted barn wood with all the big pines that were knocked down here by the storms we had . I had the bright idea to build a mill and use the big pines to make my own !
Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: 1-2 Tree on June 30, 2015, 10:52:55 PM
Kbetiz that is awesome may have to do it my Norwood mill
Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: bandmiller2 on July 01, 2015, 07:54:48 AM
kbeitz, be carefull mate if the band comes off the wheels it will surely be ruined by hitting your guard. A more livable solution would be a short piece of angle iron mounted behind the roller guide and extending a short ways beyond the teeth under the band. Also good form to have something soft like plywood inside metal guards so when a band comes off the wheels it will be stopped with little damage. Frank C.

Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: Kbeitz on July 01, 2015, 08:29:42 AM
Quote from: bandmiller2 on July 01, 2015, 07:54:48 AM
kbeitz, be carefull mate if the band comes off the wheels it will surely be ruined by hitting your guard. A more livable solution would be a short piece of angle iron mounted behind the roller guide and extending a short ways beyond the teeth under the band. Also good form to have something soft like plywood inside metal guards so when a band comes off the wheels it will be stopped with little damage. Frank C.

Thanks... I thought about that.
But this device already saved my blade once.
I was thinking to sliding a rubber bike hand grip up over the chunk of metal.
Title: Re: 3 Strikes What a Way to Learn !!
Post by: Magicman on July 01, 2015, 08:37:43 AM
I would think that if a band came off it would be ruined anyway.  The odds are in Kbeitz's favor.