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Health and Safety => Health and Safety => Topic started by: Tom on March 26, 2002, 05:12:09 PM

Title: Lyme Disease
Post by: Tom on March 26, 2002, 05:12:09 PM
I understand that this disease has been around for centuries but don't become lax.  Button up, use a repellant with DEET, Bathe and examine yourself regularly.  I don't easily panic but I'm not ashamed to admit that I remain concerned.

I, like most, fear the unknown.  I have been told that my area doesn't harbor Lyme Disease.  I have also been told that it may.  Living in the woods makes me doubly concerned for my health.  Lacking the knowledge of symptoms makes me wonder if there are doctors here that would accurately make a diagnosis.

It is warming up in most of the country and people in those areas where Lyme Disease is prevalent should be aware.

Here is a site that appears to have a lot of information gathered in links.

Here is a link at the bottom of the site that I thought worthy of listing separately in case you missed it.
Title: Re: Lyme Disease
Post by: Ron Scott on March 26, 2002, 05:45:41 PM
We have reported cases here and through the Lake States. One needs to maintain awareness to it and Doctors are becoming better at its diagnosis. Know the symptoms and watch for a  "red circular rash" on the skin around the tick bite.

The Marshfield Medical Center, Marshfield Wisconsin is a center of specialty on the disease. Call 715-387-5904 for a courtesy Lyme Disease Field Guide.
Title: Re: Lyme Disease
Post by: Corley5 on March 26, 2002, 06:36:48 PM
We seldom see ticks in my neck of the woods.  They're here though.  Once in a GREAT while I find one on one of the dogs.  We spent a weekend near Pound Wi. a couple years ago they were every where :o.  We were constantly checking for them.  I talked to a forester from Virginia a couple years ago and from what he told me about insects, ticks etc and working in the woods it didn't sound pleasant.  Not to mention the poisonous snakes :o.  I think I'll stay here.  
Title: Re: Lyme Disease
Post by: Don P on March 26, 2002, 07:29:26 PM
A friend and former co-worker, tree planter... got it bad. He was mis diagnosed and went effectively untreated for months, at Johns Hopkins they tried but it was too late. He is permanently disabled, this will mess you up. Check everywhere and often.
Title: Re: Lyme Disease
Post by: Ron Scott on March 27, 2002, 06:57:07 AM
Should you get in real trouble with Lyme Disease, one known Lyme Disease Specialist is:

Dr. Joseph Joseph (yes both names)
1466 N. Hermitage Road
Hermitage, PA 16148

Title: Re: Lyme Disease
Post by: CHARLIE on June 08, 2002, 12:10:45 AM
There is an article in tonights paper where the government and some pesticide company has come up with a way to break the cycle of Lyme disease.  The article said that mice carry lyme disease and ticks get on the mice. So they made these traps that contain bait to attract the mice (it doesn't kill or catch the mice). The mouse goes into the trap to feed and a wick deposits a tick killing pesticide on it. The pesticide won't harm an animal if ingested. They tested this in an area that had a high density of ticks and lyme disease. Within a couple of years the area was relatively tick free. They are hoping that by breaking the cycle of the disease, it will become less prominant.  The traps have to be replaced every 90 days.
Title: Re: Lyme Disease
Post by: Ron Wenrich on June 08, 2002, 05:01:26 AM
A couple of years ago, I got the tick bite and the bulls-eye ring.  Luckily, it was on my arm and in full site.  I've seen pictures of tick bites on backs and places where they can't be readily seen.

In my case, I saw a small red rash.  I was doing some mowing along my lane.  It didn't bother me too much, but, I did a lot of research on Lyme to see its symptoms.

One evening, my wife commented on the rash on my arm.  I said it didn't have the ring, so it probably wasn't Lyme.  She told me there was a ring...I just hadn't noticed.

It took about 5 days for the ring to form.  Went to the local clinic and asked if I had Lyme.  They didn't know, since they have never seen it.  But, they treated it as if it were Lyme.  Anitbiotics for 21 days.  Ring disappeared in about a week, and I haven't had any symptoms.  

The carriers are deer ticks.  I've heard that if there are deer in the area, there are deer ticks as well.  They are about the size of a pencil point, so you can't really see them.  The bigger ticks carry Rocky mountain spotted fever.  And our mosquitoes are now carrying West Nile disease.

Lyme will effect dogs as well.  It's a nasty disease.  High grass is most often the best areas for ticks.  Most often found at the woods edges.  
Title: Re: Lyme Disease
Post by: Gordon on June 08, 2002, 09:19:00 AM
Ok here is a link that everyone concerned should have.

Here something real close to what you might think is lyme disease.

I'll add more later. This is a very scary issue in my neck of the woods. Now to add insult to injury as Ron W stated we now have the West nile disease to deal with.

Title: Re: Lyme Disease
Post by: johnjbc on June 10, 2002, 04:40:02 PM
Was working in the woods Saturday when I felt something  bite the back of my neck. Reached back and pulled a tick off. So far there is no ring   ::)
Gave my dog his warm weather hair cut last month and found about a hundred on him, some swollen to the size of a lima bean. We took him to the Vet and they gave us antibiotics in case, and FRONTLINE Top Spot with fipronil to put on his back once a month. So fan he hasn't got anymore on him. :D
Title: Re: Lyme Disease
Post by: plantman on December 17, 2017, 08:58:01 PM
Great video
Title: Re: Lyme Disease
Post by: plantman on December 20, 2017, 12:56:58 AM
Another MUST WATCH lyme disease video.
Title: Re: Lyme Disease
Post by: Ron Scott on September 16, 2018, 09:15:28 PM
Had another blood test for Lime Disease and it again came out negative. Previously had another tick bite that left the large red circle spot.
Title: Re: Lyme Disease
Post by: Lko67 on October 16, 2018, 05:42:37 PM
Never rely on the blood test it is wrong more than right.
Title: Re: Lyme Disease
Post by: loganworks2 on October 21, 2018, 05:50:51 PM
The blood test did not work for my son. They suspected lyme from the start. He began to exhibit neurological problems, of facial paralysis.  They did a spinal tap and found it in the spinal fluid. They really need to do multiple types of test if lyme is suspected as it hides in many ways. The blot test is one of the most reliable tests but it is not infallible. You really need to research on your own and insist other tests be done even if you have to pay out of pocket for them.
Title: Re: Lyme Disease
Post by: Chuck White on October 21, 2018, 06:05:06 PM
I tested positive for Lyme Disease early last summer, then a couple of subsequent tests later and they both tested negative!

I left the woods early this afternoon, I sat down and rested in a likely spot to see a deer, not so good, wasn't five minutes and I started brushing ticks off of myself.

I had to get out of there and the more I thought about it, the more I convinced myself that I had to get home and in the shower.

Feeling a lot better now that the shower is done and my clothes went in the washer and dryer and now they're done.
Title: Re: Lyme Disease
Post by: J.Inkslinger on December 14, 2018, 12:38:03 PM
I was at dinner the other day and there was a forester there with Lyme's disease and he said that its made him allergic to beef. I was amazed, but then recalled seeing an article on it as well NEWS: Tick bites may trigger allergy to red meat | (