The Forestry Forum

General Forestry => Chainsaws => Topic started by: tony_marks on November 04, 2004, 07:46:40 PM

Title: depth gauge setting for dan henry modifie  372 xp
Post by: tony_marks on November 04, 2004, 07:46:40 PM
  i already tried it on soft wood and its unbelievable..
 im thinking this saw may handle say .28 depth gauge setting
 on 20 inch full chisel set up. this wil be in green hardwood. oaks of various type.. need input from those running dans 372 xp saws..
  im running .20 depth setting,, or close to it, on my  saws at this time ..
  026- partner 400 - and 962 olympic..
Title: Re:  depth gauge setting for dan henry modifie  37
Post by: dozerdan on November 04, 2004, 09:23:43 PM
 Is the saw just a tad stronger then it used to be. LOL
 Try running your depth gauges at .030.
 Don't forget, run pure synthetic oil at 31/1.
 Now go looking for those guys with there stock 066s.

Title: Re:  depth gauge setting for dan henry modifie  37
Post by: woodsjunkie on November 05, 2004, 04:29:38 AM
Get your chain sharp set your rakers as Dan said .030.
 lean that saw out a bit( Use your tach try 14200 be carefull not to get to lean) and that saw will haul the mail.
Oh ya I think Dan may have ment to say 32:1 mix.
Title: Re:  depth gauge setting for dan henry modifie  37
Post by: tony_marks on November 05, 2004, 05:13:36 AM
well thanks fellas thats what i was thinking... ill get a chance to practice today.. then saturday ,,ill go looking  fer a fight with somebodies bad saw.. :D ..wont be no pink slip betting tho,, it be my luck to run into another saw from dan.. now a hundred, sounds like a nice figure to start with..i like that it looks stock.. that will help..truth is,, ill probably just lettum keep their money ,and tellum the story of this saw.. man its bad,, when a man would rather tell a good story,, than take the money..
 that pt about the 31-1 was interesting..
   didn t know that was your mix now..
   93octane-- and mobil mx2t 31-1..eric ,,i think dan was just making sure i stayed on the safe side.
 sounds like a safe mix..which is good,,as i plan on having this saw,, probably as long as i can still use a saw..knock on wood.. did yall hear it.. :)
   pride cometh before the fall.. but im betting ,i take a few out, before one gets me..then it ll probably be my fault ,not the saws..
Title: Re:  depth gauge setting for dan henry modifie  37
Post by: dozerdan on November 05, 2004, 06:13:43 AM
Hi Guys
 Yep. I made a typo error, it should have been 32:1 not 31:1. I guess I have 031 on the brain. Maybe because I traded in 4, 031 Stihls this week.

 Put some time on that slow PP372 that you have and let us know how it works. You also what to change the rim sprocket over from a 7 to an 8 pin.

Bobcat-pa, just received his PP346 and his PP357, he will run them this weekend and I am sure we will here about those two saws.


 That was Bobs PP346 that you ran when you came in here to pick up your slow RedMax 5000. Junkie had one of my PP346s, until he recently replaced it with a PP5000. It is a rather interesting story. To made it short, we went to a saw race in Ohio. Junkie took second place with his PP346 and my 16 year old son took first with that PP5000. I only took two saws along for my son to run at that show. The second saw was a PP365 Husky. He also took first place in that event. What you have to remember is this was the first time that my son was ever in a saw competition. First two events, two first places. I told him that its all down hill from there. LOL   He probably wont ever do that again.  My son would not have won those events without the help of woodjunkie. He let me use two of his race chains for those saws. That may give you some idea of what the man is like. He could have very easily won first place in both of those classes with his saw and chain set up. If any of you guys want to try out a good race chain, try woodsjunkie, he makes a heck of a good chain..

Title: Re:  depth gauge setting for dan henry modifie  37
Post by: Chris J on November 05, 2004, 07:49:57 AM
I'm a relative newbie here, but it sure is nice to see things picking up here on the chainsaw forum; am starting to see a lot of familiar names.  A few months ago this post would've gone so far over my head  ??? that I wouldn't have needed to duck.  Now I actually understand what you talking about (in principle anyway).  Keep the posts coming 8)!
Title: Re:  depth gauge setting for dan henry modifie  37
Post by: jokers on November 05, 2004, 01:45:32 PM
A stock 372 will pull .030 rakers on a 7 tooth sprocket and twenty inch bar in hard wood, I certainly hope that a modified 372 will. If Tony can pull an 8 tooth with .030 on the rakers and a 24" bar in hard wood, then he can say that his saw is running pretty good.

I hope Tony is reading this an takes my point into consideration before he starts betting hard earned cash against 066s.

Title: Re:  depth gauge setting for dan henry modifie  37
Post by: woodsjunkie on November 05, 2004, 02:00:50 PM
I think we must take into consideration how each individual run's a saw. What kind of wood your cutting etc. Heck I have seem guys stuff piped stroked saw with less raker than .030.
Seeing how I have no clue as to how Tony operates his saw I would say telling him .030 is a good start don't you think?And from running Tonys saw I would think he will have no problem running a 8 tooth rim and a 24" bar.
As far as betting hard earned money against 066s well I'd say that's up to Tony we all know the 066 is a great saw rite out of the box.

Title: Re:  depth gauge setting for dan henry modifie  37
Post by: jokers on November 05, 2004, 02:17:38 PM

You`ve made some good points, number one being how does Tony run his saw? I believe that Tony should know that saw inside out before he goes gunning for anyone, and only Tony can determine what is the best raker setting for his cutting setup and technique. I know that Dan wants to say and hear that his saws run strong, that`s only human, but he`s got a responsibilty to a guy like Tony to tell him to figure it out for himself based on his individual and unique circumstances. For example, Dan told me that my 346 would be in the power band at 15K. Maybe in Pennsylvania, but here in NY it wants to run at about 14.3. Imagine how unhappy I would be if I`d put some money on a race with someone and tuned my saw to 15k without relying on my own judgement? How would you feel?

Title: Re:  depth gauge setting for dan henry modifie  37
Post by: tony_marks on November 05, 2004, 03:01:47 PM
yep ,,i think the real key is learning the saw..thats true of any tool..the real key to anything is just knowing what u doing..
 after that u take the losses with the wins.. if u always won  ,, u would start taking it for granted..that takes most o the fun outa it..
 thanks for the input..
 ps i once was ostracised from pigeon racing ,,as the others just didnt understand physical condition .. they assumed i had to be cheating..and i wasnt ..much more i could say on the subject, but that aint what this forums about.. :)
Title: Re:  depth gauge setting for dan henry modifie  37
Post by: Jeff on November 05, 2004, 05:30:54 PM
The heck you say! I wanna hear about pigeon racin! :D
Title: Re:  depth gauge setting for dan henry modifie  37
Post by: tony_marks on November 05, 2004, 07:55:30 PM
  its pretty complicated,bud.. first u got to have birds with ability..
 then u get them so every time they fly,it gets easier and the homing instincts are fine tuned.. then where i excelled..
 get that heart and lung ability, so that the competitions birds fly their self into the ground trying to keep up..
   i really didnt get kicked out .. but the old time flyers really didnt appreciate a new comer,, blowing them away every race.. which i did in the charlotte racing club..also won three combine,, state wide races.. the races are won by, which bird flys the most feet per minute.thats all ill say as it gets to be a long explanation..
   a new comer,, doing what i did was unheard of.. of course they didnt understand [an still dont] jmo... the way to get the body in condition..
 condition,and how to best achieve it,,has been my thing for a long time..not that im there now.. :)
Title: Re:  depth gauge setting for dan henry modifie  37
Post by: Jeff on November 05, 2004, 08:15:32 PM
Ah... back in da days before birdy blood testing... ;)
Title: Re:  depth gauge setting for dan henry modifie  37
Post by: tony_marks on November 06, 2004, 03:20:08 AM
 lol... im gonna reveal a secrete now.. im at the age when my can do, cant keep up with my want to.. if u get my drift..
 in any case,i found a product called stamina rx ,that has a great side benefit..i can do a 40 minute workout,, which consist of
mostly heart -lung conditioning.. no pain no gain is a young mans game,,not us old people with arthritus.. :)
 any way ,i can take one of them pills,before an workout,,and when i get done ,im ready for another 40 min..
  also noticed that i hit the heavy bag ,seems like about a third harder ,with this stuff.. which can be rough on the wrist.
  seems to be just yohimba an herbs,but what ever ,it works a lot better than i expected it to..
 ps this was recommended to me by a friend,,who owns an health food store..i dont mean to get u fellows to start buying all those crazy things sold on the internet. i think most are just scams..
   also dont try it on u saws.. mine didnt like it much :D