The Forestry Forum

General Forestry => General Board => Topic started by: Jeff on February 28, 2017, 09:01:43 AM

Title: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Jeff on February 28, 2017, 09:01:43 AM
I get questions from people that I meet, or maybe see my coat or hat or old truck, about what the Forestry Forum is, and what it does, its importance in the forest products community and why they should be involved as a member or sponsor. Since I am a natural wonderer, :) that had me thinking, what would a member say if asked? I reckon it's close to what I would say, but I really don't know without asking you, the members. 

So I'm asking.  :)
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: DMcCoy on February 28, 2017, 09:26:32 AM
A place to discuss, learn, share ideas, tips, and knowledge in regard to anything related to forestry and forest related industries for both professional and hobbyists.

OK - anything that weights as much as green wood, is covered in dirt, bugs and snow doesn't sound much like a hobby.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Andries on February 28, 2017, 09:48:12 AM
"The Forestry Forum is an internet community that promotes the very best practices, products and processes relating to forests and forest products."


Now you're gonna say that I took this vision quest thing way too seriously.  :D
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: DanG on February 28, 2017, 09:55:04 AM
I say pretty much what you say, Jeff, but I don't usually wait for them to ask. ;)
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Ljohnsaw on February 28, 2017, 11:48:00 AM
I am involved in a few things like Boy Scouts, my son's Robotics and donating blood products every week.  People notice that I seem to have a lot of free time so they ask what I do for a living.  I say I'm retired. 

Well, what do you do with all your free time?  - I'm building a cabin.

Really?, How'd you know how to do that?  - Well, I tell them the Forestry Forum. 

There is a wealth of information on ANYTHING to do with wood.  Then I mention I'm actually cutting down my trees and milling them for the cabin.  WHAT!  How do you know how to do THAT?  Same answer - the knowledge here and the willingness to share is like no other place. 

When I was looking for information on designing a timber frame cabin, I Googled the Forestry Forum.  When it came to designing my mill, I came here for advice and to shamelessly borrow ideas from the manufactures.  When it came to picking out a chain saw, I came here for advise and information and even learned how to pronounce it (Sthil is NOT pronounced Stee HILL or Still) :D  When it came to upgrading my mill blade guides, I came here (Cook's).  When it came to log handling on the mill, I came here (Logrite).  I have a small stove for my future cabin, but I am thinking about your latest sponsor, Grills 'n Ovens.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: TKehl on February 28, 2017, 12:00:08 PM
Short time member, but here's my perspective:

It's an online equivalent of the general store/feed mill where anyone interested in forestry management, harvest, lumber production, and wood usage get together to share knowledge, stories, idea, jokes, brag, and shoot the breeze. 

It's also a mentoring ground where "oldtimers" teach "newcomers" regardless of age.  (I find it interesting how often people get a sawmill in retirement and get answers from people half their age.)

The group doesn't get caught up in politics or controversy (unless restricted topics and only if you ask to enter).  [FYI, I'm grateful for this as I hear enough of it daily that I don't want more  ;D] 

It's a group of decision makers, industry experts, and doers from backyard hobbyist to large commercial operations and everything in between.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: WV Sawmiller on February 28, 2017, 12:17:31 PM
   Good descriptions already provided but I'd include that it is privately owned, family friendly, non-political association of diverse but similar minded individuals who are interested in Forestry Products and procedures, sawmilling, wood-working, activities and offer thoughtful suggestions, ideas and help for their members and quests in a non-judgemental fashion.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: WH_Conley on February 28, 2017, 12:24:32 PM
I picked and pecked one reply that went somewhere in internet world somewhere.

The forum has come to be an extended family, hard to believe I have been here for 13 years. No end to the experience and knowledge found here. The trust for the members carries over to the sponsors as well. Be it Boots, Blades or Chainsaws I will come here for advice before making a major purchase.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: tule peak timber on February 28, 2017, 01:08:39 PM
    The Forestry Forum is light on opinions and heavy on facts, experience, and knowledge from its diverse membership. The internet is like an ocean where people fish for what they want to hear back. I can't eat guesses! My business is vertically integrated from log handling through fine finishing and even engineering with wood. When I upgraded my mills I came to the FF for research; data on chainsaws, heavy equipment, business plans, all sorts of practical information, is available here from members' ongoing experiences. I look to the FF to improve what I do, to tweak how I make my living, and to look better to my customers. Thanks Jeff for a great site !
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: scsmith42 on February 28, 2017, 01:28:48 PM
All great responses above. 

What I would add is that there are a lot of different dimensions to what the Forestry Forum provides to it's members. 

Some of these dimensions are related to technical topics such as milling and drying, timberframing or equipment related;  some are related to industry specific topics such as forestry, timber harvesting or stand management; and some are related to personal topics such as assisting people in need though advice, prayer, or direct involvement.

The best part of it is that the overall environment is one of friendliness and support, which is frequently lacking in so many other places.

There is no other place quite like it.

One of the reasons why this forum is unique is the participation from an unusually high percentage of industry decision makers and knowledgeable individuals in the timber related industry.  It has a high percentage of "doers" both in the field as well as in the office, that have an extraordinary amount of insight into our industry as well as influence in decisions.

Our membership includes folks that "wrote the book", both figuratively as well as literally regarding milling and drying; it includes representatives from the manufactures that make the equipment used in this industry, as well as the people who use it.

In short, on this forum - unlike many other options such as Facebook or other forums - I can "trust" the advice that I receive because it's from knowledgeable members that know their subject matter and have no ulterior motive in providing advice (unlike some sales personnel).

Although I may not click on many banner ads; of the sponsors listed on the left side and top of my screen I have personally done repeat business with seven of them; all but one of which is ONLY due to their participation on this forum and the general reputation that they have amongst the FF members. 

The exception is Stihl; I had previously purchased an 044 before joining the FF.  The other 5 pieces of Stihl equipment that I've added since joining the FF was impacted by the feedback from this forum though.

I have done significant business with former sponsors as well, but reduced that business after they dropped their sponsorship of the FF.

There are several reasons that I support these sponsors; but the main reason is that by their participation here I know that they are a reputable and vetted entity that I can trust. 
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: james on February 28, 2017, 01:33:04 PM
The FF is also a place to get answers ,sometimes before you new you had a question ??? ??? :P :P
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Logger RK on February 28, 2017, 01:53:40 PM
Very informative site. As Dad used to say,your never to old to learn. And some day I'll figure out how to put pictures on. I'm glad other's do. When I first got my I Phone I came on this site,I don't think there's a day since that I haven't been on,just to see what's new 8)
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: sandhills on February 28, 2017, 02:05:03 PM
I agree james, and with all other responses.  I love the fact that no matter what question you might have about anything under the sun, someone here has already dealt with it and is more than willing to help out.  The atmosphere here is unmatched compared to any other website I've been to as well, Jeff, you done out done yourself with this  ;).  I told my BIL years ago about this and while he and sis were building their new house they wanted some erc pillars for their front porch so he googled something and guess what popped up  ;D, I just said duh.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: slowzuki on February 28, 2017, 02:11:11 PM
I came to the FF wanting to cut the lumber to build my house.  I had 25 acres of mature woods on the property and enough experience with a chainsaw to be dangerous.

I learned how to chose a better chainsaw on here.  I learned about felling techniques that were safer.  I learned how to build a sawmill. I learned how to mill.

I knew nothing about current chainsaws as I only had a 1970's Partner R16 saw with no safety features and a roadside freebie busted saw, due to the feedback on this forum I moved my focus away from homeowner box store Husqvarna's to the Stihl MS-260 and other cheaper Stihl's.  Due to the various threads on here I ended up learning the difference in the homeowner, farmer and pro grades and bit the bullet to go with the MS-260.  Due to the posts on here I didn't get irritated with needing to go to a local saw shop instead of buying a saw online.  People explained the benefits of supporting your brick and mortar dealers for saws.

I liked my 260 so much, it was followed by an MS-360 and MS-361 also selected based on reviews on the FF. If it wasn't for this forum, instead of some of the best chainsaws ever made, I'd have a shelf of broken junk.

The forum also saved me the time it would take to find out Stihl chain was top of the pack.  Same story for finding bandsaw blades for my mill, no bs feedback on performance of products.

Companies can easily buy good reviews on amazon and other online review places, and its easy enough to get a good amazon review after owning something 2 days but that can't replace the in depth years of experience with products that users of this forum collectively have as a group.  That is invaluable.

Below a shot of my 3 favourite saws with my buddies Husqvarna sneaking in the back of the shot.

Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: clww on February 28, 2017, 03:27:49 PM
I like posing questions that I may have, answering questions of others (seldom), and reading answers to questions I forgot to ask concerning products and topics. It may be gardening, what is the correct type of wood for a project, how to BBQ a pig, pictures of a FF member after their latest chainsaw purchase, etc. et al. It's about what works for one, but maybe not another in a family-friendly atmosphere, not found on FB or anywhere else on the WWW. I read entire stories from top to bottom about topics that sometimes are really of no interest to me. Why you may wonder? I read them because I always gather thoughtful insight from a nearly endless supply of knowledge: The Forestry Forum Members.
Everyone is born ignorant. Those that do not learn and grow are doomed to stupidity. I learn something every single time I enter this site!
As you can see from my tagline, I support Stihl (all the way from the 028 Wood Boss to my 090), as well as other manufactures' lines of products.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Chuck White on February 28, 2017, 03:30:36 PM
The Forestry Forum is also a place to meet some really great people!

Many heartfelt friendships are formed here.

I like the prayer network, for those who may just need their spirits lifted a little or they may be in recovery from a catastrophe!
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Gearbox on February 28, 2017, 04:29:40 PM
A place for like minded people to help each other .
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Roxie on February 28, 2017, 04:51:40 PM
When I think of the Forestry Forum, the two words that come to my mind are trust and integrity of members and sponsors.  I respect the opinions of forum members to the extent that I even selected my washing machine based on forum recommendations.  No matter what you're searching for, these folks have the answer.  I know that there is no place on the web that I would trust the way I trust this forum. 

Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Kbeitz on February 28, 2017, 05:09:36 PM
It's a place to find out about things that you thought you already knew.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: jwilly3879 on February 28, 2017, 05:41:03 PM
A wonderful place to find out how much I didn't know, fact filled and not opinionated.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Ricker on February 28, 2017, 06:43:39 PM
When I tell someone about forestry forum I simply tell them you can find a wealth of information on about any topic that is woods work related. That it is well moderated so you can feel free to ask a question and you won't be attacked by some butt head troll telling you how stupid you are or why you are so obviously wrong with a statement you make.  I enjoy the mutual respect that this forum requests and Jeff demands.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: ElectricAl on February 28, 2017, 07:00:30 PM
I have been a FF Member for over 15 years.

To me the Forum is a place Mentor and get Mentored.
The incredible wealth of knowledge to give and receive is available to all who come .

Having great Sponsors makes all this happen.
However the sponsors may not realize how well their Banners Ads work when a customer sees the Banner and then dials the 800 number. There is no direct tie . No way for the Marketing Department to measure Views and Sales.

So it boils down to basic Exposure . Keeping your name fresh in the minds of the consumers you are marketing to.

Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: E_D_Lewis on February 28, 2017, 07:20:51 PM
I am pretty new to the Forestry Form and am amazed at the wealth of information available and the willingness to share experience and expertise and also amused at the camaraderie and off hand joshing that goes on between members. 
The FF has turned into my GO TO place to answer my specific questions and enlighten me to questions I didn't know I had regarding trees, logs, milling, and all things related to Forestry products.
Thank You for all you do!
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Peter Drouin on February 28, 2017, 07:39:39 PM
All good people here and a fun place to read some.
I do tell people about it if they want a bunch of free info.  :D
I just wish there was a little more people who mill full time and sell retail in the northeast.
To see how they do it. 
A lot better than TV. :D :D :D
And  Big thanks to Jeff who keeps it all together,
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: POSTON WIDEHEAD on February 28, 2017, 07:59:22 PM
Sometime ago I started thinking while taking a break from sawing.
As I sat and drank my Sundrop, I thought about what kind of a hit my life would take if the Forestry Forum ceased to exist.
I honestly teared up.
I have met my best friends from the members and sponsors on this site.

What good are friends?
You could not exist without them.
Do you realize everything is covered in this forum from "birth to death".....think about it.
As we live we come face to face with problems where we need someone to turn to.

I feel really comfortable bringing my health problems, my equipment problems, my "need to know how to" problems and asking the questions to my friends here.

I am not the best cook or the best sawyer.....I don't know that much about working on a chainsaw or my sawmill, I need help if I'm hurting in my hip or back, my truck has a skip.....what do I do?.....its all here.

There are Doctors, lawyers, preachers, cooks, woodworkers, mechanics, professional sawyers, musicians, moms and dads, teenagers and seniors, people who sew, gosh this family is endless with the knowledge we can and do share to help another member in need.

Before I got my mill....I was lost and didn't even know it.
Once I got my mill....I was taught by my new friends how to do things.
I bought the top of the line cant hooks from LOGRITE, bought STIHL chains saws because I needed different sizes, I learned what blades I needed for my WOODMIZER to saw certain wood, I learned what a powder post beetle was and how to commit murder.....but most importantly I learned what friendship and giving was all about.

The rewards are endless on the Forestry Forum   IF YOU GET INVOLVED.
Be humble, give, appreciate, compliment, ask, offer, shake a hand when you can but most of all, love your family.

This is what I tell people about the Forestry Forum......and this is the honest truth.

Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: thecfarm on February 28, 2017, 08:17:14 PM
A place to get ideas and a place to give advice and help out your fellow wood worker.
I really enjoy learning about wood out of my region. How things are done diffeant,the diffeant kinds of wood. How someone with a sawmill can make a living at it. I hear about new equipment on here and learn about the old equipment too. Interesting to hear about the loggers that cut 20 cord a day right down to the ones that cut only 2 day. Some of the building skills of members is really something. Be it furniture or timber frame.Than there are the ones that build a sawmill.
It's a very nice place to come to any time of the day. No picking on someone like we are in 3rd grade either.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: pabst79 on February 28, 2017, 08:45:31 PM
 I believe it's a place to belong that will open your mind to activities and hobbies that you may have had no interest in before joining. I joined FF for the specific reason that I collected saws and cut firewood, only after joining did I get into CSM and now I want a mill in the worst way, also I have acquired a passion for identifying new trees and shrubs. Great place for anybody interested in working with wood or the outdoors in general.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Magicman on February 28, 2017, 09:06:58 PM
I visit the Forestry Forum each day and many times several times each day.  There are so many experienced Sawyers, Loggers, Woodworkers, and even good Cooks.  Many are posting what they sawed, felled/logged, or built, but there are also the questions; how, why, what if, or even I need help.

I find that answering questions is a top priority because there are so many that wanted to ask the same question but got the answer anyway.  This is from the members, but just imagine how many guest are gleaning information, ideas, and honest answers about Sawmills, Chainsaws, Skidders, and even Grits without ever asking a question.  It boggles the mind.  :o

I love the way we will take a subject, add to it, insert new ideas, talk about food, get back on track and continue on without anyone getting "possessive" about highjacking "their" thread.  We just follow along, learn something, share ideas, chuckle, and look forward to the next day. 

Heck I spent today sawing, taking a few pictures, and being anxious to share my day with my friends here.   :)
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: reedco on February 28, 2017, 09:07:43 PM
       Just a FUN place!!
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: moosehunter on February 28, 2017, 09:46:14 PM
I use the Forum for answers to questions mostly, usually don't need to ask, the answer is already there. I trust the other folks here and the sponsors to give me the info I need ( and sometimes don't need!). It is kind of like a family reunion - everyday.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: newoodguy78 on February 28, 2017, 10:31:31 PM
I'm honestly not sure what is better about the forum to me, the absolute wealth of knowledge and information or the friendly, willing to help drama free atmosphere. Either way I've told many people about how good of a place this is to hang out and either learn,teach or laugh.

Many thanks sent to Jeff and all the administrators for all the effort that goes into this great place.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Nomad on March 01, 2017, 04:44:21 AM
     When Jeff started the Forestry Forum, he created an entity unique on the WWW.  It's members are friendlier, more inclusive, more helpful, more knowledgeable, more innovative, more family and community oriented than any other forum I've ever seen. 
     All the comments above about questions asked and answered, etc, are all simple facts.  It's a rare question here that doesn't get one or more answers or suggestions, and it's never sarcastic or haughty. This is a great place to learn things that aren't taught in schools.
     As a group our loyalty to our sponsors is beyond question for anyone who bothers to look at the details.  There's a lot more to reality than just counting clicks.  Many internet marketing "gurus" don't understand that, but it's true.
     "Clicks" does not correlate directly to sales.  Good advice from friends and experts does, and that is what is available here.
     I make it a point to tell my clients about this site because every single one of 'em could find useful advice and information here, as well as a lot of good-hearted entertainment.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: red on March 01, 2017, 08:14:04 AM
Great people, lots of information and no secret hand shakes . 
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Weekend_Sawyer on March 01, 2017, 08:53:09 AM
 I joined the Forestry Forum because I wanted to learn how to make lumber out of some of my trees. I was a member of 3 other forums and let them lapse because there was way too much drama. That was 2002. Wow, coming up on 15 years ago. Who would have thought.

What I have found here are great folks and a lack of attitude. You can ask a stupid question here and not get shot full of holes for it. What I have here are some great friends and acquaintances. Some I have met and some I have not.

I learned how to run my manual sawmill right here. Then I learned how to run my buddy's hydraulic sawmill right here. He knew the fundamentals but by the end of the month I was showing him tricks that I learned right here.

Recently I was thinking it was time for a new chainsaw. Seeing the banner at the top of the page made me think a new Stihl was the way to go. I started doing research and had some questions which I asked right here. The answers were given by good folks who knew what they were talking about. Based on the answers I was given I wound up purchasing an MS 261 C-M and it's performs exactly as I expect it to.

If I have a question about milling, sawing, drying, processing, why my truck smells funny or the best way to make cheese grits, here is where you will find me.

... and once in a while I'm able to give some advice too! ;D

Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Ed_K on March 01, 2017, 09:42:19 AM
 I'm with Dang. Anytime I get into a conversation about wood,whether it's one or more people, I bring up the Forestry Forum. Actually it doesn't even need to be about wood, I bring the Forum into the conversation. I've brought the forum up at the Ma. Forest Alliance meetings, even talking to people at the hospital. If someone's interested,have a question, I try to answer it and say check out the Forestry Forum they have a wealth of experience and can add more to the answer. I tell them I'm amazed at all the people around the world that belong to the Forum. I spend hours reading about how other people log or do all the things they do. When I found out I needed to be in the hospital for an extended period and would be away from my desk top, I came to the Forum to see what other Forum members where saying about laptops and tablets. When I started modifying my band mill, I looked to the Forum and sponsors for what I needed to make the changes work the best. Right now I'm looking at my band guides to change from flat to rollers. I don't click on the sponsors banner every day but I'm glad their there when I do need parts or new equipment.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Bruno of NH on March 01, 2017, 10:05:21 AM
The FF has helped me in so many ways 8) 8)
If i ask a question i get real answers the kind that come with a wealth of knowledge :) :)
The addition of a sawmill to my business and lifestyle has been the best .
This place has made it great.
I have lost all my mentor's in my life but coming here has given me more great mentor's than i could have ever asked for :) :)
And for that i thank you all Bruno
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: hacknchop on March 01, 2017, 10:24:53 AM
For me I benefit in that the ff provides the information I used to get from peers when I was busy   working and had the tried and true  methods  taught by the older generation  as well as the new cutting edge stuff, the trick  has always been to  learn and make use of what I can as well pass on my personal experience to others so that they can benefit too.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: catalina on March 01, 2017, 11:03:12 AM
The responses pretty much sums it up!
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum topic
Post by: brdmkr on March 01, 2017, 11:14:06 AM
First, Hey everyone!  I have to confess that I do not visit the forum as often as I used to.  I have lots going on that is not sawing or forestry related.  I would say I still drop in every couple weeks just to see what is up, but I often don't sign in.  To answer the question Jeff poses regarding what do I say when asked about the Forestry Forum... I don't know that I have ever been asked, BUT I recommend this forum to people on a very regular basis even though I don't hang out here as much as I used to.  There is a wealth of knowledge here.  I won't ever forget posting a tractor question here years ago.... After receiving a number of suggestions, someone pointed out that there were several good tractor forums :D  While that was true, I had always been able to get the help I needed right here (often still do!).  Jeff, I would hope your advertisers realize the importance of the discussions and recommendations of their products on this forum.  This is a focused audience; candid honest discussions here are sure to lead more directly to sales than the ads themselves.

Take care.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Ox on March 01, 2017, 03:02:37 PM
Because I don't fare well when put on the spot and I sometimes have a hard time talking properly, I would say "It's a place on the internet where all sorts of folks get together on a forum and talk about all sorts of things.  All sorts of people from all walks of life are there and everybody's nice and mean stuff isn't allowed.  If you have a question about anything, anything at all, it will be answered there.  People go there to begin with because something to do with wood led them there with a question."

Or something to that effect.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Babylon519 on March 01, 2017, 03:34:30 PM
The Forestry Forum is both a mirror and a window. As a mirror, it reflects information about my many varied interests in modern-day homesteading. Whatever is of interest or importance to me today, the Forum has something to offer.
As a window, it looks out onto a world where renewable resources meet mankind's ingenuity, and I see and learn about things that I didn't know would ever interest me. That means I'm growing. Forestry Forum nourishes my growth.

- Jason
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: WDH on March 01, 2017, 03:53:19 PM
Hey Birdmarker, good to still see that you are kicking up dust. 
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: MartyParsons on March 01, 2017, 03:57:23 PM
   In business it is a game of inches. If I were to count every click and attempted to count the $ invested in time spent, I to would be not sure if every effort we put into our business was successful. We train our employees to be grateful for every customer who comes our way, weather it would be profitable or not. I think that is a definition of customer service. I am not college educated and do not have a degree in business, but I do know if I had an issue with equipment and needed help I would go to the business who was willing to go the extra mile to help me. I would hope the person that comes our way would remember who help them. I know we have done our part as the Golden Rule.
  I hope me being a member here on the FF has been a giving back. I do not look for any return. I am glad to share what I have learned. I also have gained knowledge from the members here. Jeff Thanks for putting this great site together.
  I would think the sponsors like Stihl would be glad to have any owner of a band mill and the members of the FF to support and purchase their products. I am not sure I understand this click culture. I have had some education on how companies track internet activity and it is a little scary.  :o

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: thecfarm on March 01, 2017, 05:08:36 PM
I don't know advertising,but in my little world,I would think sponsoring a forestry forum if I had chainsaws to sell would be the place to go. I would also think a foresty forum would be a good place for a sponsor that sold sawmills and cantdog and peaveys too. Might even be a good place to sell chainsaw parts and supplies too. But what do I know.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: mad murdock on March 01, 2017, 10:51:48 PM
So many good responses to your Question Jeff! Not much more can be added by me, other than the Forestry Forum is the best place on the "dubya , dubya, dubya bar none!! Thanks to Jeff and all the efforts of all who contribute from the sponsors to the moderators!! I have learnt so much from y'all since becoming a member here! I recommend to all I know who want to be in the "know" of all things related to wood and silviculture for now and for future generations, the Forestry Forum is just "the place to be"!
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Ianab on March 22, 2017, 09:01:23 PM
Came across his article on the local news web page this morning, and thought it was  relevant to this topic. (

It talks about how random "scatter gun" advertising with Google / Youtube / FB etc could actually harm your branding, by associating your advert with content you would rather not appear next to, and being presented to audiences that have zero interest in your product.

Like "Made in USA" tools plastered over the latest ISIS video, or Chainsaw adverts on a Greenpeace "Save the Rainforest" video. Google would make associations that assume you advert would be "on topic", but in reality, probably not. "Death to the USA" and "Ban Chainsaws" are not the search terms you are looking to be associated with, but you can see how a computer might associate them. It's worse than merely useless, because it's probably adversely affecting your Brand. Like when your advert appears beside one for a cheap  Escort Agency?

Advertising on a site like this, you know where your ads appear, you target the correct audience, what other adverts are showing on the page, and how your brand is being presented.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: cbla on March 23, 2017, 05:46:06 AM
Quote from: mad murdock on March 01, 2017, 10:51:48 PM
So many good responses to your Question Jeff! Not much more can be added by me, other than the Forestry Forum is the best place on the "dubya , dubya, dubya bar none!! Thanks to Jeff and all the efforts of all who contribute from the sponsors to the moderators!! I have learnt so much from y'all since becoming a member here! I recommend to all I know who want to be in the "know" of all things related to wood and silviculture for now and for future generations, the Forestry Forum is just "the place to be"!

I will second that!
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Roxie on March 23, 2017, 07:05:38 AM
Excellent points Ianab!
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: Dudaks on March 26, 2017, 09:39:12 AM
A group of responsible, conscientious tree huggers!! The greatest service this forum provides from where I sit is it's voice. Who would have thought that there could be sooo much information related to this natural resource? I would never have considered myself a "tree hugger" in my youth, but the more exposure to the value of this natural resource that I am getting here, the more I feel like that isn't true anymore. I am grateful for everything that is provided here. Being a woodworker has given me a reverence for trees and the incredible beauty that can be found within.     

Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: GAB on March 26, 2017, 03:14:05 PM
I never really considered myself a tree hugger, but maybe I am.
Last summer I had two elm trees die and I hugged both of them as I wrapped a choker chain around them and tugged on them with the winch to make sure they did not go in the wrong direction and take out the neighbor's power.
I was successful in my endeavor.
Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: GAB on March 26, 2017, 03:20:50 PM
Quote from: MartyParsons on March 01, 2017, 03:57:23 PM
   In business it is a game of inches. If I were to count every click and attempted to count the $ invested in time spent, I to would be not sure if every effort we put into our business was successful. We train our employees to be grateful for every customer who comes our way, weather it would be profitable or not. I think that is a definition of customer service. I am not college educated and do not have a degree in business, but I do know if I had an issue with equipment and needed help I would go to the business who was willing to go the extra mile to help me. I would hope the person that comes our way would remember who help them. I know we have done our part as the Golden Rule.
  I hope me being a member here on the FF has been a giving back. I do not look for any return. I am glad to share what I have learned. I also have gained knowledge from the members here. Jeff Thanks for putting this great site together.
  I would think the sponsors like Stihl would be glad to have any owner of a band mill and the members of the FF to support and purchase their products. I am not sure I understand this click culture. I have had some education on how companies track internet activity and it is a little scary.  :o

Hope this helps.


Mr. Parsons, Sir:
I have not been one to comment on many of your posts, but do not take it as not being appreciative.  Some do not apply to me, but they are still educational.
If you are seeking a subject to do a post on I would like to see an LT40 blade tensioning unit being revamped or repaired.
Again thanks for your efforts,

Title: Re: About the Forestry Forum
Post by: fishpharmer on March 26, 2017, 08:34:01 PM
The Forestry Forum is the encyclopedia for independent sawmill owner/operators and all aspects before and after a tree is milled.  The Forestry Forum goes further than sharing sawmill and forestry knowledge but offers a greater wealth of friendships and resources to help all that visit.  The Forestry Forum is a great place!! 

Forestry forum itself is like the many forests across our country as well as forests across the globe.  Each member is similar to a living tree.  Each member is a tree trunk with roots and branches spreading far and wide.  The members seed's of influence spread much farther.  Its difficult to see the widespread influence of forestryforum from the trees.   I can tell you firsthand its there.