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Outdoor topics => The Outdoor Board => Topic started by: Deese on June 01, 2017, 01:24:16 PM

Title: Making Memories With Daddy
Post by: Deese on June 01, 2017, 01:24:16 PM
Many of my fondest, most vivid memories as a child are of the many times I went fishing. I used to fish A LOT. Many times I would go alone, but my father used to take me on the weekends I spent with him. There aren't many things in life better than sitting in the shade with a zebco 33 and a cage full of crickets over a big bed of bluegill. It makes me smile just thinking about it.

This past memorial day weekend, I took my 4 year old fishing with crickets for the first time. Man oh man did we have a blast. I plan to fill his head with nothing but cherished memories that he can look back on when he is a grown man. There's nothing like time spent in the outdoors with the ones dearest to you. Nothing.



Title: Re: Making Memories With Daddy
Post by: samandothers on June 01, 2017, 03:05:53 PM
What fun times!  Now he will be spoiled and expect same results each time!
Title: Re: Making Memories With Daddy
Post by: Deese on June 01, 2017, 04:15:53 PM
He was more interested in the crickets than anything else. He just couldn't believe that I was brave enough to put my hand in the cricket cage to grab one.
Title: Re: Making Memories With Daddy
Post by: Ljohnsaw on June 01, 2017, 04:32:16 PM
I vividly remember my dad showing me how to catch some bluegill when we were camping.  I was probably 5 or 6.  When my daughter was about that age, I took her to a pond where they bluegill would bite on a hook that smelled like a worm!  When she was about 10 I took her out in my canoe to trout fish.  She caught a planter that had a $10 Fish and Game tag on it 8)
Title: Re: Making Memories With Daddy
Post by: Deese on June 01, 2017, 04:50:52 PM
The ones from the past weekend weren't on bed as far as I could tell. We just randomly picked a spot and got lucky. The first thing he said when he woke up the next morning was "Lets go fishing"
Title: Re: Making Memories With Daddy
Post by: samandothers on June 01, 2017, 06:18:06 PM
Title: Re: Making Memories With Daddy
Post by: Magicman on June 01, 2017, 09:43:45 PM
You are a good Daddy.
Title: Re: Making Memories With Daddy
Post by: WV Sawmiller on June 02, 2017, 08:44:31 AM

   Great times I know both of you will remember forever.

   A big bluegill is about my favorite eating fish and boy do they fight on light tackle for their size. I take my 5, 9 & 11 y/o granddaughters to catch live bait. We use 10' crappie poles (Each has one with her name on it), about 8' line, #10 cricket hook with a BB shot 6" above the hook and a float set about a foot or so deep and 1/2" piece of nightcrawler. I take them to our local lake and they catch little bluegills and green sunfish in the shadows of the rocks in the water. The fish are very aggressive and charge the bait before it hits the water. A three inch bream will nearly snatch the pole out of their hand when they grab the bait. It takes all I can do to bait hooks and remove fish. We can use them for bushhook bait up here and put them on and catch big catfish on them.

   The highlight last summer was when I had my 86 y/o mom up from Fla and took her and my, then, 4 y/o gd out catching bait and running lines. Mom got as excited as Molly did when she'd catch one. We had one 23 lb flathead on one line the next morning when we checked the lines.  You can't ask for better quality time than that.

   Unfortunately up here we can't get crickets for bait like in your neighborhood. The best  we can do is use any black crickets and grasshoppers we can catch.

    (An old trick is when you want 100 crickets for bait take 2-3 cricket tubes and tell them you want 35-50 in each cage. You 'll end up with 150-200 crickets for the same price. Same with you buy crappie minnows. Take 2-3 buckets and get a dozen in each bucket.)
Title: Re: Making Memories With Daddy
Post by: Stoneyacrefarm on June 06, 2017, 10:40:51 PM
Keep up the good work.
I have fond memories of digging ginseng and fishing and hunting with my father who has since passed away.
We would bring cheese sandwiches and hard boiled eggs on our trips.
I would take my daughter when she was growing up on the same type of adventures.
Nothing puts a smile on your face more than listening to them tell a story about the crazy things we did.
Once in a while we will sit down and eat plain cheese sandwiches and hard boiled eggs and remember old times.
Title: Re: Making Memories With Daddy
Post by: Deese on June 06, 2017, 11:03:26 PM
Yes sir. These are the real things that matter. My dad and I would get up before sunrise and make scrambled egg sandwiches and wrap them in tin foil. We would push the boat in as the sun came up and fish with top water "hula poppers" and jitterbugs then change over to plastic worms. We'd eat the sandwiches around 8am. I remember it like yesterday. I'm smiling as I type this. There was love in that aluminum boat. That's the memories I want to make for my boy.
Title: Re: Making Memories With Daddy
Post by: Autocar on June 07, 2017, 07:15:49 PM
We never had any children but OH Logger has a little boy and I get the biggest kick out of him . It is fun to see his dad teach him things of life, pretty cool . God Bless all the dads that take time for there kids.