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General Forestry => Sawmills and Milling => Topic started by: D6c on January 10, 2018, 09:11:55 AM

Title: WoodMizer resaw attachment
Post by: D6c on January 10, 2018, 09:11:55 AM
Does anyone have experience with the WM resaw attachment that lays on the bed of a mill?
I take it you can use it for flat resawing or tilt it to make lap siding....or shingles with a special belt.

A local contractor that does quite a bit of log home building has been looking for someone that can resaw for him.  Hasn't had any luck getting pallet wood sawmills to do anything for him.  I don't know exactly what the material is he wants to cut but I think it's mostly flat cutting. 

I was just curious if anyone is using the attachment and how well it works.  I have an '87 LT40 that has been modified with new center rails so depending on how the resaw is attached it might require some modification.
Title: Re: WoodMizer resaw attachment
Post by: MartyParsons on January 10, 2018, 12:45:48 PM
   Yes I can help. Can you ask more questions on what you need? You could also send me a PM. Everyone can learn if you ask the questions and I can answer on the forum.
Title: Re: WoodMizer resaw attachment
Post by: Southside on January 10, 2018, 10:29:40 PM
I have one and it is DA BOMB!!  I love the thing.  I don't have the shingle belt, just the regular one, and I use it to make clapboard siding and breakdown flat sawn to thinner material.  One thing you need to do is fabricate infeed and outfeed tables to go with the unit to get superior results, otherwise you are trying to hand support both sides and the band won't saw true.  I just fabricated them out of wood and it works fine. 

The production you can get through these is impressive - more than double what you can saw as the band is always in the wood, just keep feeding new boards in and pulling the cut ones off.  1200 linear feet per hour with two people is not a problem for the saw - it's more of a problem for the people if you don't have an efficient material handling setup in place. 

I am looking at / thinking about getting a larger / faster saw, won't be right off, but the day is coming.  When I do I will keep my 35 and it will be a dedicated re-saw machine.  I am quite sure a guy can saw double thick on the primary breakdown saw and then feed the off boards right into one of these re-saw units and be well ahead of where he would be just sawing to target size.  Obviously I am talking about production sawing here, grade might be another issue. 

They are very simple to install and operate.  I put in a unique plug onto my drive motor and the same male side onto the re-saw so there is no way to plug one in backwards when switching from the drive motor to the re-saw belt motor.  Takes maybe 5 minutes to set the thing on your mill deck, tighten the bolts that hold it in place, plug it in and go.   
Title: Re: WoodMizer resaw attachment
Post by: Magicman on January 11, 2018, 07:38:32 AM
Paul Case has one and maybe two that are not being used.
Title: Re: WoodMizer resaw attachment
Post by: D6c on January 11, 2018, 01:46:38 PM
Thanks for the replies....nothing definite yet on my possible uses for the attachment, was just wanting to know if it worked well.
Sounds like it's easy to install and hook up....and will put out quite a bit of work.

I like the idea of finding a used one if I get to the point where I'm ready to go ahead.