The Forestry Forum

Sponsor News => Bluecreeper => Topic started by: Weekend_Sawyer on January 26, 2018, 11:07:42 AM

Title: Another Bluecreeper Testament
Post by: Weekend_Sawyer on January 26, 2018, 11:07:42 AM
Iv'e been working on this old band saw that belonged to my father.
It's been sitting in the basement on the dirt floor for over 50 years.
My brother is pretty sure he "acquired" it from the University of Maryland sometime in the late 60's
The only thing I know for sure about it is that it's an old Delta.


Ok, I sure could use a band saw in my budding woodworking shop so I drug it out, cleaned 50 years worth of cobwebs and dust off of it and started going over it. It is all there and when I hit the switch darn if it didn't fire up! The only real problem was the guide rollers were stuck and the adjustments for the guides and rollers were stuck.

I brought out my trusty bottle of Bluecreeper and after some tapping and rapping had the lower bearing working again and the adjustment knobs spinning.

Here's an after shot of one of the adjustment knobs. I didn't take a before shot as I expected to have to throw it away and find a new one. Nope, it's working fine now!


Bluecreeper, great stuff!
Title: Re: Another Bluecreeper Testament
Post by: breederman on January 26, 2018, 08:35:06 PM
That reminds me.....i need to order more.
Title: Re: Another Bluecreeper Testament
Post by: Tam-i-am on February 06, 2018, 03:32:10 PM

thanks for the pics and great testimonial!  Glad you were able to get it working!