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Skookum snatch block rebuild question

Started by Jdz, June 24, 2019, 06:15:23 PM

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 I am putting a skookum snatch block back together but I cannot get the holes for the hook on the top to line up properly. I've taken it apart and put it back together at least 10 times and I still cannot get them right. Right now they are off by about 1/4". Any idea what I am getting wrong? 

Old Greenhorn

First, welcome to the Forum!
 Hard to tell in that photo, but I think that's an older style block that you are rebuilding? (Good on ya, they are good stuff) DO you have a wider shot from the same angle? I am thinking maybe you are tightening the sheave bolt too much. Try backing off on that, then put the top bolts in, then see how much you can take up on the sheave bolt. I don't see the hook on that photo, so a wide shot would help us help you.
Good luck.
Tom Lindtveit, Woodsman Forest Products
Oscar 328 Band Mill, Husky 350, 450, 562, & 372 (Clone), Mule 3010, and too many hand tools. :) Retired and trying to make a living to stay that way.  NYLT Certified.
OK, maybe I'm the woodcutter now.
I work with wood, There is a rumor I might be a woodworker.


I'll get a better picture in a while. I wanted to get a close up so y'all knew what I was talking about.
It is an old one. I saved it from the scrap yard a few years ago.

Seems like having the sheave nuts backed off leaves too much slop in the block. It has a nut on each side and you have to spin the side pieces to tighten the nut so I cannot tighten it once the bolts are in the top. 

I'll get some more pics


I tried a few more times, no luck. I tried indexing the nuts in different positions and that seemed to make things tighten up in better positions but still no alignment for the hook holes.

Here are some extra pictures so you can see what I'm working with. There is no sheave bolt, it is just a pin with nuts on the end that you tighten by turning the side plates so I can't put the bolts in first and tighten them down.



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