iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Animal damage to Doug Fir

Started by GJB1958, July 01, 2020, 10:24:28 AM

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Anybody ever see bear do this to a tree?  9 year old Doug Fir broken in half.   That was on two trees about 50 feet apart in the plantation.  
    This is in Western WA in an area with no elk close by.  I know that bear mark trees and peel bark, but I"ve never seen this kind of damage before.  I couldn't find anything on the web about this type of damage either so I'm wondering if it is a rare occurrence.  
    I'm wondering what you all might know about this type of damage.  
Thanks for any insight you can give.




I've heard that's a sign that Bigfoot is in the area.   ;D

I can't vouch for the veracity of that information though.  I'm not familiar with any animal damage that looks like that, but you have some wildlife that we don't have here.  It's an interesting puzzle.  I hope a definitive answer turns up.


Yes, I see this kind of damage on our trees in West Virginia.
Usually fruit trees but they seem to like to do it to any tree.

Our bears are like 250lb 3 year old children.

Imagine, Me a Tree Farmer.
Jon, Appalachian American Wannabe.


What I picture in my head is some cub about 30 lbs or so climbing up to about the 10 foot level before the stem fails under the load/shearing force on only one side.  
     It's endlessly frustrating  -  between four properties, 2 get a lot of damage from elk, deer, and beaver.  The other two had only been deer problems until I found this.....

Walnut Beast

The animals probably think the same thing when trees get cut down 😂😂😂

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