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Illegal Logging

Started by Walnut Beast, December 31, 2020, 01:18:59 AM

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Quote from: mike_belben on January 09, 2021, 12:36:09 PM
Getting tipped off is about the only way to stay ahead of real dirtbags out in rural areas.  Knowing everyone is pretty much critical. Full time job where i live.
It is impossible to get this across the the cityits who buy land upstate.


Praise The Lord


Recluse introverts in retreat of the big city life. Look out when they unwind.  :D
"No amount of belief makes something a fact." James Randi

1 Thessalonians 5:21

2020 Polaris Ranger 570 to forward firewood, Husqvarna 555 XT Pro, Stihl FS560 clearing saw and continuously thinning my ground, on the side. Grow them trees. (((o)))

Tom King

The funny thing to me is when they buy two, or three acres, and call it their "acreage".


Here they are still only buying parcels with nice camps on them, please do not give them any ideas there are some places I have my eye on ;D


Lucky for me ive got enough methheads to keep the cityiots out forever   ;D
Praise The Lord


Mike, as long as you can keep your whereabouts in question, then they never know if you're home or not. If they guessed wrong, just became the sheriffs new best buddy and you'll always have his 👂 That's not a bad thing in these days (if he's allowed to do anything about it) if he can help you to enforce what's right!
Trying harder everyday.


No idea what youre talkin about.  But youre on yer own where i live. 
Praise The Lord


Quote from: mike_belben on January 11, 2021, 02:53:11 PM
No idea what youre talkin about.  But youre on yer own where i live.
The problem with Blue Yodel is he is always home!


For the most part so am i.  But it doesnt matter anymore, i have dealt with all my enemies one by one.

Bad neighborhoods have prison rules because most of the residents have been formed atleast in part by a stretch in prison.  Everything is based on respect and fear, and how you respond when challenged.  Back down and youre a target.  Step up and handle it face to face, theyll mind you and respect your fences.  Now gang stuff is different, rival gangs are required to shoot on sight or by killed by their own people for failing to.

A hillbilly backwoods rough neighborhood is full of people who just like being free to do whatever they want.  If you let them take your stuff then thats one of the freedoms they really enjoy.  If you resist it, they arent free to do that and their path of least resistence nature generally causes them to move on to someone easier because free and easy livin with momma at 55 years old is what most of em are about.  Even if you lose a fight, you get respect for being willing to brawl if needed.  

If someone robs you, you have to go to THEIR house and go on offense, show that you know about them and are willing to invade their safe space like they did yours.   My godfather calls it law of the jungle.  A lion doesnt knock on a raccoons tree, he just enters because he can. When you walk up their driveway, youre displaying that same thing. Yes you can get shot but it hasnt happened to me yet and ive done a lot of this.  3 houses have been burned in disputes and one guy shot to death so im not playing with cowards. But Ive had semi loads of valuables just sitting in fields for years in two different places.  What choice was there but to be bold and play a strong offense?  I am responsible for guarding the timber on 2 different parcels where people routinely steal it, i cant be at both all the time.  One at a time you have it out with the sources of trouble and once you establish dominance, in the peace treaty you make it clear that you will hold them responsible for what their customers and friends do.  They will keep their transients in check.  And there are always transients passing through.

Some old quote i remember was 'peace through strength.'  Another was 'to have peace one must prepare for war.'  At peace treaties the winner is he who negotiates from a position of strength, not weakness.  I can offer you peace if you abide by my very certain terms, or i can deliver you destruction if my terms are ignored.  The opponent must believe you are capable of making war, and a good bluff is always acceptable until it gets called.   Ive got no debt, no job to lose and a loyal wife who will wait for me to get out after im done with you has been my message.   Thats how you can be gone for a week at a time in a meth hood and never lose anything.  2 years ago i [statute of limitations isnt over yet] a guy.  Now i tell him watch my stuff and we have peace.  They bring my mail back over when delivered there by accident, packages and all. We wave and chat about weather. Everyone happy.

Im not big or scary.  I dont carry a gun around, it just ups yours charges except under very narrow circumstances youll be unlikely to encounter. This is a psychological chess match that revolves around you making good on your word to do what you say youre gonna do.  If you cant do nothing about it thats fine, but dont SAY youre gonna XYZ and not deliver.   Know your strengths and weaknesses, and theirs.   You cannot be in a machine gun turret all day and night playing defense.  Youre enemies need to know that your offense game is something they never want to provoke.  
Praise The Lord


And most importantly, it is easy to kill someone you hate.  It is incredibly difficult to love them, but that is what the bible tells us to do.  Psalm 110 tells us to sit at the fathers right hand until he makes our enemies our footstool.  The most difficult and yet transformational thing i have ever done in my life is pray for my enemies.  You dont get His blessings until he gets your obedience. The bible also tells us rejected blessings bounce back on the sender.  So bless those who would spit in your face as often as you can. 
Praise The Lord

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