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Country Fair in Maine Disappointment

Started by Gere Flewelling, August 28, 2023, 04:28:20 PM

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Gere Flewelling

While on our annual vacation on China Lake in Maine, my wife and I spent most of the day visiting the Windsor Fair.  One of the nicest country fairs in New England. The first Monday of the fair is always the Woodsman's Competition in the pulling ring building.  We go to watch our son compete in the competition.  Always a good time with lots of spectators cheering them on.  I was disappointed though that for the second year in a row Woodmizer of Maine was not there with a display.  For many years they have displayed at least a couple mills and related equipment in an open area at the end of the Fair Association's antique circle saw mill building. They do several sawing demonstrations with that old mill every day.  There was always a crowd around that mill and around the Woodmizer mills (especially when they were sawing as well) that seemed to enjoy the old fashion as well as the modern approach.  There are other chainsaw carving demos as well as an operating shingle mill and blacksmiths shop.  Probably a legitimate reason that Woodmizer of Maine is not there, but they are missed.  I always enjoyed checking out their new stuff.  If anyone on the forum knows any of their guys, please encourage them to come back next year.
Old 🚒 Fireman and Snow Cat Repairman (retired)
Matthew 6:3-4


I know Ross well and am also a trustee of Windsor Fair.  When I spoke to Maureen in
June about some parts for my mill I asked if they were coming this year she stated they were not because they didn't have any mills to demo. The up to 18 month wait on mills is the issue I guess, they are still selling quicker than they can make them.

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