iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Steaming walnut

Started by Larry, January 07, 2006, 05:59:34 PM

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After researching and looking at a couple of steamers, think I can easily build one that will do 50 mbf...but I'm thinking about one that will steam 1,000 bf.

So, I'm wondering if anybody is steaming walnut on a small scale?  What kind of results and how did you make it?  Thinking about putting one together.

Got plenty of kiln space and dry walnut or a regular basis so that's not a problem.
Larry, making useful and beautiful things out of the most environmental friendly material on the planet.

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Wondering the same thing Larry.  I would like to steam a little, like a couple hundred at a time.

Timberking B-20, Hydraulics make me board quick

Den Socling

Find a source of steam and the rest is easy. How much steam? Not a lot IF you have the chamber well insulated.

Most companies just spray steam for 'x' number of hours. They learned the value of 'x' through experience. You can use the steam more efficiently by monitoring wood temperature and spray steam only when you need to bring temperature up.

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