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Poll: Garden

Started by Ron Wenrich, March 12, 2006, 07:27:33 PM

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Crikey bull, how many people are you feeding with all that?!?!

I said no garden, coz I'm in suburbia, and in a 'temporary house' although I've been here over a year...

Still waiting for Farmy...  THEN I'll have a garden!

Not sure I'll be able to have any Stone Fruit, though, same problem as Fred...  No frost here either :(

asy :D
Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake.
There cannot be a crisis next week. ~My schedule is already full..


  Dan , can you explain to me how you have past the time to put taters in , when I still got snow on the ground and wont be putting anything in for another 2 ½ months .  ???
A man does not always grow wise as he grows old , but he always grows old as he grows wise .



ASY, Im hoping Alot.  Im opening a small farm stand w/ my son, he needs a summer job and will be selling the rewards from the garden.. He's in a wheel chair and is having a hard time finding a job. We have always had a large garden and a small stand at the end of the drive way and put out the extra's w/ an honors system can.  Josh's best year w/ the can was around $1700.00 he believes he will be able to triple that by opening a stand and offering more. He also wants to sell Shavings, Hay and  Grain. We have a large Horse crowd in town "Yuppies" ! He's hoping to open their wallets... He will also be running my office and handling recieveables!


Good for you Bull, and even better for your son! My sons helped out at farmer's markets for years. They helped with the baking, packing, bagging, setting-up, tearing down, and dealing with customers. This did them a world of good. They knew they were helping the family, and so this made them feel important, they learned to deal with the public, count change, and generally every aspect of growing up. You will be amazed at how your son will grow and raise himself to the challenge. Good luck to you and him both! 8)
Women are Angels.
And when someone breaks our wings....
We simply continue to fly ........
on a broomstick.....
We are flexible like that.


That's so COOL!

Tell your son I'm proud of him.

Andrew and I have been talking about what my son will be able to do when we get to the farm. We'd like to get him to start some kind of small business along the lines of a veggie garden for sales to yuppie types, or a small tree farm of his own.

He has aspergers (a form of autism) and whilst not physically dibilitating, it's a 'hidden' disability, as people think he's 'normal' "Neurotypical" but he's not. He is doin' just fine, but some days are better than others. Being realistic, though, I don't think he's going to be able to hold down any sort of job working for someone else...

I hope it all goes really well.

Just out of curiosity, can your son drive a tractor? Do they make tractors with hand controls??? (Just thinking about when he has to expand his business!)

asy :D
Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake.
There cannot be a crisis next week. ~My schedule is already full..



A lot of us fit in that category - "able to hold down any sort of job working for someone else..."  :D

If I had been in school now, they would have surely wanted to drug me for being too something - I was a handful in school. Not so much as a trouble maker, but I would get bored while they repeated everything I had learned the previous year - I am not safe when I am bored!

My wife works very hard to make sure I am kept busy - it is better for everyone. I might go out and start a new business or something!

So, how did I end up here anyway?



Don't ever let anyone imply to you that your son won't be able to do almost anything he really wants to do. I personally have handicaps (no, not that one!), my eyes have difficulty focusing without effort. When I was in high school, I actually had problems finishing papers because of this.

Then I figured out that I don't have to focus that hard to read - I can read whole paragraphs at a time. So, I ended up learning to speed read. I still have problem reading at normal speed, but what fun is that?

Some of the most successful people in the world have obstacles to overcome - my best "hero" in this is Steven Hawkins. Most people with his diability would just assume they had nothing to offer - he is on the forefront of understanding how the universe works!

Being normal isn't all it is cracked up to be...  :D

P.S. I assume that you didn't even need me to say this being who you are, but I decided to say it anyway.  ;)
So, how did I end up here anyway?


Thomas Edison was kicked out of grade 3 because he was slow :D My favorite line is from Will Rogers "I was too ignorant to know it could not be done so I went ahead and did it " asy, don't let anyone tell your son no. I am sure he will do just fine.
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm


My son has osteogenisis Imprefecta  { brittle bones disease}  I don't know about driving a tractor he's a midget
3'2" 65 lbs... Bouncing around in a tractor might be a bit too much for him....  I've still got a few years left in me to do the tractor work and my daughter likes the tractor so its covered for now..


too much like work...
Who ever invented work didn't know how to fish.... Here fishy fishy....



It's your son staying in touch with you and sharing experiences that means the most in life.  What could be more gratifying than being smarter than Dad.  :D :D :D :D


   Feeding mangos to pigs..................THat's just wrong
World Champion Wildcat Sorter,1999 2002 2004 2005
      Volume Discount At ER
Singing The Song Of Circle Again


I would have to call mine average about 40X60 but I'm adding to it this year

Seed order was $ 70, the potatos order was 40, still have to decide on the blueberries and strawberries, that will  be anothe r$100 probably.

Planting lots of beans this year, Brother has  been having lots of folks asking him for dried beans so I''m planting

Black coco
Great northern
Jacobs cattle
Red Kidney
Red mexican.

Wifes going to put them mixed in jars for a soup mix

two varietys of green beans

4 of carrots

2 of cucumber

5 of letucces

2 Of peas

2 of peppers

Summer squash

3 differnat tomatos

2 of watermellons

No sweet corn this year, still hav elots form last year  :D
but I am planting purple corn and fire corn for inian corns, in fact they are started all ready inside.

Rest of the seeds should be here today or tomorrow and I can get the rest of this stuff started.

Have to go up to the green house and pick up my irrigation system, they changed to a differant style and I'm getting all the tubing and feeders for free.

Have the PH levels check all ready and lime and cotton meal spread to balance those out.
The organic fertilizer, and fish emulsion is bought, I'm as ready as I can be.
Breezewood 24 inch mill
Have a wooderful day!!


I'm with Marcel.  Taters are kinda hard to grow in snow... :o :o :D  Gonna have to wait until atleast the first part of May here.  On a normal year we put in on average of 5000 hills of Norlands, Yukon Gold, Russet Burbank,  Banana's, as well as a few others and about the same size of an area with the rest of the garden veggies.  We sell alot of our product at local farmers markets and through the Bargain Hunter.  Our average input costs for the gardening bit runs in the $2000-2500 range with end results to near $10,000.  Not too bad for Hillbilly Organic Gardens which we have as a Division of Stove Creek Ventures. ;D
Norwood Lumbermate 2000 w/Kohler,
Husqvarna, Stihl and, Jonsereds Saws


MMMM I could make a meal with those Yukon Golds and butter. For the uninitiated, the flesh is yellow and are one of the best I have ever tasted. 8)
old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm