iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Too much?

Started by Linda, March 22, 2003, 07:19:38 PM

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I had a Harley and a few rice burners and just having two wheels and the power was the thrill of it. I rode from when I was 16 till I had an accident in a car of all things at the age of 26 and I can't ride ever again.



I just love the "get up and go" of the interceptors. ;D  It seems like you are just starting to have fun accelerating when you realize you are already well over the speed limit and have to slow down. :(  

They aren't very comfortable for long rides though.  I bet that Road King is great for that.

Al and I met at our local Honda shop (we both worked there at the time).

Wood-Mizer 2012 LT50HDE25


That's just what I bought it for. I rode to Florida on my 1978 Superglide, stopped in Ocalla HD for a bolt and rode home on the 03' Road King, truley a spur of the moment thing. I have no regrets.
Imagine, Me a Tree Farmer.
Jon, Appalachian American Wannabe.


"Everybody was gone when I arrived but I decided to stick around until I could figure out why I was there !"


Nice lightning Charlie :)
I used to have a few of those along with a couple Norton Commandos, a BSA B50MX, and an assortment of Triumphs.  All that is left is my wifes 1966 TR6SR Triumph.  I would post a pic but it is in bits as I get it ready for the upcoming season.  I will add it to my list of pics to post here some day. ;)
One With Wood
LT40HDG25, Woodmizer DH4000 Kiln


ElectricAl and Linda,

Back in 1988 BK (BK means Before Kids), Becky and I took
a trip touring South Dakota and Wyoming on our iron ponies.
At that time I had a Kawasaki Spectre and Becky had
a BMW R65LS.   Another friend went along with
his Honda NightHawk.  In Yellowstone Natl Park we
teased Becky that BMW stood for Buffalo Move Way.

That was a trip that we will never forget and we thoroughly
enjoyed ourselves.  We spent one of the nights in Sheridan,
Wyoming.  At that time Sheridan was overrun with domestic
rabbits.  There were hundreds of them all over town and
dozens of them dead on the streets.  I asked one of the locals
what was going on.   It seems that one guy had been raising
them in hutches inside of the city limits and some people complained so the city told him that he had to get
rid of them and in spite he turned them loose. Well it seems
that the little critters were pretty prolific.   :o

When I was in India the streets were filled with thousands
of 100cc Kawasaki Bajaj and Honda Hero motorcycles.
Those two models are only made in India for that market.
I saw a family of four riding on one of those bikes. Dad
was driving, with a  7 year old son straddling the gas tank,
a 10 year old daughter behind him and his wife side saddle
in her sari dress on the back.  When I got home I was
telling people that it was the Indian version of the four person
family sedan. Some of the engineers at work from the same city said that many times they have seen five people on one bike as the mother is sometimes holding a baby.  All of this
was in 115 F temperatures.   :D
I also lots of Royal Enfield's
blue by day, orange by night and green in between


They still build Royal Enfields in India using the old 1960's design and specs.  There is a dealer in Faribault, Minnesota that sells the India made Royal Enfield. One would be fun to have except I'm not to sure about their quality. Also, they don't have much horsepower and don't go to fast. ::)
"Everybody was gone when I arrived but I decided to stick around until I could figure out why I was there !"

Mark M

Here is a little BMW I saw last spring. Cab, windshield wipers, rollbar, and seat-belt - the whole 9 yards.


How did you fit in that little rental when you toured Bavaria?
Did you smush your hat on the rollbars?
Did you rent one for everyone in the family or did
you go four up on that Beemer?   :D :D :D

P.S.  Do you know the origin of the term the whole nine yards?
blue by day, orange by night and green in between


O NO  the nine yards thing is a real can of worms  about 5 different I swear its true stories
James Mills,Lovely wife,collect old tools,vacuuming fool,36 bdft/hr,oak paper cutter,ebonic yooper rapper nauga seller, Blue Ox? its not fast, 2 cat family, LT70,edger, 375 bd ft/hr, we like Bob,free heat,no oil 12 years,big splitter, baked stuffed lobster, still cuttin the logs dere IAM

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