iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Lack of time

Started by Dale Hatfield, August 09, 2007, 12:15:50 AM

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Dale Hatfield

At this point in time i wish i could tell everyone how great the skillmill is. But i cant, It looks great, all set up and have everything ready for the big push.
But i have been so crazy busy Im pretty sure I passed myself last week.
The carving biz is in full swing ,.times 5. Been carving sand as well as wood. Doing alot of onsite work (tree stumps) as well as show /fairs and festivals. I was in Tenn. and Wyoming last week with a whole 7 hours at the house between trips. I have the next 2 weeks full here in the shop and onsites some in Maryland.Plus the dog gone phone wont stop ringing. Im too stupid to say no.Or I cant right now, can you hold off till winter.
Seams like I need 2 of me plus somebody to steer this runaway train.
I never dreamed that 5 short years ago this hobby would turn into a full fledge work like a dog job. Dont get me wrong I love it , as well as having the income. But DanG  I figgerd it would be slow with gas on the rise and moragte rates and defaults on the rise.
Here is a good one for ya  sad but true Last month I had to buy thats right buy 2 inch slabs because their was no way i had time to make my own.
I think I may have found a cheap mix to make log end sealer. After a heated discussion at wallyworld with paint counter person.  I wanted Mcloskys log oil  not in stock. Ok when (IM sorry havent been here for 2 weeks )So when  can i expect it to be in. I dont carry that(.You dont carry that because i bought all you had 2 weeks ago) Dang ok then can you make the clear a color. (yes what color ? ) Black (pick a color  sample) I said Black just make the can black I dont need a shade or anything close to black .Just black.(ok) Mixed and served with a smile. I applied to carved bears only to have the Crap turn to wax. Seams like She added latex Black to oil based black. That crap wouldnt strip off with mineral spirits. Wouldnt burn off with  torch. So ifin ya need end sealer Tweak off the paint couter person at wally world just dont apply to a  bench you intend to sell.. Seams to me it was like 14 bucks a gallon.
Game Of Logging trainer,  College instructor of logging/Tree Care
Chainsaw Carver


 :D :D :D  The brains of some people just amaze me how they can even hold a job.  You ask for something you know they handle and they tell you they don't.  Sounds like that clerk had the brains of a flea..... no wait, must have been a tick  cuz all he/she was there for was the paycheck and not to help someone out. :D :D :D

Sounds like it would work as end sealer.  Might just have to try that out sometime. ;)
Thanks for the tip.

Norwood Lumbermate 2000 w/Kohler,
Husqvarna, Stihl and, Jonsereds Saws

Dodgy Loner

Interesting observation, Dale.  Thanks for reporting it to us.  Sounds like it might be a good way to get rid of some of the old paint that's been cluttering our shed for way too long :).
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