iDRY Vacuum Kilns


Gas Cans

Started by Dugsaws, April 03, 2003, 08:54:02 PM

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Tom, was that gas or diesel   :D


Sometimes it doesn't matter. :D

If you're going to blow yourself up into little teeny weeny pieces, what difference does it make what you use. :D :D


Jeff's comment about heating gas on a stove, reminds me of a terrible incident that happened in our local comunity about 30 years ago. A little girl was severly burned over almost her entire body including her face. She was in her pajamas, they where litteraly burned off her body. It seems the father was boiling a carberator in a pan of gasoline on the kitchen range, resulting in the terrible incident. That little girl is my sister-in -laws sister.
I am a true TREE HUGGER, if I didnt I would fall out!  chet the RETIRED arborist


You guys are starting to get off the topic so I might as well help.
   Several years ago I left my hired hand instructions on how to clean some grease off of a truck transmission in preperation of removal. I was going to be out of town most of the day. I told him to use a scraper and brush to put deisel on it and just to stay after it.
   When I returned that afternoon, I was flagged down and told my guy was at the doctors office. I imediatelly went to the docs office and found my employee with burns on his legs. After he was attended to and settled down he was able to tell me what happened.
   Seems the deisel just wasn't getting the job done on the grease removal so he switched to gas. Getting bored with the whole thing, he decided to attack the red ant den nearby. He took the 5 gallon gas can with him. He poured some gas down the hole and then decided to pour a circle of gas around the den. Then his sign really started showing... ;D
   After pouring the circle of gas, he sat the can inside the circle (where he was) and struck a match. In the split second before match met gas, he realized that the gas was not in a very good he tried to kick it out of the way. And as Paul Harvey says,,,,,,"And now you know the rest of the story."

 :D  :D  :D




   Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion
   Generaly takes quite a bit of fuel,but always makes an awful mess
World Champion Wildcat Sorter,1999 2002 2004 2005
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Singing The Song Of Circle Again


Hey Tom,
Was that Brother Dave Gardner? If so I haven't heard from him in years
World Champion Wildcat Sorter,1999 2002 2004 2005
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Singing The Song Of Circle Again


Dail_h the opperative word is generally,   :-/   I would hate to be injurred or killed by the exception.  
I am a true TREE HUGGER, if I didnt I would fall out!  chet the RETIRED arborist



    DANG<DANG<DOUBLE DANG >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(#$$%% $%%^%% *&^#@   durned computer did the same thing to that that it did with Paul's flying logs .If that was about raisins I'm going to be really mad,might say bad words,probably stomp my foot,may even say SPIT! ;D ;D ;D
World Champion Wildcat Sorter,1999 2002 2004 2005
      Volume Discount At ER
Singing The Song Of Circle Again

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