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Where to purchase Log Home Plan

Started by wkheathjr, December 08, 2008, 04:57:46 PM

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Called few Log Home Retailers about the plan I really liked to see if I could purchase it from them and mill my own logs to build log home myself... None of them would sell it without selling the kit.  That sucks!

So.. do anyone have any idea where I could buy a log home plan without having to buy a kit??  Some of you might suggest CAD but I am not very good with CAD.  I tried using CAD and it got too complicated that I uninstalled the program and forget about it.  Maybe the CAD software I tried is too advance or you know of more simple CAD program?  I don't know.

I am looking for something in 1500sqft ballpark and must have a 360 degree porch (all around the house) as to prevent too much exposure to exterior weather.  Battle Creek Log Homes had two plans I really like very much but wont sell the plan.  :(

Thanks in advance for answering!


I'm in the process of getting ready to build a log home out of eastern red cedar logs. I had an architect come up with the plans. The nice thing about that is, I can get it done the way I want. Its going to be maybe 2000-3000 dollars for the plans. Thats for an 1800 square foot main floor plan, with a loft and full basement/garage. Compared to what the log home companies want, it looks like the cost overall for the house will be a lot more reasonable than their kit homes.


Do you have plans for sealing the Eastern Red Cedar?   Man!   Have you ever opened a closet that was lined with that stuff and then had the doors shut for a week?   It'll knock you back to the other side of the room.  :D :D



I'm not sure I'm willing to cough up that much of money for the plan.  I was in touch with a guy who can get plan that will get permit no problem.  He quoted $750 for the whole plan including electrical, HVAC, plumbing, etc.  I sent him email last night and he replied few hours ago saying he haven't done a plan on log home, but that his uncle and cousin has experience in building few log homes that he thinks he can use their expertise to help draw up the plan.  It's to my understanding he uses AutoCAD so this would help.

I havent asked my cousin who is an architecture yet because he drew up couple of plans for my business and didn't charge me anything.  I just don't feel right asking him and have him take out his busy time drawing a plan for me.  I might do that but I guess I have to work up a nerve to do that first. LOL!


      i am looking at a booklet titled vacation homes and log cabins  it has 16 complete plans it is prepared by the us dept of agriculture  it is copyright 1978 by dover publications inc 31 east 2nd street mineola ny 11501 it should be close to what you are looking for use theirs and alter to suit yourself could also be possible to get it from usda  hope this helps  8) 8) :)



I hadn't planned on spending that much for plans either. I ran into the same problem-the log home companies want to sell you their homes, not work with you on yours. Even the contractors seemed bewildered when I told em what I wanted to do. It seems like the choices I had were trying to build it by myself or having a log home kit contractor put it up-at 170 to 200 dollars a square foot. I had originally planned on cutting the logs myself, but I can't find the logs logged out locally, I dont have the time to log them myself, and we are running the mills as fast as we can as it is. I also discovered I could buy them out of missouri or arkansas about as cheap as I could cut them anyway. Finding someone that could install them that knew what they were doing was another problem, but I might have that finally taken care of. In the end, I think I can get the logs and labor at a reasonable price, plus use the plans to incorporate a lot of lumber off of our mill for flooring, beams, deck, etc.

Tom, that thought has crossed my mind. It seems to me that eastern red cedar eventually loses its smell, but then I've never lived in a home completely surrounded by it. Its on my list of things to worry about- its getting to be a long list.


wkheatherjr, ask him anyway. Then show him a $1000.00 and ask him if that is ok. If he takes it then you have paid. All debt's cleared, except the goodwill. That way you are not asking for something for nothing and he is still "giving" you anything. More like "professional courtesy".

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